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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

I may not believe F16 was shot down.but I certainly doubt jf17 shot down mig 21
Yeah, because MiG-21 is a 5 Generation Jet with all the goodies and the JF-17 is obsolete.

Okay, we get it - India does not want to have the stigma that a 'Made in Pakistan' took down one (or possibly 02) of your jets.

I'm wondering if Abhinandan 'Hero' Varthaman shot a F-16, then why do we have all his missiles accounted for in perfect condition on the buffet tables?

For all the 'experts' sitting on the panels of Indian Media and labelling Pakistan as 'nation of liars' - need to think hard before making such claims in the future. Because, from all that's happened in over a month is Govt. & Military of India being on the Defensive and having to explain themselves.
This was admitted by Hindustan times here couple of days ago that PAF attacked during AWACS change over.
Complete failure of Iaf. I am astonished that there ground radars were unable to pickup large air activity. PAF took this opportunity, a small time window waas available during change over. And it all went well.
They really underestimted PAF.
Americans just handed Indians a** back to them, they are bullying them, brow-beating them and India has no where to hide.

Just the way Pakistanis handed them back on 27th Feb.
amreekans are trying to get modi to say that "aaj agar f21 hota to bharat itna jaleel nahi hota"! :lol:
apparently IAF has 'electronic signatures' showing that a plane disappeared on their radars during the dogfight on Kashmiri skies... this is their proof that F-16 was shot down...

now that third party evaluation has shown that no F-16 was shot down, perhaps IAF should reconsider that this was perhaps one of their own planes

they are already having a lot of trouble distinguishing between friendly and enemy planes
@Tejas Spokesman
Tell your fantasy riding Bollywood fetish spanking pseudo expert that Fqlcons have ENCRYPTED secure speech module equipped Have Quick 2 radios. Good luck breaking those.
Its also funny in that they claimed their mig could nt hear contoller as their equipements were jammed. But now they are claiming that they were able to hear PAF F-16 communicate.
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Just found this video of NDTV... Haven't seen it (yet). Its like 20mins long, so i'd say the same duration as a comedy sitcom.

No Popcorn, but i'm enjoying a Shawarma

Oh & Michael Kugelman is on the show, defending the US Publication.

Please watch Timestamp: 12:07 (evidence was NOT shared to journalist either).

Compared to some other Indian Media, NDTV holds a very decent debate and has a sense of decorum while each individual speaks and makes their respective points.

The narrative of this discussion was clearly siding with the IAF - but one cannot notice the slight hesitation in the minds of the Indians on the show, except the idiot in the yellow shirt (Shantanu Gupta). Air Cmde (Retd.) P DickShit went on some conspiracy theory which involved the B737 Max issues the US is facing. Okay, i'm a Air Crew that has done countless flights on that type & it has nothing to do with it.

Obviously the US-Pak-Afghan topic did come up.

However, bottom line - I think they are bracing for a Official Statement from the US, because then it won't be a matter of 'Unnamed Officials', that they can't seem digest.

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who think they have won a great victory.
And what else would one make it out to be, let me just give you a recap of the whole event.
1.India attacks a madrassa using sow and misses.
2.india claims they killed 300+
3.Pakistan says we're examining the impact to see how should we respond.
4.turns out you guys only destroyed some trees, and a crow sorry almost forgot about the crow.
5.The very next day pakistan attacks six indian millitary installations and deliberately changed the target to nearby open areas to avoid escalation (afterall all you did was destroy some trees and a crow).
6.Theres no denying the fact pakistan shot down an Indian aircraft and captured the pilot.
7. Pakistan also claimed of downing another jet which went down in India.( this is a claim because we don't have concrete proof to prove this but still there are more chances of another indian plane going down rather than an f-16 after us official did a count on them.

I don't know how you would take it but anyone with a brain would call it a Pakistani victory.
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Man India is being universally humiliated, cost of politicians, IAF and Media lying to 1.2 billion Indians and the rest of the world has dawned.

Why should ever US lie? Cuz US has taken a stand.

Any F16 flown by anybody can be shot down. Even Mirage flown by Israeli Ai Force have been shot down by Mig ... so has F117A by Soviet origin SAM. It has all been told.

Indians actually lied through and thin...Indians misled the world...it not only defrauded its own ppl but the rest of humanity.
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