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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

My concern is the fact that Malaysia has a very eclectic religious life; some 60% of the people belong Islam, but another 20% are Buddhists, and another 10% are also Christians, and another 6% are Hindus . I can think of many reasons why some preachers , priests, gurus might convey a message of one-ness , a message of tolerance, and might emphasize that Brahma, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Allah are but names of the same One Creator. And now with this law, it can be used to criminalize it? Just my point of view. Also, a person has the right to listen to preachers, imams, gurus and find the beauty of the message, if a person is compelled to know more about a religion and convert, then is that so wrong? Its the beauty of free will, and the power of the Spirit of God...!

To quote scripture..."The Truth will set you free.."

Pointing out commonalities between faiths and promoting interfaith harmony is absolutely an excellent idea.

Even promoting your religion is fine.

As I wrote above, all I ask is that people should be honest about their intentions and not use deceitful tactics to mislead people.
Like I said, it's not a question of being afraid, but asking people to be honest about their intentions.

If you want to tell people about Jesus and Christianity, say so up front.

Don't say " come worship Ram" or "come worship Allah" when your intention is to convert them.

But, my friend, whether a Christian or Jew calls The Almighty as "Adonnai , Abba, Lord, Lord My God, Jesus Christ", it is the same when a Muslim utters the Bismillah. When a Christian praises God, or when a Jew prays to Adonnai , it is the same Lord of Lords that our muslim brother prays to and calls ALLAH.

Do you think ALLAH the most merciful, the magnificent holds disdain? He (ALLAH) is closer to us (all Humans) than even our Jugular vein!

But, my friend, whether a Christian or Jew calls The Almighty as "Adonnai , Abba, Lord, Lord My God, Jesus Christ", it is the same when a Muslim utters the Bismillah. When a Christian praises God, or when a Jew prays to Adonnai , it is the same Lord of Lords that our muslim brother prays to and calls ALLAH.

We are not discussing what people should believe or whom they should worship. Anyone should be free to worhsip whomever and whatever they wish.

The specific issue which led to this Malaysian ruling is that some extremist missionary organizations were deliberately using 'Allah' and trying to fool people into thinking they were discussing Islam when, in fact, they were proselytizing.

Once again, as long as people are honest about their intentions, they should be free to pray to whomever.
Did I say there are not any ?

Ever heard of Dr. Peter Rhee ?

Peter M. Rhee, MD, MPH | Department of Surgery
TRAUMA RED by Peter Rhee, Gordon Dillow | Kirkus

In a recent TV interview, Rhee wept for 6 US Marines he treated when he was on active duty. The event was 10 yrs ago and it still affected him emotionally. I doubt those six US Marines saw Rhee as anything other than a fellow American who they did not hesitate to trust with their lives.

The country that took me in is a far far better society than the one you are in.

I didnt have to run away from my country of origin. Damn proud of that fact.
I didnt have to run away from my country of origin. Damn proud of that fact.
Convert to Christianity and see...:lol:
Like I said, it's not a question of being afraid, but asking people to be honest about their intentions.

If you want to tell people about Jesus and Christianity, say so up front.

Don't say " come worship Ram" or "come worship Allah" when your intention is to convert them.

So what, if you don't want to be converted, then leave.
If You are converted, you can always change to another religion later.

There are of course those criminals against humanity, that believe that leaving a faith
for another one, is grounds for prosecution. Maybe You are one of that lot.

If people have a religion, just because of the way they were taught as kids,
and are not exposed to any other thoughts, then that religion has little value.
Only if You have made a choice based on many opposing views, and You
know why this choice is made, your choice has any value.
So what, if you don't want to be converted, then leave.
If You are converted, you can always change to another religion later.

There are of course those criminals against humanity, that believe that leaving a faith
for another one, is grounds for prosecution. Maybe You are one of that lot.

If people have a religion, just because of the way they were taught as kids,
and are not exposed to any other thoughts, then that religion has little value.
Only if You have made a choice based on many opposing views, and You
know why this choice is made, your choice has any value.

Reading and understanding the topic instead of making sermons will make you look less desperate.

The issue is not about conversions, but using deceptive tactics to lure people in. If the missionaries are honest, they should tell people that they are preaching for Christianity, not fool people into thinking they are talking about Islam.

Just because the Christian missionaries' tactics are indefensible is no reason for you to launch into pathetic attacks on Islam as a diversion.
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It's amazing how a whole bunch of anti-Muslim bigots are jumping all over this news without understanding what's going. The motivation for many of them -- who are well known Islamophobes on this forum -- is obvious.

