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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

A bit late on the news, dude. There were a few Topic(s) created earlier - all of which have been re-directed...somewhere.
It will be merged but it is great to share again & again because it is fresh torture for the Bhangies.
Indian excuses I’ve counted in the last couple of minutes on Twitter:

1. US is Pakistan’s daddy and is keeping Pakistan happy (forget about all the weapons being sold to India)
2. US is beholden to Pakistan because of Afghanistan peace talks
3. US doesn’t want it’s F-16 reputation damaged
4. Some ‘brother’ Muslim country loaned an F-16 to Pakistan to make up the numbers

.... more to follow I’m sure.

Add to your list: According to an Indian forum, India used MIG21 because India was willing to sacrifice its old jet instead of the newer jets. Sigh!

For almost FIFTY years Indians have been rubbing it in about the loss of East Pakistan in the India-Pakistan war. Pakistanis accept the loss. The odds were insurmountable in East Pakistan. Even Gen. McArthur retreated against North Korea twice in the height of American power. Accept the loss, the mistakes and move on. Better yourself.

But what you have posted about the Indian excuses is just mind boggling denials. It's not that India has lost Assam or Kashmir. A couple of jets and a helicopter, all because of the mistake they made trying to chase down the PAF jets into Pakistani airspace. A tactical error--the same error which Pakistan had avoided barely 24 years earlier. Some PDF members were breast-beating about it on 26 Feb: Pakistan should have chased down the Indians jets. It would have been a huuuuuge mistake.

Why are Indians so thick headed? It's a freaking tactical error. Accept it and move on.
So 24 planes with f16 and mirages take down a 60 year old mirage who chased you back into your land and you are chest thumping?
Wow... I'm actually trying to visualize your imaginative dogfight between 24 PAF fighters vs 1x Sad MiG-21. What an epic dogfight that must've been! You have a great imagination. What are you drinking? Cow Cola? Mmm.
BOHOT BURI PHAT GAYEE HAI AAJ INKI LOOOOOOOL, it seems a lot them are waking up now. Have a look at all this, and I get a sneaky feeling all of this has been purposely delayed by everyone up till now to cost Modi the election. Who wants to bet HUD camera footage / pics of the SU-30 will be released in few days during Indian elections?

You see even if that doesn't happen the problem is already TWO-FOLD, one that more and more Indians are finally realizing they didn't down an F-16 (I mean come on SHOW ME EVEN ONE PAKISTANI THAT EVEN fears an F-16 went down compared to the many Indians that are accepting the fact that it didn't happen) AND TWO, if a F-16 didn't go down WHAT PLANE did those 2 parachutes in the famous videos belong to? :yay::yay::yay:


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Give them 2-3 weeks like post February 27th. They need to assemble and write a script to counter the facts.
Well, bits & pieces have already started....from discrediting the source and news to one obtained from Turkish airforce ... they are miserable and pathetic liars. To know their mentality, just watch a few scammer busting videos on youtube and you will see how blatantly they can lie.
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LOL Stupid Indian. Stop making fake excuses. You lost. Now get on your knees and repent.
Biss genuine question. Yes or no would suffice

Wow... I'm actually trying to visualize your imaginative dogfight between 24 PAF fighters vs 1x Sad MiG-21. What an epic dogfight that must've been! You have a great imagination. What are you drinking? Cow Cola? Mmm.
I think you guys in this forum know more about cow cola than all of India
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