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Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp

You are wrong. As has been explained before, the motive, although unknown at this point of time, was definitely not religion. He did not invoke his God(s) during the massacre nor was there any indication that this was religiously motivated. Hence religion cannot be brought into the discussion. OTOH, whenever there has been a Muslim perpetrator of a crime, unfortunately, more often than not, there is a religious motivation behind the heinous acts. Hence religion comes to the forefront in such cases. One needs to make that distinction.

In this particular case, the killer was apparently extremely intelligent. According to some news sources he once presented some work on "temporal illusions" a study where human mind sometimes fails to distinguish between reality and fantasy - recollect the imagined characters of Dr Nash in the movie "A Beautiful Mind". The killer imagined himself to be the "Joker" from the Batman comics. His sense of reality was really distorted! In a weird and unfortunate way, he became the subject of his own study.
He became agent of Chaos and introduced some anarchy.

Good to see someone who liked "A Beautiful Mind"..:D

Its not a new phenomenon we have seen in this case. Many killers sometimes acted as agent of satan, killed people which they saw as devil etc. The delusional and schizophrenic nature of these people makes them do unusual things.

BTW great analysis buddy.....Spot on.
He was a spree killer guys, its nothing to do with his religious affiliation. Look at the number of serial killers and spree killers in US of A.

Should I start mentioning these killers with their religious background?

These are degenerate people, psychopath, sociopath and what not...giving it a religious angle is not right. Did we receive any news about why he attacked these people on basis of religion.

Are we going to compare them with Jehadis who are prepared on the basis of religion?

The OP doesn't have any knowledge of these type of people. Spicing up things, posting his irrational analysis and POV. This is really a sad state of mind to play religious game on death of 12 unlucky people.

What he did was an Act of Terrorism, so he is a terrorist

And you think all those who blow themselves in the middle of a mosque are not psycho????
What he did was an Act of Terrorism, so he is a terrorist

And you think all those who blow themselves in the middle of a mosque are not psycho????
Go through all the posts.

If someone who blow in the middle of a mosque was a poor or zealot, unemployed, got proper training and had will to do something on name of religion or anything else, makes his decision or by brain washing, and act for some AGENDA then you tell me what should I call him.

Read Gubbi's explanation, the perfect answer and think about it unbiased.
We will call those media insane too. most of the news channels are no better than cartoon channels to have utter exhilaration.

Yea but we are the educated minority. The uneducated masses would jump at something like this to further their all Muslims are terrorists beliefs.

I already said, such type of killers are too common in US. Look at their film industry and books, those who glorify these types of killers. They accept them as part of their society. I have said repeatedly there are almost 50 serial killers active in US at any time in US.

These killers are part of American culture. That's why people are not looking at religius angle. For god's sake look at such teenage spree killers that killed students in their schools. There is a significant list. IF your country posted here is right, you won't look at religious background.

Got my point. Bringing Islam in every second thread has become attraction seeking behavior by OPs and posters. You are indirectly developing prejudice against Muslims which is a shame.

The OP started the tread with a religious topic so I just said what he was basically insinuating and most Muslims would agree with me that if he was a Muslim or at this time an Iranian Muslim at that this whole situation would have been blown up in entirely different way.

:blink:Why if he would have been a Christian would his faith would have been high lighted by your media.

Yeah i agree in western media if a person is Muslim his faith would be highlighted by the media. That's there bread and butter you know by bringing paranoia they want to sell the news.

Yeah for Media money is key I would go as far as to say all media. Every part of the world has their boogeyman the respective media capitalizes on.

It doesn't matter if it did or not.. but the fact remains if he was Muslim..

The headline.. would be first targeting his religion.. but since he's a jew.. Hardly anyone knows about this.

The Jews own most of the media parent companies in the West. To mention their faith is taboo regardless if the crime had anything to do with their faith. Although in this case I would agree that it didn't.
These type of cases are more to be dealt with psychotic analysis, rather than looking at it through religious glasses. Recently an indian maoist was arrested, whose father was a retired judge and the youth studied in Indian Institute of technology,the most prestigious technical university in india. The person who blows up himself in the mosque, the person who uses the plane he is boarding as a guided missile and the indian maoist, all have one thing in common. Their normal thinking capabilities have been disabled by some doctrine sculptured on their brain. Religion is merely a tool to write those doctrines and should not be held responsible for everything.
Go through all the posts.

If someone who blow in the middle of a mosque was a poor or zealot, unemployed, got proper training and had will to do something on name of religion or anything else, makes his decision or by brain washing, and act for some AGENDA then you tell me what should I call him.

Read Gubbi's explanation, the perfect answer and think about it unbiased.

The only Agenda is terrorism my friend. And I can give many examples of where the Terorrist had nothing like you mentioned.
Unless he was screaming "Jahweh is great" while shooting, or murdered those people in the name of a Jewish cause, I don't see any relevance in mentioning 'his' religion as a motivation for the killing. Apart from the fact that working in a Jewish camp (kudos for the rich Jews who spent their money to underprivileged kids :agree:) does not actually make you a Jew.....

No, what we got here is a confused and ill resented young fella who has fallen from grace in society and was flipping burgers at a local McDonalds.....

Oh thee, so righteous one. Shove it up your _ _ _. I mean, PLEASE try to be naive when we can't see through you... You jelly fish.

Go through all the posts.

If someone who blow in the middle of a mosque was a poor or zealot, unemployed, got proper training and had will to do something on name of religion or anything else, makes his decision or by brain washing, and act for some AGENDA then you tell me what should I call him.

Read Gubbi's explanation, the perfect answer and think about it unbiased.

Krait, you're the only one to whom I shall grant benefit of doubt. As far as the rest are concerned on this forum, let the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ begin. :D

By the way, you have my vote for an Indian mod one day! :cheers:
Oh thee, so righteous one. Shove it up your _ _ _. I mean, PLEASE try to be naive when we can't see through you... You jelly fish.

Krait, you're the only one to whom I shall grant benefit of doubt. As far as the rest are concerned on this forum, let the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ begin. :D
By the way, you have my vote for an Indian mod one day! :cheers:
Thanks mate...!!!
How come we're not hearing about it?

just saying.


you are anti semitic, you will be prosecuted if you talked about this jewish conspiracy theory openly

Unless he was screaming "Jahweh is great" while shooting, or murdered those people in the name of a Jewish cause, I don't see any relevance in mentioning 'his' religion as a motivation for the killing. Apart from the fact that working in a Jewish camp (kudos for the rich Jews who spent their money to underprivileged kids :agree:) does not actually make you a Jew.....

No, what we got here is a confused and ill resented young fella who has fallen from grace in society and was flipping burgers at a local McDonalds.....

but a 9/11 terrorist crashed the plane while chanting allah hu akbar?? thus an izlamic terrorism?
The only Agenda is terrorism my friend. And I can give many examples of where the Terorrist had nothing like you mentioned.
I don't doubt that mate....but you have to read more about what I mentioned and American media. I am not saying it would have got more attention but if there wasn't any muslim touch to the news they still will give enough attention.

You will see articles from criminologists, psychiatrists, documentary, books and may be a film on it.....like they made with Dahmer.American people are fond of bizarre and unusual things. They love to watch violence as it is part of life.

They have special place for psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenic criminals. After few years you will say that this incident wasn't worth so much attention by American entertainment industry where as a suicide bomb blast that might happen tomorrow will be lost in time. This is the way it is.

A terrorist is one who slays innocents.

Enough said.
That means all the homicides should be termed as terrorist attack. Sir the reason/agenda behind the crime also matters.

What....? And I thought the thread was about 'Hitler' ! :disagree:
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