The reality is that some small segments of Malaysian Christians were using Allah for some time and no one had an issue with that. However, over time, the Western missionary organizations full of cash from rich Western countries, have started massive programs of proselytizing using every dirty trick in the book. These missionaries even go as far as to call themselves 'muslim' and use 'pray to Allah' as a tactic to fool people.

This ruling is a reaction to these Western-sponsored rogue missionaries.

The Malaysian Christian community are unfortunate collateral damage due to the behavior of these Western missionary organizations.
It's amazing how a whole bunch of anti-Muslim bigots are jumping all over this news without understanding what's going. The motivation for many of them -- who are well known Islamophobes on this forum -- is obvious.

The reality is that some small segments of Malaysian Christians were using Allah for some time and no one had an issue with that. However, over time, the Western missionary organizations full of cash from rich Western countries, have started massive programs of proselytizing using every dirty trick in the book. These missionaries even go as far as to call themselves 'muslim' and use 'pray to Allah' as a tactic to fool people.

This ruling is a reaction to these Western-sponsored rogue missionaries.

The Malaysian Christian community are unfortunate collateral damage due to the behavior of these Western missionary organizations.

Hear the bigot, calling others bigot.

Christians are collateral damage of a repressive government.

Noone needs this kind of protection, and the fact that you say that Christians are harmed,
is enough to say that this is an unfair law.

Malaysia is pretending to be advocating freedom of religion, but is repressing Christians to "protect" Islam vs Missionaries.
According to your reasoning, Malaysia should be not allowed to claim that they are for freedom of non-Muslims.
Hear the bigot, calling others bigot.

Christians are collateral damage of a repressive government.

Noone needs this kind of protection, and the fact that you say that Christians are harmed,
is enough to say that this is an unfair law.

Malaysia is pretending to be advocating freedom of religion, but is repressing Christians to "protect" Islam vs Missionaries.
According to your reasoning, Malaysia should be not allowed to claim that they are for freedom of non-Muslims.

Just screaming 'bigot' doesn't make you right. It only shows you to be a desperate, clueless idiot who can't argue with facts..

I have not written a single word against the Christian religion or against ordinary Christians. I have been very careful to restrict my criticism to certain extreme missionary organizations.

You, on the other hand, have been blabbering about Muslims-this and Islam-that.

All the more ironic since you have not uttered a SINGLE word against the dirty tricks used by missionaries. It is these dirty tricks which precipitated this whole affair in the first place.

Malaysian Muslims had no problems with Malaysian Christians using the word Allah until the Western missionaries came and screwed things up.

The blame belongs to these unscrupulous Western missionaries -- they are notorious for using dirty tactics all around the world. Just ask the Indians what kind of dirty tricks these missionaries get up to in South India.

The fact that you can't bring yourself to admit the root of the problem -- Christian missionaries -- says it all.
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Just screaming 'bigot' doesn't make you right. It only shows you to be a desperate, clueless idiot who can't argue with facts..

I have not written a single word against the Christian religion or against ordinary Christians. I have been very careful to restrict my criticism to certain extreme missionary organizations.

You, on the other hand, have been blabbering about Muslims-this and Islam-that.

Lets see what you wrote earlier today:

"It's amazing how a whole bunch of anti-Muslim bigots ..."

I assume that you by "desperate clueless idiot" refer to yourself.

As for actions of missionaries, I have stated that several times that it is something you have
to live with if you support freedom of religion.
In Sweden you have the Jehova Witness movement which behaves exactly the way
you describe. Annoying, but noone would dream of banning them just because they
are irritating.

Only people against fundamental freedoms of humans would want this, and you are a prime example of this.
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If you do not throw children and elderly -- physically weak -- into the jungle to be victims of wild animals, then why should a Muslim government be careless with the spiritually weak ? If anything, a Muslim government should be proactive and create legal prophylactic measures to discourage Christians from even publicly displaying their faith, let alone trying to convert. After all, Christians are deceitful and Jews...Welll...That is a different subject, ain't it ?
U R the one to talk . lol

at least we muslims are honest with ourselves and others . what abt u guys huh ? ( i know ur not a representative of christians but for heck sure u represent an overwhelmingly stupid part of US)

u kill people with drones and tactical depleted uranium , u dissolve people in white phosphorous and orange agent .

u rip ppl's head off with dogsighted M-4s and bring hell on earth with ur super duper carriers . this is your today and dont even get me started on your freakish animalistic wild west .

okey ?

so when u talk abt muslim countries , you're talking abt nations who had public bathrooms long before u guys had toilet in west .

nations who's history are 100X times more than the 300 barbaric yrs of your history .....

who had human rights printed on stones long long time before the massacre of churches that ur proud of today .

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