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Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns 100 Christian homes in Lahore

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people like you inspire me to write a very long list of faults and blackholes in your country/society...
will you stop acting all holy and look in the mirror?

Instead of thanking him for caring about the direction Pakistani society is taking, you want to attack him? - Instead of being grateful you would rather be hostile - I really think ou are seeing this in the wrong light - being defensive is not going to help us.
Instead of thanking him for caring about the direction Pakistani society is taking, you want to attack him? - Instead of being grateful you would rather be hostile - I really think ou are seeing this in the wrong light - being defensive is not going to help us.
no...i cannot be thankful to opportunists who wouldn't miss any opportunity to try and put us in the dog house...
Message is...mind your own business,too much dirt in your house,try clearing that first before trying to pose all holy...

trying to end or distort Islam as a religion and trying to make us feel ashamed of our great religion isn't going to work either...
@JonAsad Actually One is a Known to People, Other only few people see but its also equally Dangerous.

Both may make each other rise and if the clash of these ideologies happens, we can have worst possible outcome.

So I don't want them to cancel out each other, just simply removed.
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It is- but in context how many times it resulted in creating a nation-
If that ideology is to be set as an benchmark then there is no need for 196 or so countries-
Only Christian- Muslim- Hindu- Jew et all country would be enough-

2 - in past 60-70 years with more than 20 Million dead and Million more suffering .

Nation are basically created on linguistics as language mostly define a lot about ethnicity.

Most religion preach imperialism/nationalism of some culture covertly[which in most cases foreign] Which makes organized religions somewhat closer to the newborn ideologies like nazism commies etc.

There is a constant war between hardline ideologies and native culture,whenever the former succeed world pays the price.
no...i cannot be thankful to opportunists who wouldn't miss any opportunity to try and put us in the dog house...
Message is...mind your own business,too much dirt in your house,try clearing that first before trying to pose all holy...

trying to end or distort Islam as a religion and trying to make us feel ashamed of our great religion isn't going to work either...

Be fair, the people who put us in the Dog house are the religious extremists and their political allies -- Who are the ones distorting Islam?? I know you know better
Did they take out the bibles before burning the homes?
If not then I demand worldwide protests and burning of pakistani embassies.
Does that make me retarded? YES! Talk to the mirror.
Actually you asked a genuine question.

Are blasphemy laws applicable on Muslims if they disrespect someone else's religion ?

Is someone burns Bible, or Gita, will they be tried with same strict laws ?

Or is it just one way street ?
Did they take out the bibles before burning the homes?

I wonder how many homes have scriptures from multiple religions, burn my place you get 2 Bibles 2 Qurans and 5 Buddhist texts burn 100 homes in Pakistan i would guess you burn at least a few Qurans in the process.
So Wahabi Islam as a political force in Pakistan was a mistake??

I am accepting the claim by @Hyperion that Pakistani was subjected to a customized ideology, using Wahhabi Islam as a carrier, which has sown the seeds of intolerance and division. What I am saying is that, tomorrow, someone else can come up with a different carrier and use ethnicity, language, or a host of other characteristics to sow division and intolerance.

So, instead of focusing on a particular carrier -- Wahhabi Islam in this case -- let's focus on the core issues of intolerance and divisiveness. Let's focus on building a narrative of what we are -- Pakistaniat -- rather than what we are not.

I am not a fan or enemy of Wahhabi Islam; what I do know is that, by attacking Islam (in whatever form) we will most certainly play into the hands of the extremists and risk alienating many people. The extremists will make sure that we are portrayed as Western-sponsored enemies of Islam.

Rather than letting the extremists set the agenda (what is the true Islam?), let us set the agenda (what is Pakistaniat?)

P.S. I am making a distinction between overt and covert ops. I agree that, covertly, we should snip all streams of malevolent indoctrination, whatever their source, and bring all troublemakers to account, but our overt message should be 100% positive, focused on Pakistaniat.
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Be fair, the people who put us in the Dog house are the religious extremists and their political allies -- Who are the ones distorting Islam?? I know you know better

The people who put us in the dog house were the shortsighted rulers who did not see beyond they palace gates.
Extremism was the natural result of the breakdown of society.

we have to address the root cause, which is corruption and lack of social mobility.
once you have a functioning society extremists will be pushed down to the margins.
This was done by PPP goons.

Zardari is taking potshots at Punjab government.

