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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

United States (US) officials did a count of Islamabad's F-16 jets recently and found that none were missing, contradicting India's claims that it shot down a Pakistani fighter jet amid heightened tensions between both countries after the Pulwama attack, according to a report published on the Foreign Policy magazine's website on Thursday.

Following the conflict between the two countries in February, India had claimed that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had used F-16s to target Indian military installations after crossing the Line of Control. As "proof", what looked like a piece of an AMRAAM missile was shown, which Indian media insisted could only have been fired by a Pakistani F-16.

Read more: 2 Indian aircraft violating Pakistani airspace shot down; pilot arrested

Indian media also claimed that before the Indian plane was shot down and its pilot captured by Pakistani forces, an Indian Air Force (IAF) MiG-21 Bison had shot down a PAF F-16 aircraft.

Pakistan had rubbished the Indian reports, making a counter-claim that two aircraft did indeed go down, but both belonged to India. One crashed on Pakistani soil, while the other managed to return to Indian occupied Kashmir.

New Delhi had also insisted that Pakistan’s alleged use of F-16s against India meant that Islamabad stood in violation of its sales agreement with the US. The US State Department had refused to take a position on India's complaint against Pakistan over using F-16s in the air battle.

Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, the director general of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), reacting to the Foreign Policy report said: "Allah be praised, truth always prevails. Time for India to speak truth about false claims & actual losses on their side including the second aircraft shot down by Pakistan."

"India needs introspection, especially over atrocities in IOK [Indian-occupied Kashmir]. Region needs peace, progress & prosperity," he added.

Read more: Foreign journalists find holes in Indian narrative on F-16 usage, Balakot strike

According to the new report, which quotes two senior US defence officials who have knowledge of the count, one of the senior US defence officials told Foreign Policy that Pakistan had invited the US to count its F-16 planes after the incident "as part of an end-user agreement signed when the foreign military sale was finalised".

Foreign Policy added that Washington generally requires countries it strikes such agreements with to allow US officials to inspect equipment on a regular basis and to ensure that it is accounted for and safe.

The official explained that some of the aircraft were not immediately available for inspection after the Pak-India back-and-forth, so it took US personnel a few weeks to account for all the jets. When the count was finally conducted, all F-16s employed by the PAF were accounted for, Foreign Policy reported.

Read more: Villagers near Balakot say nobody killed or injured by Indian aircraft

An associate professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vipin Narang, told FP that although the news likely won't affect Indian voters, it may affect Delhi's dealings with Pakistan in the future.

"As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians," Narang said. "It looks increasingly like India failed to impose significant costs on Pakistan, but lost a plane and a helicopter of its own in the process."
Time for the IAF to get their entire fleet of Mig 21 Bison's and Su- 30 MKI's counted.Its a bad time to be an Indian ! :pakistan:
Indian will claim PAF get a F-16 from Turkish on fast track and repainted and remould the serial number on parts to misled US that no F-16 loses. :enjoy:
Its funny because i DID see an Indian on twitter claim exactly that.

It would be nice if this US report puts an end to Indian nonsense claims. One more arrow in Modi's behind.

Did India Shoot Down a Pakistani Jet? U.S. Count Says No.

New Delhi and Islamabad had conflicting accounts of a February dogfight.
By Lara Seligman | April 4, 2019, 7:50 PM

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi waves at the public rally in Kolkata, India, on April 3. (Atul Loke/Getty Images)

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India’s claim that one of its fighter pilots shot down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet in an aerial battle between the two nuclear powers in February appears to be wrong. Two senior U.S. defense officials with direct knowledge of the situation told Foreign Policy that U.S. personnel recently counted Islamabad’s F-16s and found none missing.

The findings directly contradict the account of Indian Air Force officials, who said that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman managed to shoot down a Pakistani F-16 before his own plane was downed by a Pakistani missile.

It is possible that in the heat of combat, Varthaman, flying a vintage MiG-21 Bison, got a lock on the Pakistani F-16, fired, and genuinely believed he scored a hit. But the count, conducted by U.S. authorities on the ground in Pakistan, sheds doubt on New Delhi’s version of events, suggesting that Indian authorities may have misled the international community about what happened that day.

