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All resources, including F-16s, ready for self-defense: Military Source

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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All resources, including F-16s, ready for self-defense: military source

The Pakistan army is in a state of “high alert” and ready to use all available resources, including F-16 fighter jets, in its arsenal in the face of an attack by nuclear-armed arch-rival India, military sources told Arab News on Thursday. (File / PAF)

Updated 15 March 2019
March 15, 201901:09

  • Army has increased troops and defense hardware on Line of Control to thwart possible attack from India, official says
  • The tensed and frosty relations are heading towards de-escalation - Foreign office spokesman
Islamabad: The Pakistan army is in a state of “high alert” and ready to use all available resources, including F-16 fighter jets, in its arsenal in the face of an attack by nuclear-armed arch-rival India.

Last month, Pakistan and India nearly went to war after India carried out airstrikes in northern Pakistan in retaliation to a suicide attack in Indian-administered Kashmir that New Delhi blames on Pakistan. Pakistan responded with airstrikes of its own and pitting both countries to engage in aerial dogfights as ground forces maintained their line of defense.

Tensions have de-escalated somewhat after Pakistan returned an Indian pilot captured when two Indian jets were shot down by the Pakistan army.

“Every element of ours is on high alert” a military official told Arab News, speaking on the condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the media on the record. “That includes air defense. We are using all options whether its J-F17, Mirage, or F-16,” he said, naming a range of different warplanes.

Citing Article 51 of the United Nations Charter allowing members states to defend themselves against attack, the official said: “As legitimate self-defense, we have every right to use everything at our disposal.”

The official said the military had increased the number of troops and defense hardware at the Line of Control, which splits the disputed Kashmir valley into two parts, one administered by India and the other by Pakistan. The two neighbors have fought three wars since they gained independence from British rule in 1947, two of them over the disputed Kashmir valley.

Though it’s been two weeks since the peak of the standoff in February, “till de-escalation is not announced officially, the troops sitting at the first line of defense will remain,” the official added.

Foreign Office spokesman and Director General South Asia Dr. Mohammed Faisal who led a delegation to meet the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs Joint Secretary, Mr. S.C.L. Das and his team in Attari, India on Thursday endorsed the comments of the military.

Hoping the discussions held with India, the first diplomatic dialogue held between both sides and a joint statement since 2015, would bring a thaw in relations, Faisal told Arab News that the tensed and frosty relations are heading towards de-escalation.

Both sides discussed "the modalities and the draft agreement for facilitation of pilgrims to visit Gurudwara Kartarpur Sahib [a Sikh shrine in Pakistan] using the Kartarpur Corridor".

“Due to the present prevailing situation they (Indians) are still somewhat reluctant but we are hopeful and our efforts are that the matter will de-escalate”, he said adding “in so many words we have kind of a dialogue with the Indians which they become jittery when we refer to it as such. But this is a dialogue and we are talking now.”

The Prime Minister’s spokesman Iftikhar Durrani and media wing of the Pakistan army declined comment. The government’s spokesman Fawad Chaudhry did not respond to repeated phone calls seeking comment.

A well placed Pakistani intelligence official said, “the Indians” according to observation reports “are still seeking opportunity” for reprisal. “They haven’t announced de-escalation yet. The border firing was at its peak (two weeks ago) has reduced day by day. They had five CAPs (Combat Air Patrols) [meaning 10 aircrafts] in air twenty four seven maintaining vigil and to counter we had the equivalent airborne”, he said explaining the situation along the disputed border.

However on Tuesday night India vastly increased its presence in air by many folds outnumbering Pakistan warplanes “which indicates they aren’t willing to de-escalate”, the intelligence official told Arab News requesting not to be named as he is not authorized to speak to media.

On Tuesday, the Pakistan Air Force said it had significantly enhanced the war-fighting capability of its multi-role fighter jet, the JF17 Thunder, by successfully test-firing an indigenously developed, “extended range smart weapon” from the aircraft.
It would be worst strategic mistake by India to do anything stupid like attacking Pak.

With IK as PM and Gen. Bajwa as COAS... the entire State of Pak is like a loaded gun... telling clearly to India Do you feel lucky, punk!? Go on make my day!

War is Stupid. Only Stupid want war. India wants war.

Pak wants Peace on Pak's term. Simple.

