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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

WOW....... after 1,300 years , it's still a "temporary thing" ?

What happens to your "maratha pride" ? As hollow as your sanghi credentials ?

It was ALWAYS a temporary thing.

Why do you think we refuse to mix blood?

It was temporary when we came. Old men, women and kids.

But we got trapped when Iran converted en masse. And there was no going back.

Hopefully it will change in our lifetimes.

The signs are definitely there.

@Ziggurat “TepeSialk“ we are coming ....

Cheers, Doc
It was ALWAYS a temporary thing.

Why do you think we refuse to mix blood?

It was temporary when we came. Old men, women and kids.

But we got trapped when Iran converted en masse. And there was no going back.

Hopefully it will change in our lifetimes.

The signs are definitely there.

@Ziggurat “TepeSialk“ we are coming ....

Cheers, Doc

I think I have already proven with the use of Genetic markings that you DO NOT HAVE PURE BLOOD :devil:

So why continue to repeat this lie ?

Your men married Gujarati tribal girls and settled down in Gujarat.

More men than women on that boat which arrived.

I was under the impression your wife was part marathi blood ?
I think I have already proven with the use of Genetic markings that you DO NOT HAVE PURE BLOOD :devil:

So why continue to repeat this lie ?

Your men married Gujarati tribal girls and settled down in Gujarat.

More men than women on that boat which arrived.

I was under the impression your wife was part marathi blood ?

I'm just being honest with a fellow Indian.

Did you guys really think you will maginalise non Hindus and not reap a wave of alienation?

We will be patriots till the end.

But the end is now near.

Cheers, Doc
Hindus have started to reclaim our glory.

When will parsis do the needful in Iran ? :)



What "glory" are you reclaiming? Re-naming cities in your own country?

Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence.

And all you got is renaming cities in remaining india to hindu names? Hell, even in the remaining reduced, broken-down, incompete "india" of today---Islamic population is rising while hindus are merely 75% :lol:

some "glory" right there.

Sorry mate, Islam humiliated and c*cked hindus and hinduism on permanent basis. There is no reclamation now. it's permanent, Alhamdulillah! No amount of self-masturbation and self-deceiving lies will compensate for that. We laugh at hindus using lines like "reclaiming our glory" while a full-fledged nuclear-weapons equipped Islamic Republic exists around Indus controlling Sindh and other ancient Hindu lands :lol:
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As If Muslims actually give a shit about anything that happens in India. You deformed ugly people are a sin on the world. You dotties can name it Bhaghawanabad, but I doubt any Muslim cares. You insecure bharti slum dogs do this type of thing to massage your ego which has been shattered for over a thousand years. :lol:
As If Muslims actually give a shit about anything that happens in India. You deformed ugly people are a sin on the world. You dotties can name it Bhaghawanabad, but I doubt any Muslim cares. You insecure bharti slum dogs do this type of thing to massage your ego which has been shattered for over a thousand years. :lol:
Thanks for admitting that Muslims residing in India are not Indians
Good, I support the change, Allahabad is not the right name for dirty cities of India, but can't you gangoos find a better name? Prayagraj? lmao.
Desi chutyapa has got to be the most needy and cringey on the planet.

What the goras did was to ensure that the game goes on and one side doesn't kill off the other prematurely.

Cheers, Doc
I'm just being honest with a fellow Indian.

Did you guys really think you will maginalise non Hindus and not reap a wave of alienation?

We will be patriots till the end.

But the end is now near.

Cheers, Doc

lol.... please spare me the gloom and doom horror show. :P

Sounds like "award wapsi" part 2 or "intolerance debate" part 2 ........ you know the drill.

Parsis are one of the MOST ELITE citizens in India. You guys has NEVER EVER seen the face of poverty or suffering that the vaste majority of HINDUS do everyday. Neither has anybody in your extended family or your past and present generation.

So LOL at your "sob story". Sell that garbage to some other smuck.

BUT I can see the butthurt when your Elite world comes crashing down to the level of the landless and homeless Hindus among whom you built your loft lives.

And that is just me being honest with a fellow Indian.
Thanks for admitting that Muslims residing in India are not Indians

Yeah they are not indians.

Do something about it? :lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You gutless hijray hindus can never have balls like superior global conquerers such as Muslims or Europeans. We erased hinduism from Afghanistan, North-Western subcontinent, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh....even though hindus were indigenous to these lands.

You hindus can not even touch Muslims who are increasing in population in india....the broken down, reduced, bastardized version of "india" that you have left today.

We erased hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh. From 25% after independence to merely 3% today!!! What could you hindus do? Nothing! :lol::lol::lol: No wonder your women like to jump on Muslim cawks


You can only kill a few for cow slaughter, rename your shitty cities, and drink cow piss.

No wonder Islamic conquests literally urinated on your faces throughout history and you couldn't do jacksh!t.
I'm just being honest with a fellow Indian.

Did you guys really think you will maginalise non Hindus and not reap a wave of alienation?

We will be patriots till the end.

But the end is now near.

Cheers, Doc

If Hindus were marginalizing type, Parsis would have been wiped from the face of this earth.

It's precisely because Hindus don't marginalize, we have been wiped out from half of our lands.

Stop this fake narrative, none of the current generation hindus care for the lies.
We know what the facts & who the perpetrators are.

In fact the perpetrators are still continuing genocide of Hindus & we have seen how muslim all over conflict zones rushing to India even today - yeah, marginalizing my bottom.

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