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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

"4. Simultaneously, the IAF was monitoring the tactical communications between the PAF formation. The communications of one of these F-16s abruptly ended indicating a shoot down says the IAF."

Ludicrous. Comms are encrypted. How the heck did they know comms frequencies and listen to encrypted comms?

Someone tell me I'm wrong.

You are not wrong. What, in fact, is likely that PAF's electronic warfare units had disrupted IAF's radars and radio frequency for x-duration of time. Abhinandan probably crossed over LoC amid confusion because of this and got shot down. Common sense would suggest IAF was trying to chase away not shoot down. India/IAF was not planning escalation, otherwise shooting down of MiG-21 provided them with the best opportunity. Su-30MKI wouldn't have turned the tail either but would have tried to engage the targets. Abhinandan's statement that he "came looking for targets" suggests he did not find one or maybe he saw too many of them or a had a distorted frequency, depending on what EW was doing. That's why he was also unable to fire his payload. When he parachuted he did not even know if he was in India or Pakistan. Reality must have dawned when they saw JF-17 making a round turn to get behind the MiG-21. Su-30MKI pilot might have either gotten a hint that they have crossed the LoC &/or that he is in a radar lock (by F-16) given the relatively superior avionics or he himself saw PAF jets taking offensive maneuver and turned around. IAF ground radars must have detected some targets in the start. After all, they were able to send their formation. But quickly lost the signals or received distorted signals because of EW operation by PAF.

The fact that they shot down one of their own Mi-17s in all this confusion should corroborate that their radars and radios were being disrupted. How would they monitor PAF's communication when they were unable to monitor their own assets? Thus, they also went crying to Sweden over ERIEYE. I don't know how much of an EW capability ERIEYE has but some of the members here had mentioned that Falcon-20 EW aircraft was operating in the area.

All of this activity also raises suspicions about the Israeli Phalcon system as well.
India as a nation has lost it. Though some of them had the IQ of a rat but never mind. Just go through the forums. They're filled with disgusting, beyond ridiculous posts that reading those is a shame.

27th Feb Will go down as the finest hour for the PAF and the worst for the IAF. Their posts, comments, queries, nothing matters.

The 1.5 billion nation become the laughing stock of the world. The age of fifth gen warfare combined with the social media is indeed cruel to them.

Apologies to the rat.
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"4. Simultaneously, the IAF was monitoring the tactical communications between the PAF formation. The communications of one of these F-16s abruptly ended indicating a shoot down says the IAF."

Ludicrous. Comms are encrypted. How the heck did they know comms frequencies and listen to encrypted comms?

Someone tell me I'm wrong.

@Tejas Spokesman
Tell your fantasy riding Bollywood fetish spanking pseudo expert that Fqlcons have ENCRYPTED secure speech module equipped Have Quick 2 radios. Good luck breaking those.

If we accept that IAF did show journalists - or rather just him - the electronic data then based on what he is saying IAF lost communication on whatever aircraft MiG-21 was seeing not because that aircraft was shot down but because MiG-21 itself was shot down.

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