All the Indian appeasers are queing for jail.
The f sola is living is every Indians head rent free :lol::lol::lol::lol:
All resources, including F-16s, ready for self-defense: military source

The Pakistan army is in a state of “high alert” and ready to use all available resources, including F-16 fighter jets, in its arsenal in the face of an attack by nuclear-armed arch-rival India, military sources told Arab News on Thursday. (File / PAF)

Updated 15 March 2019
March 15, 201901:09

  • Army has increased troops and defense hardware on Line of Control to thwart possible attack from India, official says
  • The tensed and frosty relations are heading towards de-escalation - Foreign office spokesman
Islamabad: The Pakistan army is in a state of “high alert” and ready to use all available resources, including F-16 fighter jets, in its arsenal in the face of an attack by nuclear-armed arch-rival India.

Last month, Pakistan and India nearly went to war after India carried out airstrikes in northern Pakistan in retaliation to a suicide attack in Indian-administered Kashmir that New Delhi blames on Pakistan. Pakistan responded with airstrikes of its own and pitting both countries to engage in aerial dogfights as ground forces maintained their line of defense.

Tensions have de-escalated somewhat after Pakistan returned an Indian pilot captured when two Indian jets were shot down by the Pakistan army.

“Every element of ours is on high alert” a military official told Arab News, speaking on the condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to the media on the record. “That includes air defense. We are using all options whether its J-F17, Mirage, or F-16,” he said, naming a range of different warplanes.

Citing Article 51 of the United Nations Charter allowing members states to defend themselves against attack, the official said: “As legitimate self-defense, we have every right to use everything at our disposal.”

The official said the military had increased the number of troops and defense hardware at the Line of Control, which splits the disputed Kashmir valley into two parts, one administered by India and the other by Pakistan. The two neighbors have fought three wars since they gained independence from British rule in 1947, two of them over the disputed Kashmir valley.

Though it’s been two weeks since the peak of the standoff in February, “till de-escalation is not announced officially, the troops sitting at the first line of defense will remain,” the official added.

Foreign Office spokesman and Director General South Asia Dr. Mohammed Faisal who led a delegation to meet the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs Joint Secretary, Mr. S.C.L. Das and his team in Attari, India on Thursday endorsed the comments of the military.

Hoping the discussions held with India, the first diplomatic dialogue held between both sides and a joint statement since 2015, would bring a thaw in relations, Faisal told Arab News that the tensed and frosty relations are heading towards de-escalation.

Both sides discussed "the modalities and the draft agreement for facilitation of pilgrims to visit Gurudwara Kartarpur Sahib [a Sikh shrine in Pakistan] using the Kartarpur Corridor".

“Due to the present prevailing situation they (Indians) are still somewhat reluctant but we are hopeful and our efforts are that the matter will de-escalate”, he said adding “in so many words we have kind of a dialogue with the Indians which they become jittery when we refer to it as such. But this is a dialogue and we are talking now.”

The Prime Minister’s spokesman Iftikhar Durrani and media wing of the Pakistan army declined comment. The government’s spokesman Fawad Chaudhry did not respond to repeated phone calls seeking comment.

A well placed Pakistani intelligence official said, “the Indians” according to observation reports “are still seeking opportunity” for reprisal. “They haven’t announced de-escalation yet. The border firing was at its peak (two weeks ago) has reduced day by day. They had five CAPs (Combat Air Patrols) [meaning 10 aircrafts] in air twenty four seven maintaining vigil and to counter we had the equivalent airborne”, he said explaining the situation along the disputed border.

However on Tuesday night India vastly increased its presence in air by many folds outnumbering Pakistan warplanes “which indicates they aren’t willing to de-escalate”, the intelligence official told Arab News requesting not to be named as he is not authorized to speak to media.

On Tuesday, the Pakistan Air Force said it had significantly enhanced the war-fighting capability of its multi-role fighter jet, the JF17 Thunder, by successfully test-firing an indigenously developed, “extended range smart weapon” from the aircraft.

this time we should give a special surprise......
This time, there will be no prisoners. We shall bury them.
Destroy new dehli if they ever try to hit even a tree inside of our border... Just use all type of weapons within the first few hours... Hit there all main business hubs as early as possible... Before world powers asked for de escalation... Dont hesitate to use nukes we may never needs them after that... incase if we knew they are full ready to attack , dont wait for there attack to but hit them first.. Surprise them, and crush them before they even dream to hit pak...
It would be worst strategic mistake by India to do anything stupid like attacking Pak.

