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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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doesn't benefit Uighurs. That only benefits the racist Hans who are doing an ethnic cleansing and suppression of every other ethnicity

Years ago I traveled to Xinjiang and the only racists I met were the Uighurs. During the trip I met one Han, several Hui's, and numerous Kazak(?), and a few Uighurs. Of these groups the Uighurs were the most belligerent and racist, may I say, toward anyone not Uighurs. Read the Xinjiang history, Uighurs were not the majority in North Xinjiang until after they ethnically cleansed the Kazak. Only the Qing stopped the Uighurs their ethnic cleansing massacres against Hans, Mongols, Kazaks, Huis.
easy now, you seem like you want me to put into a concentration camp now, lure my family in and then start harvesting all of our organs :pakistan: :china:

None of your videos show any mosques or anything about Islam which is what Urumqi and Kashgar are famous for.

Another American troll hiding under the Pak flags. Just f**kin admit your BS and your per-post 50 cents from the State Dept. Then maybe we can meet to have a coffee. My treat.. if you told me how you earned your 50 cents every BS post you wrote. I want to make some $$ too bro.
Years ago I traveled to Xinjiang and the only racists I met were the Uighurs. During the trip I met one Han, several Hui's, and numerous Kazak(?), and a few Uighurs. Of these groups the Uighurs were the most belligerent and racist, may I say, toward anyone not Uighurs. Read the Xinjiang history, Uighurs were not the majority in North Xinjiang until after they ethnically cleansed the Kazak. Only the Qing stopped the Uighurs their ethnic cleansing massacres against Hans, Mongols, Kazaks, Huis.
This fish guy has never been to Xinjiang, it's useless to talk about your first hand experience about Xinjiang , he only lives in his make believe Xinjiang, and Afghanistan, in his make believe world, the latter is the heaven.
Another American troll hiding under the Pak flags. Just f**kin admit your BS and your per-post 50 cents from the State Dept. Then maybe we can meet to have a coffee. My treat.. if you told me how you earned your 50 cents every BS post you wrote. I want to make some $$ too bro.
His garbage US cities are like a huge landfill in front of glistening, super modern cities and towns in Xinjiang now.
lOl, organs? tell me one thing, why Afghani kids, who live in the heavens as you claimed, come to Xinjiang, a hell, for medical help and not the otherway around?

Afghan kids aren't being put in concentration camps though. Uighurs are
Years ago I traveled to Xinjiang and the only racists I met were the Uighurs. During the trip I met one Han, several Hui's, and numerous Kazak(?), and a few Uighurs. Of these groups the Uighurs were the most belligerent and racist, may I say, toward anyone not Uighurs. Read the Xinjiang history, Uighurs were not the majority in North Xinjiang until after they ethnically cleansed the Kazak. Only the Qing stopped the Uighurs their ethnic cleansing massacres against Hans, Mongols, Kazaks, Huis.

Did you recommend for them to be sent into concentration camps to take the "racism" and backwardness out of them?

Another American troll hiding under the Pak flags. Just f**kin admit your BS and your per-post 50 cents from the State Dept. Then maybe we can meet to have a coffee. My treat.. if you told me how you earned your 50 cents every BS post you wrote. I want to make some $$ too bro.

hahaha a wumao false flagger telling a Pakistan about 50 cents :D This is hilarious
The striking thing is seeing how the quality of the Trolls that post to this forum has dropped, it is worrying, we no longer deserve good quality Trolls
Afghan kids aren't being put in concentration camps though. Uighurs are

lol, do you think these Uighur kids love this camp?

Young couple, ( husband Chinese and wife Korean ) visit Xinjiang Kashgar old town.( check out how beautiful Kashgar city is after "destruction" (renovation) at summer night.
The Korean lady asks a little girl whether she heard a country called Republic of Korea, the little girl shakes her head. Korean lady was very disappointed...
Later on, the young Chinese and Korean couple met the older sisters of these little kids, the older sisters are teenagers and they are so suprised that the lady is actually a Korean, unlike their little brothers, the teenager girls know Korea very well and love Korean music and TV shows, the teen girls can even speak Korean , they speak in Korean " How are you, I m Chinese". This makes this Korean lady very very happy.

lol, do you think these Uighur kids love this camp?


