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All the wars have been started by Pakistan!!!

I see your stupidity of analysis exceeding above too!

Again to bring the likes of you on track. Our effective nuke program is to shut the likes of you up. We have proven that many times now in the past. Your Indian backyard has so much cr@p piled up that your shining India has now become more of a whining India. Oh we will for sure loose in a nuke war but we will take down every inch of your Mother India down with us. And do look out your apartment window; see all those millions of slum dwellers? So your body count; destruction of infrastructure etc etc will be a lot more. Your India will sure be shining alright after the nukes come falling in......in Uranium Gleam!

And most certainly if we can bleed the USSR to extinction in Afghanistan, do you really think you have the ability to defend against such asymmetric warfare? Hence the timing your your demise essentially remains with us. We use it or we do not use it; it will ALWAYS remain our call!

Rest of the content of your post is almost too stupid to even consider responding.

I think most Pakistanis have a serious inferiority complex viz via India. Your post not only betrays your ignorance, but also the endemic lack of self esteem that seems to be prevalent throughout your society. Strangely, a majority of you seem to have this sense of victimization, not to mention a very skewed perception of history.

You think Pakistan can just push the button? You really think its that simple? Will YOU stick around in Pakistan to face the consequences? What do you think we're talking about here? Halwa?

You think Pakistan will 'lose' :lol:?? There's a big difference between losing ('47, '65, '71, '99) and being wiped out.

Pakistan does not have the gonads to take on a bunch of tribals and you think you can initiate nuclear war with a far stronger rival? Apparently you don't have the resources to hunt down a bunch of rag tag cave dwelling jokers, but Pakistan can take on India. :lol:

You think Pakistan 'bled' the Soviet Union? :lol:
America used Pakistan as a nursery to breed violent extremists, armed them, defeated the Soviet Union and said, here, now they are YOUR problem. Then they came back and said YOU are responsible for this entire mess, now YOU will have to clean it up.

Examine Pakistan's actions and your words, the Pakistan that exists in your head is a dream. In reality, Pakistan gets pushed around and with India's skillful diplomatic and economic maneuvering we will continue to check your advances leaving you with no option but to accept peace on OUR terms.

Never mind our demise, Pakistan is the one standing on the brink of collapse. Pakistan cannot continue sitting on the fence forever, you will either have to take on the coalition or take on Islamic extremists as a whole. Sooner or later Pakistan will be forced to make a choice and when it does the fireworks will start. Whatever choice Pakistan makes, there are turbulent times ahead. So I don't think India will be getting nuked anytime soon :lol:. Covert (coward) war isn't an option for 'mighty' Pakistan anymore. Those days are over friend. :lol:
Since you do not seem to be an informed or even well-read human being, so allow me to help you expand your horizons.

Oh please do enlighten me mighty Pakistani.

KASHMIR - The tribal invasion was a necessity owing to a HINDU ruler trying to accede a MUSLIM majority area to a HINDU India. So essentially, INDIA started it.

:lol:, like I said, the invasion was initiated at your end, so Pakistan is responsible for the war.

BANGLADESH - Mukti Bhani was a HINDU sponsored organization whose sole aim (like the TTP today) was to destabilize East Pakistan. No surprise here too!

True, only the Mukti Bhani was sponsored by India, not a bunch of Hindus. Unlike you, our identity isn't based solely on religion, that's why we aren't blessed with the kind of chronic instability/identity crisis one can find in Pakistan.

NUCLEAR - When was the last time your HINDU Junta exploded a nuke a stone throw away from the Chinese Border? Any plans for doing that anytime soon?

What does that have to do with anything? Does India need mighty Pakistan's permission to test its nukes?

INDUS WATER - HINDU India is building Dam after Dam on the Indus Tributaries. The Indus Water Treat is a world recognized agreement whihc now being breached by INDIA. Pakistan proceeding with the case to the ICJ. No surprise here too!

We need electricity and our government actually does something about it. Pakistan gets the amount specified in the IWT.

BALUCHISTAN - Proof aplenty! Brahamdagh Bugti has himself accepted that he is receiving terror aid in Afghanistan from the Indian consulates in shape of money and explosives. Many TTP hoodlums have confessed (just like the Mumbai guy you have caught) to have been trained in Indian run camps in Afghanistan.

Did you want me to take your word for it or did you forget to add the links? :lol:

Seriously, stop being an idiot and use your brains before you open your trap the next time! :devil:

Take your own advice hotshot.:D
Can we stick to the topic please, which has in fact been debunked, so I fail to see what the point of continuing with this thread is.
Can we stick to the topic please, which has in fact been debunked, so I fail to see what the point of continuing with this thread is.

Debunked?? I just see double standards, in 1965 (and 1999 for that matter) when Pakistan sends infiltrators into Indian Kashmir, its fully justified according to you.

In 1971 when India allegedly aides the Bangladeshi Nationalists; its blatant aggression.
Debunked?? I just see double standards, in 1965 (and 1999 for that matter) when Pakistan sends infiltrators into Indian Kashmir, its fully justified according to you.

In 1971 when India allegedly aides the Bangladeshi Nationalists; its blatant aggression.

Maybe India can launch a few surgical strikes in azad kashmir from time to time, its not like it would start a war now would it? after all its "disputed territory" :lol:

This twisted logic only makes sense in Pakistan and no where else, any hostile action in Kashmir will and always has been treated as an act of war by India, so Pakistan DID start the war in '65 because the IA didn't attack Lahore for fun.
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