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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

If your faith is strong enough, why should such tricks works ? If your faith is strong enough, why should it bother you if someone of another religion uses your god's name ? If a Catholic priest leave the Church because he hears someone down the street expresses his anger thus: 'Jesus H. Effing Christ...!$%!@$@#$@$#!!!' his faith is weak to start anyway.

If no one minding the store, my faith in my morality will compel me to keep walking and leave the jewelry and the stereos alone. Others may not be so strong and will take whatever they want. I may consider the store owner stupid but I would not place the blame on him for others' lapses of morality. Blames for giving in to temptation, be it about sex, stereos, or another religion, lies within. Too bad the Muslims are too weak to understand this. The results are these stupid laws, from whipping women who exposed some skin or Christians who uses the word 'Allah'.

I am not talking in abstract terms. The concrete reality is that unscrupulous missionaries use every trick in the book , including money, to lure poor, gullible villagers into their camps, so they can unload their sales spiel.

I have no problem with Christian (or any) missionaries being up front and saying "This is Jesus' message and please come in and hear us out". It's the underhanded tricks to which I object.
This is a step backwards.

@Developereo | Sir i have to disagree. The genesis of the word Allah can be traced back to the time of Prophet Moses PBUH. According to Islam, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same creator so why stop them from using the word Allah? - This is sheer discrimination from our perspective.

Dr Reza Aslan, explained it very well.

Allah is a word from the proto-Semitic languages. (Malaysian) Muslims have adopted it, as part of Islam, along with other Arabic concepts.

Malaysian Christians have not adopted any Arabic customs, so why 'Allah'?

The reason, as I explained, is for unscrupulous missionaries to try and fool gullible villagers.
I am not talking in abstract terms.
You are talking about religion so what else can you talk about ? How do you know your version of heaven is the true one ? How abstract can you get ? Your daily prayers are to who ? How do you know your version of God, aka 'Allah', is the true god of the universe, assuming there is one in the first place ? So how abstract can you get ? The Muslims claims that the three Abrahamic faiths worships the same God. Then why get so offended if a Christian use 'Allah' to describe this same God ?
You are talking about religion so what else can you talk about ? How do you know your version of heaven is the true one ? How abstract can you get ? Your daily prayers are to who ? How do you know your version of God, aka 'Allah', is the true god of the universe, assuming there is one in the first place ? So how abstract can you get ? The Muslims claims that the three Abrahamic faiths worships the same God. Then why get so offended if a Christian use 'Allah' to describe this same God ?

What I meant by 'abstract' in that context was referring to the way missionaries deliberately try to fool people into thinking they are joining Muslim prayers when, in fact, they are being led into a canvassing session for other religions.

The term 'abstract' v/s 'concrete' referred to the tactics used by missionaries. not about the content of their message. The use of these tactics is not an abstract possibility, it is a concrete fact.

PS. I agree that there are many innocent Malaysian Christians who would use Allah in an innocuous way, but it is also true that missionaries abuse it in the way I mentioned. It is unfortunate that a few bad apples have to spoil it for the majority. Perhaps a better solution is to allow 'Allah' for everybody and use some other means to regulate missionaries.
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didnt expected this from a country like malaysia :tsk:

and they call themselves truly asia.
Non-Muslims in India also use terms like MashaAllah, SubhanAllah and InshaAllah. This will be a bit difficult for Malaysian non-Muslims. Malaysia is also going down the bigotry road.
Non-Muslims in India also use terms like MashaAllah, SubhanAllah and InshaAllah. This will be a bit difficult for Malaysian non-Muslims. Malaysia is also going down the bigotry road.

lol even i here in mumbai use words like subhanallah and inshallah quite often while adressing to my fellow muslim frnds.
Good decision.

The court has first rightly understood their motives behind this clever trick.

Christian are sneaky intruders who to first stay relevant, and make a place among population of different religious groups appropriate their heritage, culture and even religious symbols and vocabulary. Once they become a majority and a political power they don't even grant a single public holiday for you to celebrate your religious processions. Then they are quite forthcoming with straight faces tell you that they are a christian state.

One should see how dumb Hindus have been losing to them in the name of secularism and political correctness.

Go and search Youtube and see how they spew venom against other's religious practices as witchcraft but do they same rituals of making people drink some holy water and many other incomprehensible symbolic nonsense to make them converts. They are even doing ''Bhajan and Keertan'', 'satsang' christian yoga and bharatnatya etc.
Malaysias top court is wrong here. Everyone is allowed to use the word Allah, God is for everyone.

That's right, even Egyptian Coptics utter this phrase during prayers.

باسم الله الآب، والله الابن والله الروح القدس.

So let me get it right, the Court basically tied Arabic language to Islam and reserved sacred words in Arabic for Muslims only? In addition to Allah, what about other sacred words in Arabic? Can non-Muslims use them? I am curious and want to read the court's reasoning behind the decision.

As to the Christians' motivation to use the word, that's sheer speculation and no MODERN court would even consider that. Plus, even if that's their motivation, there is nothing wrong since people have freedom of religion, well unless you consider those Muslims as stupid people that cannot even differentiate between Christian "Allah" and Islamic "Allah."

Plus, I am really confused! How many Gods do we have! lol this type of bigotry makes me firmly believe in Buddha's self enlightenment. Let your Gods duel each other out and we nonbelievers take care of ourselves.
i just cant believe that ..... LOLZ
Good decision.

Praying to 'Allah' is used by Christian missionaries to fool people into coming into their church and try converting them.

dont we believe in the same god ? what the difference between using "allah" or "lord" or "God" ?

jesus :D

if a muslims faith is so weak that he/she will convert to other religion by talking to other ppl from other religions , so be it . lol

a muslim , is a person who's faith and logic and knowledge is so strong that not even a an army of christians can make him convert by talking to him/her .

Our Lord "GOD" must be laughing his pants off at the sheer stupidity of his creation....:lol:

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