Uighur scholar could be deported from Saudi Arabia 'within days', says family
Daughters of Aimadoula Waili told he is at imminent risk of being sent to China after being in detention since 2020
Aimadoula Waili pictured in front of the Grand Mosque in Mecca before he was detained in Saudi Arabia (Supplied)

A photo showing a photo of Aimadoula Waili's passport (Supplied)
Areeb Ullah
Published date: 10 January 2022 17:13 UTC | Last update: 1 week 1 day ago
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A Uighur religious scholar detained without charge in Saudi Arabia may be deported "within days" to China, where he could face imprisonment and torture, his daughters have told Middle East Eye.
'We have not heard our father's voice for over a year, and it pains us knowing that he could be sent to China and be separated from him forever'
- Nurin Hemdullah, detained Uighur's daughter
Aimadoula Waili, also known as Hemdullah Abduweli, is one of two Uighurs at risk of imminent deportation to China from the kingdom.
The scholar travelled to Saudi Arabia in 2020 on a yearlong visa from Turkey, where he is an official resident, to perform a pilgrimage to Mecca. But Waili went into hiding after the Chinese consulate in Riyadh allegedly requested his deportation.
The Chinese government is accused of detaining more than one million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in the eastern Xinjiang region, and subjecting the community to abuses that some have labelled a "genocide". China denies the allegations of abuse.
Moving from one Uighur's home to another, Waili relied on a network of Uighurs inside Saudi Arabia to keep him safe, fearing that going to the airport would lead to his automatic deportation.
But he was eventually caught by authorities in November 2020 and taken to Dhahban Central Maximum Security Prison in Jeddah, where he has been held without charge.
Speaking to MEE, Waili's daughter Nurin Hemdullah and her sister said a Saudi judicial official had seen their father last week and told him to be "mentally prepared" to be deported "within days" to China.
Aimadoula Waili pictured in front of the Grand Mosque in Mecca before he was detained in Saudi Arabia (Supplied)

Aimadoula Waili pictured in front of the Grand Mosque in Mecca before he was detained in Saudi Arabia (Supplied)
The women said they had spoken to a Uighur in Saudi Arabia monitoring the case, who said the judicial official confirmed the decision despite both men being accused of no crime in China or the kingdom.
"We have not heard our father's voice for over a year, and it pains us knowing that he could be sent to China and be separated from him forever," said Nurin.
"Since hearing about his possible deportation, we have cried non-stop. And whenever we think about this separation, the pain is just unbearable, and our heart breaks every time."
Who are the Uighurs and why is China targeting them?
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It remains unclear when Saudi Arabia could deport the two Uighurs. Maya Wang, a senior Human Rights Watch researcher on China, also spoke to their families and called on Saudi Arabia to halt the deportation.
"Saudi Arabia should not forcibly return these two Uighurs to China, where they are likely to disappear into a black hole," Wang told MEE.
"It's bad enough that Saudi Arabia has been unwilling to criticise the Chinese government's assault on Islam. But it's a shocking rejection of international law to forcibly return them."
Wang added that the families had told her the judicial official had also asked Waili and the other detained Uighur if they knew the names of other Uighurs in Saudi Arabia.
Targeted campaign on Uighurs
Waili's possible deportation comes months after a Moroccan court approved the extradition of a Uighur activist after Beijing lodged a warrant for his arrest through Interpol.
Yidiresi Aishan, a 34-year-old father of three with residency status in Turkey, was detained by Moroccan police in Rabat after fleeing to the North African country.

Uighurs in Turkey file crimes against humanity case targeting Chinese officials
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It remains unclear why Morocco approved Aishan's extradition after Interpol cancelled the "red notice" arrest warrant issued against him.
Interpol cancelled the red notice in August after its general secretariat received new information about Aishan.
In October 2020, BBC News reported that Saudi Arabia and other Muslim-majority countries, including Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, had collaborated with Beijing to deport Uighurs back to China.
In 2019, Chinese documents leaked to the New York Times showed how China managed its re-education camps and mass surveillance of the Uighur population in the Xingjiang province.
Excerpts from the documents showed how China identified nearly 6,000 Uighurs who were abroad or had papers to travel to be monitored by the Chinese state.
It ordered officials to track down individuals "for whom suspected terrorism cannot be ruled out" and "individuals the moment they cross the border and placed into concentrated education and training".

