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All minorities — please leave Pakistan!

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Which weed are you on?? The same which @somebozo and @muse smoke? If Quaid wanted a secular state, then why partition? India was a secular state! We could have stayed with them! There are Muslims as mush as there are in Pakistan!

Jnnah was not a religious salafacist fanatic. His argument of Muslims of subcontinent being different people was based on the cultural and communal differences. He never idolized figures like Mododi who were champions of pan-islamism and above all if Jinnah intended an Islamist state he would not find himself at conflict with JI - which issued fatwas against Jinnah and his mission. Jinnah was a visionary, he foresaw the mullah politics of power struggle and being easy sell out's to foreign powers. He knew that without partition, JI would proclaim itself the indisputable speaker of all subcontinental muslims leading to long term instability and communal anarchy!


By 1938 he was against the formation of political parties, but in 1941 he had a change of heart and Maududi founded Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), with the prime objective of setting up of a kingdom of Allah in total rejection of secularism, democracy and nation-state where private and public sphere of man's life would be governed by the principles of Islam. He considered them sinful and called for the total boycott of secular structures like the parliament, army, courts, educational institutions and government jobs. However his party later contested elections for the parliament, collaborated with the army, filed petitions in courts and penetrated into educational institutions and the government, setting their earlier ideology aside. Similar to Muslim Brotherhood, the JI focused on middle class professionals and state employees rather than traditional mullahs.
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Which weed are you on?? The same which @somebozo and @muse smoke? If Quaid wanted a secular state, then why partition? India was a secular state! We could have stayed with them! There are Muslims as mush as there are in Pakistan!

A Simple, clear point which no amount of mental gymnastics can overcome. Once you create a state based on religion (you can argue semantics till the cows come home), you will always find this argument made, one which is all but impossible to overcome.
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WOW This Guy Just Invited all the indian to troll Here and Bring religion into every thing

GUYS STOP POSTING ARTICLES FROM THE WEBSITE THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO DEFENCE RElated stuff yes you can have social issues related with DEFENCE but this is not one of thoses its a political One and this guy who wrote it is Stupid Because if it was that bad they would have not waited for his highness to put 2 cents in and would have left a long time ago


this is a Pakistan defence forum not PAKISTAN DEBATE FORUM

instead of debating., or even countering the issue ...you choose to sidestep it...typical mentality
well.....hindus and sikhs have india..if they move out....what about the christians..shias etc ?
Ha ha ha what a hilarious thread. All ethnic, religious minorities leave Pakistan? Then all we're left is Punjabi Sunni Muslims if you analyze what you've written. This means 60% of the Pakistani population who are not the majority ethnic group of religion would be gone. Cause if you put it together the ethnic and religious "minorities" that's what they demographically constitute over the Punjabi Sunni Muslim population.
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