It's all politics by sick men that will go to any length.
Actually you asked a genuine question.

Are blasphemy laws applicable on Muslims if they disrespect someone else's religion ?

Is someone burns Bible, or Gita, will they be tried with same strict laws ?

Or is it just one way street ?

Of course not, we are theshit!

This was done by PPP goons.

Zardari is taking potshots at Punjab government.

It's all politics by sick men that will go to any length.

That may be true and probably plays to the much speculated delay in elections until September theory.

But people who did it were not really goons, it was a mob of people. The police who sat back and did nothing were not even under PPP command.

The people of Pakistan are motivated to do wrong things constantly by their perverted sense of religiosity and it must be addressed. Blasphemy requires us to do nothing, its just words, if we allow words to hurt us then we are declaring officially we are weak and pathetic and guess what? We are. We get slapped around by just about anyone.
The people who put us in the dog house were the shortsighted rulers who did not see beyond they palace gates.

I agree with both you guys and also accept @muse point that foreign powers are using Pakistan as a playground for their regional agenda.

The fact remains, however, that ultimately it is our leaders who open up this playground for them. We have little control over foreign governments or individuals, but we do have more control over who runs this country and how.

So, instead of railing impotently at the evil Amreekis or the evil Arbis or the evil EyeRanians, let us set our house straight and the evildoers of the world will find some other playground.
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I am accepting the claim by @Hyperion that Pakistani was subjected to a customized ideology, using Wahhabi Islam as a carrier, which has sown the seeds of intolerance and division. What I am saying is that, tomorrow, someone else can come up with a different carrier and use ethnicity, language, or a host of other characteristics to sow division and intolerance.

So, instead of focusing on a particular carrier -- Wahhabi Islam in this case -- let's focus on the core issues of intolerance and divisiveness. Let's focus on building a narrative of what we are -- Pakistaniat -- rather than what we are not.

I am not a fan or enemy of Wahhabi Islam; what I do know is that, by attacking Islam (in whatever form) we will most certainly play into the hands of the extremists and risk alienating many people. The extremists will make sure that we are portrayed as Western-sponsored enemies of Islam.

Rather than letting the extremists set the agenda (what is the true Islam?), let us set the agenda (what is Pakistaniat?)

P.S. I am making a distinction between overt and covert ops. I agree that, covertly, we should snip all streams of malevolent indoctrination, whatever their source, and bring all troublemakers to account, but our overt message should be 100% positive, focused on Pakistaniat.

Not so fast - first of all intolerance and divisiveness is not what Islam is about BUT it is what Wahabism is about - It's VERY important to NAME the enemy, Very important to IDENTIFY what is objectionable and what is carryng this objectionable message.

To argue on one hand that one is no fan of Wahabism and on the other hand to suggest that to Name and Identify Wahabism as objectionable is to attack Islam, seems to me, as less than honest, we can't appear to be seen as speaking from both sides, it robs us of credibility and it insults peoples intelligence.

See, if Unity, tolerance, pluralism, an acceptance of the reality that there as many ways to get to God as there are Faithful, that love of Humanity is love of God, that Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness are the well spring of Redemption, IS Islam, who would object?? See ideas Matter, because ideas are VALUE Laden, we accept and promote some values and MUST reject others as harmful as they are sacrilegious, misguided. Isn't this so??

Indeed, it is, and so we must not be afraid to NAME and SHAME and IDENTIFY that which we ASSERT is good and right and that which we ASSERT is Bad and Wrong - Wahabism is not the totality of Islam - and Islam is not some brittle fossil that cannot bear examination - Islam e Zinda = MussaIman e Zinda - in the present, Conscious and Decision making, responsible, not a automaton
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Of course not, we are theshit!

That may be true and probably plays to the much speculated delay in elections until September theory.

But people who did it were not really goons, it was a mob of people. The police who sat back and did nothing were not even under PPP command.

The people of Pakistan are motivated to do wrong things constantly by their perverted sense of religiosity and it must be addressed. Blasphemy requires us to do nothing, its just words, if we allow words to hurt us then we are declaring officially we are weak and pathetic and guess what? We are. We get slapped around by just about anyone.

No Sir Islam is clear about blasphemy who ever commits will be killed but we can't use that to burn houses of innocent people they are given full protection in Islamic State but the person who commits blasphemy he or she will not be spared
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