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All of a sudden O'Donnell claims China wants to take over USA


Jun 28, 2010
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O'Donnell said China plotting to take over US
The Associated Press: O'Donnell said China plotting to take over US

WASHINGTON — Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell of Delaware said in a 2006 debate that China was plotting to take over America and claimed to have classified information about the country that she couldn't divulge.

O'Donnell's comments came as she and two other Republican candidates debated U.S. policy on China during Delaware's 2006 Senate primary, which O'Donnell ultimately lost.

She said China had a "carefully thought out and strategic plan to take over America" and accused one opponent of appeasement for suggesting that the two countries were economically dependent and should find a way to be allies.

"That doesn't work," she said. "There's much I want to say. I wish I wasn't privy to some of the classified information that I am privy to."

"A country that forces women to have abortions and mandates that you can only have one child and will not allow you the freedom to read the Bible, you think they can be our friend?" she asked. "We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve."

O'Donnell's campaign didn't immediately respond to questions about the comments.

At the debate, opponent Jan Ting countered that China has the potential to become a more Democratic country and an important ally.

"I think our China policy has to be handled very carefully," Ting said. "We have the capability of making an enemy or a friend out of China."

When Ting challenged O'Donnell's claim about having secret information, O'Donnell didn't answer specifically but suggested she had received it through nonprofit groups she worked with that frequently sent missionaries there.

Ting later won the nomination but lost the general election to Democratic Sen. Tom Carper.

O'Donnell was a little-known candidate until she stunned Rep. Mike Castle to win the Republican nomination last month in her third bid for the Senate. The tea party-backed hopeful faces Democrat Chris Coons in the November general election.

People make me laugh because they often come up with retarded comments.
Any missionary in China should be given a bullet through the head. They're nothing better than modern day drug dealers. That's why I'm fine with muslims. Islam is tolerant of differences and doesn't try to convert others.

Surely there must be a better way, I mean think of the bullets you'll waste :rofl:
For more than 35 years, I have been approached by many Christians, one is my classmate (a senior priest), one is my office co-workers (senior Momon priest), another one a teacher from my school. And a few girls from my college.....

It was like hard sale by Amway distributors, I was given a copy of old testatment, a copy of new testament, and a copy of momon bible. And they will called and come again and again. And I read all bibles given to me. Since I tend to think logically and can not accept that God worked in a mysterious way, I had to decline all their good intentions.

I ended up as student of Theravada Buddhism instead.
To understand O'donnell and the rest of the tea party, take the most radical Chinese nationalists you can find, work out who are the 10% with the lowest IQ, limited education and no understanding of what really happens in the world more than 10 miles from the place they were born and you have the Chinese equivilent.

Basically treat all the tea party says as quotes for stupid of the day file.
To understand O'donnell and the rest of the tea party, take the most radical Chinese nationalists you can find, work out who are the 10% with the lowest IQ, limited education and no understanding of what really happens in the world more than 10 miles from the place they were born and you have the Chinese equivilent.

Basically treat all the tea party says as quotes for stupid of the day file.

the fact that these people are getting enough support to be elected is a great worry to me though, i feel like this country is getting dumber by the day. :(
Christine O'Donnell is a moron. Her voter base is full of idiots. Remember this is a person that thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago. Oh and she used campaign funds to pay for her rent and gas while she wasn't even running for anything. Not to mention she refuses to go on CNN or any media outlet besides fox news (sound familiar?)

Need i say more ?
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Christine O'Donnell is a moron. Her voter base is full of idiots. Remember this is a person that thinks the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago. Oh and she used campaign funds to pay for her rent and gas while she wasn't even running for anything. Not to mention she refuses to go on CNN or any media outlet besides fox news (sound familiar?)

YouTube - Christine O'Donnell's Greatest Hits

Need i say more ?

Wonder if her conservative parents beat her straight lol.
Any missionary in China should be given a bullet through the head. They're nothing better than modern day drug dealers. That's why I'm fine with muslims. Islam is tolerant of differences and doesn't try to convert others.

China is playing its cards right by having excellent relations with Muslim countries. China's excellent relations with the Muslim world will benifit China in the long run.

US should take lessons from China on foreign diplomacy.

China is playing its cards right by having excellent relations with Muslim countries. China's excellent relations with the Muslim world will benifit China in the long run.


You're right my friend. :cheers:

The US made a big mistake when it managed to alienate so many Muslims in the world. They only managed to hurt themselves by doing that.
China is playing its cards right by having excellent relations with Muslim countries. China's excellent relations with the Muslim world will benifit China in the long run.

US should take lessons from China on foreign diplomacy.


Not just the Muslims. I think the U.S. is desperately in need of a Ben Franklin calibre diplomat. Back in the days when the United States was still weak she had great diplomats but as the military capabilities steadily increased the need for a good diplomat has declined. Most international conflicts seem to be solved with wars these days.
Ohh please don't listen to her. I can't even believe she was the Tea-Party's candidate well actually I'm not surprised they're all Evangelical Right-Wing fanatics. Christine O'Donnell has no credibility, she just received her college degree after 20 years, and she's been claiming she's been a college graduate before hand. Her house was for closed, she owes the IRS an substantial amount of debt, she's a Evangelical Christian who believes the bible is the law of the land, her own freaking party has even called her candidacy a complete disaster, to top it all off she dubbed in witchcraft and she admitted it. Like how can you honestly take people like this seriously and vote for them..

-EPIC FAIL/Close Thread..
Can anyone tell me why so many white female politican are so smart? is amercia education gone down the drain? eg palin
Any missionary in China should be given a bullet through the head ...

Can't believe I missed this thread. For real, I don't know who this O'Donnell is from a hole in the ground. Wife forced us to get "basic" cable but even for that I don't have enough time.

However, I give to churches which in turn donate to mission work.

Send me your bullet, Mr. 拳匪. History will show once again who gets what to the back of head - all in good time.

Having said that, I must admit that I am having massive second thoughts about the current state of "missionary work" ever since the rise of political Christian Zionism along with all that talk of "Gog and Magog" ...

Instead of a "harvest" they are aiming for a cull.

What can a mere man do? Hundreds of years after the 30-year war, decades later after the 1st and 2nd world war, it seems that Catholics and Protestants have finally made peace.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, brand new schisms. Brand new wars will follow - all in due time.

Again, what can a mere man do?
Can't believe I missed this thread. For real, I don't know who this O'Donnell is from a hole in the ground. Wife forced us to get "basic" cable but even for that I don't have enough time.

However, I give to churches which in turn donate to mission work.

Send me your bullet, Mr. 拳匪. History will show once again who gets what to the back of head - all in good time.

Having said that, I must admit that I am having massive second thoughts about the current state of "missionary work" ever since the rise of political Christian Zionism along with all that talk of "Gog and Magog" ...

Instead of a "harvest" they are aiming for a cull.

What can a mere man do? Hundreds of years after the 30-year war, decades later after the 1st and 2nd world war, it seems that Catholics and Protestants have finally made peace.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, brand new schisms. Brand new wars will follow - all in due time.

Again, what can a mere man do?

thanks for reminding me why i am so happy every time a cult gets broken up by the police.
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