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All those in favour of presidential system in Pakistan!!

All those in favour of presidential system in Pakistan!!

  • YES

    Votes: 36 76.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Dont Know

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
Parliamentary democracy in Pakistan is a breeding ground for the most corrupt, vile and incompetent politicians to come forward. A strong presidential system on the model of USA would suit a multi ethnic country like ours. With a presentational system we won't have problems of parties like MQM trying to be spokesperson for all of Urdu Speakers or PML N shouting slogans such as ''jag Punjab jag''.
There is quite a bit of chance that if a retired army chief (like R.S) would stand in the election, he would win then, no more coups. :enjoy:
Secondly it may very well become a trend that a candidate from Punjab keeps on winning again and again, the ethnicity still remains a huge factor in elections.
I dont want to cast my vote to someone who will sell himself to the highest bidder in National assembly

So for YOUR personal convenience and "voting preferences"...the ENTIRE country of 200 million people should change their ways and the entire system??!! And spend billions in replacing a working democratic system (across the globe), and replace it with whatever you like. WOW!! This right here is Pakistan's MAIN issue.....individualism and personal favorite. No care for democracy, a system, a nation of 200 million people or their growth!!!!

It's just "ME, ME and more ME"!! Nations build up and grow when there is no "ME", and there is the "Country" and the "Nation"!! Take a look at your neighbor and her growth, JUST because they follow a system. Good bad or ugly, it is and has been working for them and taking India forward!!

There is quite a bit of chance that if a retired army chief (like R.S) would stand in the election, he would win then, no more coups. :enjoy:.

If he's retired and there is no barring from the constitution, he should run if he wants to, that is his constitutional right. RS is a great individual. No one's against the military or hates RS. The point I've been trying to make is that breaking the constitution and other illegitimate ways, including coupes need to stop. Pakistan needs positive changes. Enough negativity already!!

All ex-military (current civilians), if they think they want to run and can bring a better change in Pakistan, should definitely run. Its their right as a citizen of their country. Beauty of democracy, the same general, if broke the constitution in uniform, is a dictator. But if the people elects him, he gets more power to bring whatever change he wants to :enjoy:
No its not. If there is no reyasat, there is no democracy.
What are you going to do of a democracy if country goes bankrupt? and in order to take the country out of bankruptcy you will have close our nuclear program?
Pakistan is going toward bankruptcy....
Army will never allow this.... We are willing to lose the democracy in order to protect the country.
This damn democracy isn't working anymore and we believe it, although the saviours of the country (Army) have gone to some silent mode...
This damn democracy isn't working anymore and we believe it, although the saviours of the country (Army) have gone to some silent mode...

It will take only 10 minutes to bring Marshal law....but army doesn't want to takeover. They will continue give Nawaz Shariaf government chances to change its course, and focus on economy and stop borrowing money from IMF.

No more dictators. Parliamentry system is better.

Yes it's better for the corrup politicians.

For rest of the pakistani
Presidential system with 5 tiers system
1) Federal government
2) 30 - 31 Divisions - Divisional government (eliminating provincial government)
3) 149 districts(zillahs) - Zillah/district council
4) 588 sub-districts (tehsils) - Tehsil council
5) several thousand union councils.
Army will never allow this.... We are willing to lose the democracy in order to protect the country.
A system in which the people do not choose their leaders and the direction of their society is not a country. It is a colony...and with a colonizer.

Any military which by dint of their strength chooses to overthrow or disallow the functioning of those elected is committing absolute treason against the people.
We need neither and it is time to roll up the this bogus and satanic democracy.
It will take only 10 minutes to bring Marshal law....but army doesn't want to takeover. They will continue give Nawaz Shariaf government chances to change its course, and focus on economy and stop borrowing money from IMF.

Yes it's better for the corrup politicians.

For rest of the pakistani
Presidential system with 5 tiers system
1) Federal government
2) 30 - 31 Divisions - Divisional government (eliminating provincial government)
3) 149 districts(zillahs) - Zillah/district council
4) 588 sub-districts (tehsils) - Tehsil council
5) several thousand union councils.
Let NS be in power and hope that he will stop corruption and borrowing from IMF...If Pak military leadership thinks like that I would there are pretty naive and believe in fairy-tales. NS is on the mission to bankrupt the country and sell all its assets PIA, Steel Mills etc to his own family members and his fellows-in-faith hindu Jindal business tycoon. Still don't believe?...just wait a few months:
Presidential system is next step to dictatorship. It will take only one self absorbed idiot to take our nation to gutter if there are no checks and balances. In a nation where there are emotional wrecks like imran khan who announce civil disobedience movements just bcz he had a vision last night we cant have such a system. Many heads are always better than one so we should strengthen parliamentary democracy rather than figuring out new ways.

Am I eligible to vote?

Your A$$ already belongs to modi :D so no going backs now. Unless you marry a pathan you are not allowed :lol:
Presidential System -

Introduction to Checks and Balances in Federal Government

The concept of checking and balancing power

Executive Branch Checks on the Legislative Branch
  • President has the power to veto laws passed by the Congress *[Corrupt leader can veto one bill and pass the bill in his favor]
  • Proposes laws to Congress
  • Submits the Federal Budget to the House of Representatives
  • Appoints federal officials, who carry out and enforce laws

Executive Branch Checks on the Judicial Branch * [need to modify this for Pakistan]

  • Nominates judges to the Supreme Court * [Corrupt president will nominate a corrupt Judge]
  • Nominates judges to the federal court system * [Corrupt president will nominate a corrupt Judge]
  • President has the power to pardon individuals convicted of crimes * [Corrupt president will pardon his corrupt family members, family friends, ministers and business partners ]
  • President can grant amnesty, forgiving a class of crime * [need to modify this for Pakistan]

Legislative Branch Checks on the Executive Branch
  • Congress can overturn a Presidential veto with a 2/3 vote of both houses
  • Senate can reject proposed treaties (2/3 vote to approve)
  • Senate can reject presidential nominations of federal officials or judges
  • Congress can impeach and remove the President (House serves as prosecution, Senate serves as jury)

Legislative Branch Checks on the Judicial Branch

  • Congress can create lower courts
  • Senate can reject nominees to the federal courts/Supreme Court
  • Congress can amend the Constitution to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court
  • Congress can impeach judges and remove from the bench

Judicial Branch Checks on the Executive Branch
  • Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule laws unconstitutional


Judicial Branch Checks on the Legislative Branch

  • Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule presidential actions unconstitutional
  • Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule treaties unconstitutional
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