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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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Jul 5, 2012
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LAHORE: Around 100 houses belonging to the Christian community were vandalised and burnt by a mob in Badami Bagh area of Lahore on Saturday over alleged blasphemy committed by a Christian man, reported Express News.
SSP Operations Suhail Sukhera and the SHO of Badami Bagh were also reportedly injured when the mob pelted a police party with stones.
On Friday, a mob of almost 3,000 people forced the Christian community to flee for their lives, leaving behind their houses and possessions unprotected.
The charged group had gathered around Joseph Colony on Noor Road, led by Shafiq Ahmed, who was in search of the accused Savan, alias Bubby. The mob then attacked Savan’s house, setting it on fire and pelting it with stones. Other houses in the locality – home to about 150 Christian families – were also attacked. Many residents, including women and children, hastily fled to save themselves.
Savan has been arrested and shifted to an undisclosed location.

WTF is happening in Lahore ??

P.S. I know Indian opening Thread on Pakistan's issues is not allowed but this is something insane !!

Is this an example of how Pakistani's are a tolerant bunch? Or people who have been fed with Islamic bigotry since their very birth? Pakistani's who hate people of every other religion and will kill them at the slightest real or imagined provocation?

Because this is not an isolated example, this is happening all over Pakistan in different forms.
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Wow even i just saw it on tv and you posted first, you must have a fetish for bad news related to Pakistan.....

The fact that i am now even ashamed to call myself a Muslim and understand the misery that Muslims all over the world are suffering from is due to our own bidding. We have fallen so low that even God Almighty has put us on ignore. We really to stop being animals and become human being first before we attempt to become "Momeneen".

Please stop this moronic barbarianism, The Lord says to investigate and than act. I am sure there must be nothing behind the Alleged blasphemy and even if there is, only the culprit should be punished, why burn down the whole community?
well now this is realli sick and some times when i hear ..How can a muslim do this to a muslim = i think in pakistan it means it is fine if he does such barbasism to non muslims
well in a country where its minister is killed by such crazy people and the lawyers of the same country shower such hooligans with flowers no wonder such things keep repeating themselfs in Pakistan ...so much for Land Of The Pure lolzzz
such incidents are done by not local people but by the power full land mafia groups to capture the land around such incidents happend in karachi in Bolton Market , At raiwind by the power ful people they use sentiments of people for their own use .
As long as the blasphemy law remains and policing/ law and order situation remains.
Things like this will continue.

Who would do such a thing?
Damn them to hell.
what a moronic attitude.... mobs always been dangerous.... these mob's should be shoot at sight.... let it be in any country... all those b@stards who mind is evill go to do bad things by using mass...
This has nothing to do with blasphemy laws, if people believed in them they wouldnt be resorting to mob justice......there is no need for this "blasphemy laws are blah blah" mantra. These hooligans clearly donot understand the true values of Islam and are driven by their sheer ignorance.
Christians should flee to US or Europe, what are they doing in jurasic park ??
One easier but bitter option would be to convert if they value their life.
100 homes..... Thats sick? Destroying livelihood of 100 * 4= 400 people on road.

Govt should give total assistance to rebuild their lives.
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There are a 100 Christian households in Pakistan??? I thought most were killed or put in jail or have fled the country :undecided:

Kinda a insensitive, but all you Pakistani's have lost your moral high ground to talk about India's minorities. :)
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