JAN. 13, 2022 / 4:57 AM
U.S. lawmakers want proof Olympic uniforms not made with Xinjiang forced labor
By Thomas Maresca

U.S. lawmakers want proof Olympic uniforms not made with Xinjiang forced labor

U.S. lawmakers are asking the International Olympic Committee to prove that uniforms for the upcoming Beijing Winter Games were not made with forced labor in Xinjiang Province. File Photo by Roman Pilipey/EPA-EFE


The United States and other countries including Britain, Australia and Canada, are conducting a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics over China's human rights abuses in Xinjiang and elsewhere. Photo by Wu Hong/EPA-EFE

Jan. 13 (UPI) -- A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers is asking the International Olympic Committee for answers about uniforms for the upcoming Beijing Winter Games made with cotton from Xinjiang Province, where China is accused of widespread human rights abuses.

The Congressional-Executive Commission on China sent a letter Wednesday to IOC President Thomas Bach seeking clarification on the group's contracts with a pair of manufacturers, Anta Sports and Hengyuanxiang Group, which have stated publicly that they source cotton from Xinjiang.

Cotton produced in Xinjiang is "synonymous with forced labor and the systematic repression that takes place there," the CECC letter said.

"There is a worrisome possibility that IOC personnel or others attending the 2022 Olympic Games will be wearing clothing contaminated by forced labor," it continued.

Researchers say that at least 1 million predominantly Muslim Uyghurs have been held in re-education camps in Xinjiang Province, and have been subject to abuses that include torture, forced labor and forced sterilization. China denies all allegations.

In December, U.S. President Joe Biden signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act into law, banning imports from Xinjiang unless suppliers are able to prove "by clear and convincing evidence" that the products are not made with forced labor.

The United States also announced last month that it would not send diplomatic or official representation to the Beijing Olympics over what White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki called China's "ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and other human rights abuses."

Wednesday's letter was sent by commission chairman Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and co-chairman Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Mass., and was signed by Rep. Christopher Smith, R-N.J.

"As a starting point to fulfilling its commitment to uphold and respect human rights, and in line with the preservation of human dignity enshrined in the Olympic Charter, the IOC must uphold and respect the human rights of those who made the uniforms on their backs," the letter said.

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are set to run from Feb. 4 to 20.

LOL What will US neo-con politicians force their athletes do next. Strip them off ? Then what will they wear ? :omghaha:

ANTA is a great brand. US populist elites better invest in it.
lol, do you think these Uighur kids love this camp?

Young couple, ( husband Chinese and wife Korean ) visit Xinjiang Kashgar old town.( check out how beautiful Kashgar city is after "destruction" (renovation) at summer night.
The Korean lady asks a little girl whether she heard a country called Republic of Korea, the little girl shakes her head. Korean lady was very disappointed...
Later on, the young Chinese and Korean couple met the older sisters of these little kids, the older sisters are teenagers and they are so suprised that the lady is actually a Korean, unlike their little brothers, the teenager girls know Korea very well and love Korean music and TV shows, the teen girls can even speak Korean , they speak in Korean " How are you, I m Chinese". This makes this Korean lady very very happy.

Secularization is unavoidable with development.
In the middle of the freezing winter, have a taste of Xinjiang in Hotan night food market in Xinjiang's small desert town Hotan.
No. As you claimed in your previous post, Afghanistan and Kashmir are heaven comparing to China , you better stick to your claims and don't change your mind so quickly.

Who's changing? Send Uighurs to Kashmir and Afghanistan. They will be the happiest ever.

China crying over same bullying practices applied to them hehe
Who's changing? Send Uighurs to Kashmir and Afghanistan. They will be the happiest ever.
Lol. How many people believe your this claim? Uighurs are dreaming about moving to Afghanistan? Not even western media made such a claim, who told you this?
Lol. How many people believe your this claim? Uighurs are dreaming about moving to Afghanistan? Not even western media made such a claim, who told you this?

Uighurs and Uighurs activists.

Uighurs even fled to Pakistan but your Chinese regime is so vicious that it won't even allow few escaped Uighurs some freedom.

Xinjiang modern Na'an factories produce tons of na'an bread for central Asian countries, In many Xinjiang restaurants, Na'an bread are for free.
Production line mass production can bring the cost to almost nothing, even for na'an bread. No wonder that all Chinese products are so highly competitive.

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