The news comes just days before the start of India’s general elections, in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking another term in office. In the weeks leading up to the election, tensions between India and Pakistan escalated to levels not seen in decades after a Pakistan-based militant group killed more than 40 Indian security officers in a Feb. 14 suicide bombing in India-controlled Kashmir. Both sides have been accused of spreading disinformation and fanning nationalistic flames.

Although the news likely won’t sway Indian voters, Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at MIT, said the way the events have unfolded may affect India’s efforts to deter Pakistan in the future.

“As details come out, it looks worse and worse for the Indians,” Narang said. “It looks increasingly like India failed to impose significant costs on Pakistan, but lost a plane and a helicopter of its own in the process.”

The dogfight between the two nations occurred on Feb. 27, when India says a group of Pakistani jets entered its airspace in response to the first Indian air raid on Pakistani territory since a 1971 war. India scrambled its own jets and gave chase. During the aerial battle that ensued, Varthaman took a missile hit and ejected safely into Pakistani territory.

He was captured by the Pakistani army and released days later in an effort to de-escalate the crisis.

One of the senior U.S. defense officials with direct knowledge of the count said that Pakistan invited the United States to physically count its F-16 planes after the incident as part of an end-user agreement signed when the foreign military sale was finalized. Generally in such agreements, the United States requires the receiving country to allow U.S. officials to inspect the equipment regularly to ensure it is accounted for and protected.

Some of the aircraft were not immediately available for inspection due to the conflict, so it took U.S. personnel several weeks to account for all of the jets, the official said.

But now the count has been completed, and “all aircraft were present and accounted for,” the official said.
Now its time for the Indians to get their entire fleet of Mig -21 bisons and Su-30 MKI's counted by the russians. Its a terrible day to be an Indian !:pakistan:
The whole world news media reporting confirms: No F16 lost, all have been accounted for.

What a big big shame for India airforce, indian liar media and BJP government bloody liars, fraudsters, manipulative, suckers: Why Lie? to gain political mileage, third class pathetic scheming liars: thoroughly disgusting what below the belt our eastern neighbour is: This will hurt liar India even bad.

Click this google news link all flooded with no Lost to PAF F16 news :

Those are not sources, those are media outlets.

During a confrontation, it's a very bad idea to rely on unnamed sources.
Okay, so when 'A' US Official from the State Dept. clears that NO F-16 was shot down, what is your response gonna be?

Just wanna hear the excuses for that in advance.
Pakistan's F-16's have been counted by a third party and verified to all be their. I am now 99.9% convinced that second plane to be a shot down was a Su-30MKI. The Su-30MKI fighter pilot has also been found..."died in a car accident"...to complete the cover up. The only question now: was it an F-16 or JF-17 that shot down the Su-30MKI in the dogfight?
From where do you think they found the remains of Aim120?
So 24 planes with f16 and mirages take down a 60 year old mirage who chased you back into your land and you are chest thumping?
Cover ups have happened before and that too on top of the food chain, both in pakistan and US.

Exclusive Friendly fire downs Pakistani F-16; U.S. in a coverup
WASHINGTON -- A Pakistan Air Force F-16 accidentally shot down a companion F-16 previously reported to have been hit by a Soviet-made missile last May during combat over Afghanistan -- and U.S. officials assisted in the coverup, administration officials said Saturday.

'It was pilot error,' a U.S. intelligence source said of the jet fighter's loss.

Pakistan's attempt to cover up the accident was assisted by some Pentagon and State Department officials who felt the false report of a Soviet 'kill' might help promote Pakistan's bid to acquire sophisticated U.S.-made AWACS radar airplanes, administration sources told United Press International.

However, Pakistan first concocted the story primarily to 'save face' and prevent any embarrassment of its Air Force, which has created an F-16 craze among the Pakistani people, they said.

Asked about the disclosure that the plane was downed by friendly fire, a defense official at Pakistan's Washington embassy said, 'This we do not know because we have no links with our Air Force Department.' He declined further comment.


Dated: July 18, 1987

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