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All minorities — please leave Pakistan!

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I seriously wish there was a law...for whoever leads the state:

IF he takes a loan, by the end of his term, it will be calculated and he will be billed 50%of it for life and following generations until he pays it full!

IF he travels and brings EXTRA security (most likely coz he made enemies) he will be billed for it...

IF he does not fix the public transports....his cars will be taken and he needs to ride in them...

IF he builds too many mansions while in office...his official state house will be taken away

IF his son or party people do something bad...NO VIP treatment in jails...All jail cells look the same!

IF he orders some form of a war....His son will be in front line!

Wrong Quaid never ever wanted pakistan to be a Islamic state his vision was clear a secular state.

@Cheetah786 he is dead...stop fighting what the dead said and start fighting for the leaving and help their say!
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Talon=Cheetah786 he is dead...stop fighting what the dead said and start fighting for the leaving and help their say!

Talon read up my post i am the one standing up for the minorities. I am the one questioning the generals and i am the one questioning the direction pakistan is heading.

On TOP of that Retard here is asking webby to check my and Cherokee IP cause i question it.

And i am the one you asking to forget the dead and fight for living ?
Yes minorities please leave, but where the majority are suppose to go. Are we not dying daily, are we not suffering, are we not being persecuted. This was never, is not, and will never be the war about religion. It was not. When the terrorist kill one or hundred they dont come and ask hay yo are you a Sunni.
They dont tell the Sunnis to stand up and step aside we are going to kill some minorities. Come on, we need to cut this victim crap, we all die, because they want us all to die. This is a war on us our identities, we are not Iraq that can be invaded so easily, we are not Libya where the population can be manipulated as per the wishes of the ones who want to control us. So what is the best option kill as many as you can, and then pay the retarded media to write such articles.
The problem is that we among us have people our own people who are willing to sell themselves, and destroy the entire country. In order to fix the problem we will have to understand the problem. And the problem is not one religion over another. The problem is the corrupt system, that dont want to fix this mess. That want us divided and fighting with each other, so they can rob us to extinction.

Well said. Now that we are divided and fighting with each other, how far away is extinction, unless we stop our internal war?
The steady drumbeat of bad news must be stopped, somehow:

An optimist

An optimist’s hope begins to fade
Michael Kugelman | 3 hours ago

When it comes to Pakistan, I tend to be an optimist.

When observers speak of the nation overflowing with arms and violence, I say it also overflows with untapped mineral resources. When they say the country’s youth bulge will fill the ranks of extremist organisations, I say it can also fill jobs. When they depict Pakistan as a supermarket for international terrorism, I describe it as an emerging hub for global IT services. When they fixate on militants like Hafiz Saeed, I focus on pragmatists like Hafeez Shaikh. And when they decry the deep influence of Malik Ishaq, I declare that Malala Yousafzai’s name resonates much more.

In effect, I dare to utter the words “Pakistan” and “potential” in the same breath.

In this spirit of hope, I recently wrote that the resiliency of the Pakistani people prevents the country from falling apart — and if the state can step up, the country can avert disaster.

Increasingly, however, I fear I’m not being hopeful — only hopelessly naïve.

This epiphany was triggered by several disturbing images. Long War Journal has posted horrific footage of TTP fighters beheading Pakistani soldiers and brandishing — by the hair — a severed head.

This footage materialised just as many within Pakistan’s political class were expressing their willingness to negotiate with the TTP. It’s one thing to negotiate with insurgents; it’s quite another to do so with savages — who, incidentally, have reneged on previous peace agreements with Islamabad. How can one be hopeful, given that a consensus is emerging among Pakistan’s politicos to negotiate with the epitome of inhumanity?

Then there are the infamous images of a marauding mob burning homes — and crosses — in a Christian neighborhood of Lahore. We don’t see hooded arsonists trying to stay out of sight. Instead, we see uncovered, beaming faces — many of them preening for the cameras. They have no reason to hide their identities, because they assume they’ll enjoy total impunity.

And for good reason. This is a nation where vigilantes enter girls’ schools and beat students for not covering their heads — while police stand by and admit they’ve been ordered “to do nothing.” And where police took hours to respond to the Lahore house burnings (though they reportedly wasted little time harassing kite-flying kids).