With IK as PM and Gen. Bajwa as COAS... the entire State of Pak is like a loaded gun... telling clearly to India Do you feel lucky, punk!? Go on make my day!

War is Stupid. Only Stupid want war. India wants war.

Pak wants Peace on Pak's term. Simple.

All the Indian appeasers are queing for jail.

Situation is tensed & indeed, on alert. Indian media is gone wild in support to Modi to win election and continuously fumes for war. Modi on other hand, being the man of so-called fame, is eventually forced or either provoked to commit a mistake like attack on Pakistan. However, its not like this side is not ready but, losses or not, it would be out of hand for many of the parties out there.

There are numerous reasons & parties silently working for a conflict in S.A. US going out of Afghanistan & then leaving many of them will be like orphans. Those probable orphans can't see their influence going down the drain and also couldn't afford progress of Pakistan along with other regional powers interested in peace.

War is the only option for those parties as their ego is hurt and so their influence is gone. Rather than working for own public betterment & progress, Modi's extremist mindset is throwing whole region in the fumes of war merely because of his own political gains which wouldn't be there anymore, though. A shortsighted leadership like Modi is blind due to his own incompetence and takes our resolve for peace as a weakness which is not the case. Had it been anyone else in the chair, we could have expected a different results but unfortunately, a warmonger don't want to lose his elections and so has to cover his incompetence, failures as well as corruption.

Pakistan has shown maximum restraint, proven our promises for peace & friendly approach but on other hand, I don't see any discount/hesitation in regard to forceful reply when push come to shove.
Situation is tensed & indeed, on alert. Indian media is gone wild in support to Modi to win election and continuously fumes for war. Modi on other hand, being the man of so-called fame, is eventually forced or either provoked to commit a mistake like attack on Pakistan. However, its not like this side is not ready but, losses or not, it would be out of hand for many of the parties out there.

There are numerous reasons & parties silently working for a conflict in S.A. US going out of Afghanistan & then leaving many of them will be like orphans. Those probable orphans can't see their influence going down the drain and also couldn't afford progress of Pakistan along with other regional powers interested in peace.

War is the only option for those parties as their ego is hurt and so their influence is gone. Rather than working for own public betterment & progress, Modi's extremist mindset is throwing whole region in the fumes of war merely because of his own political gains which wouldn't be there anymore, though. A shortsighted leadership like Modi is blind due to his own incompetence and takes our resolve for peace as a weakness which is not the case. Had it been anyone else in the chair, we could have expected a different results but unfortunately, a warmonger don't want to lose his elections and so has to cover his incompetence, failures as well as corruption.

Pakistan has shown maximum restraint, proven our promises for peace & friendly approach but on other hand, I don't see any discount/hesitation in regard to forceful reply when push come to shove.

Dear Pak friend,

Quite correctly your composition reflects the chessboard.

I do consciously choose the word Chessboard. The struggle for influence in the emerging global Financial, Economic and Political Architecture is being fought in Pak. Entire in AF was contextual move for bigger game.

Now Pak is not alone. Pak is once again a pivotal state.

If you recall I was quite active in 2017. My contention, thrust had been that CPEC is not just a road or a port. Anyhow, no need to recall all that.

Phase 2 of CPEC is a critical move on this Chessboard.

Wonder why all these investors are starting to show up..suddenly. Besides the undeclared natural resources of Pak are critical for global industrial needs. I shall leave it at that.

Pak is now at a clear launch off stage. Hence, the #Terrormatta going full victim mode. And her masters in the background trying UNSC to retard economic revival of Pak. Hence the Chinese Veto!

Only Pak and true Afghans want Peace in AF. You know the rest....

I hate war and destruction. But if India attacks then unleash hell on gangalanders. Can't have this moaning, groaning #Terrormatta wailing all the time.

I hope you have a peaceful Pak Day Parade. Your people deserve Peace.


The most respected US pilot was asked who the best pilots he flew with were. He flew classified missions with the PAF, so I have to take him at his word.
I lived close to Pentagon mall and always ran into USAF etc officers and they used to tell me who they thought the top pilots were so he speaks the truth.\m/ .

Someone pls tag some sore losers here to end their speculations so that can move on and do some actual work in real life.
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