In short, Pakistan is a nation where law enforcement — and the political leadership from which it flows — is sorely missing in action.

For this reason, it’s fashionable to say that Pakistan’s problems boil down to a leadership crisis. Elect better leaders, the reasoning goes, and things will improve. If the state steps up, the country can be saved.

I fear, however, that it may be too late for better leadership. Imagine for a moment that the ideal government — committed to providing for the masses, willing to part ways with so-called strategic assets, and prepared to defy vested interests — sweeps into office. What would it face?

It would face extremist ideologies so powerful that credible commentators now compare Pakistan to Nazi Germany, and suggest it could eventually resemble genocidal Rwanda. A brave new leadership would also confront the reality that today’s troubles are rooted in deep-seated dilemmas unresolved since independence — including the struggle to define the relationship between Islam and national identity.

It appears that Pakistan’s perils are too ingrained and structural to be expunged by even the most exceptional of leaders. Increasingly, I fear that only two scenarios can prevent Pakistan from one day succumbing to Balkanisation or even utter chaos – and they are neither likely nor desirable. One is a repressive dictatorship that keeps a lid on Pakistan’s sectarian cleavages and violence — much like the Saddam Hussein reign did in Iraq. The sole Pakistani institution capable of implementing such a regime is the military and Rawalpindi certainly — and wisely — has no plans to do so (though if the security situation further deteriorates in the years ahead, all bets are off).

The other scenario is a full-scale revolution that brings down the Pakistani state and its institutions as we’ve known them. The noted Indian strategist Brahma Chellaney has suggested the need for one to rid his own country of the rot of corruption: “It may take a second war of independence for India to gain true freedom from exploitation and pillage.”

Of course, such a revolution is as unrealistic and unwanted in Pakistan as it is in India. Pakistan is too fragmented to experience any type of mass movement, much less a revolution. And it would destroy the many good things — most notably a fragile democracy — that have taken root in recent years.

So, I’m left with the troubling thought that Pakistan is edging inevitably closer to an abyss — and I shudder to think what happens when it takes this plunge.

As my optimism fades, one hope remains resolute: that I’m proven wrong.
Talon read up my post i am the one standing up for the minorities. I am the one questioning the generals and i am the one questioning the direction pakistan is heading.

On TOP of that Retard here is asking webby to check my and Cherokee IP cause i question it.

And i am the one you asking to forget the dead and fight for living ?
@Cheetah786 Sorry it was meant to be for general EVERYONE!!
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The TTP have threatened to take over Pakistan. The actual pogrom will commence once this happens. This is just a trailer of what's to come. But no one wants to take the bull by the horns. The TTP thrives due to the inability of the establishment to take them on.

The PA probably don't want to stir the pot as they consider the TTP a future 'strategic asset' against India once the Americans withdraw from Afghanistan. The TTP would then be out of a job and would make willing recruits for the proxy war in Kashmir. Or so the establishment thinks!

So, as long as the TTP thrives, religious extremism will be the order of the day. All these extremist groups including the LeJ, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), HuJI etc with their brand of radical Islam are all vying for domination by trying to show that they alone are the real Muslims by indulging in atrocities against minorities. These groups will continue to rule the roost as long as the politicians, the PA and the Police turn a blind eye to their dastardly activities.
The TTP have threatened to take over Pakistan. The actual pogrom will commence once this happens. This is just a trailer of what's to come. But no one wants to take the bull by the horns. The TTP thrives due to the inability of the establishment to take them on.

The PA probably don't want to stir the pot as they consider the TTP a future 'strategic asset' against India once the Americans withdraw from Afghanistan. The TTP would then be out of a job and would make willing recruits for the proxy war in Kashmir. Or so the establishment thinks!

So, as long as the TTP thrives, religious extremism will be the order of the day. All these extremist groups including the LeJ, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), HuJI etc with their brand of radical Islam are all vying for domination by trying to show that they alone are the real Muslims by indulging in atrocities against minorities. These groups will continue to rule the roost as long as the politicians, the PA and the Police turn a blind eye to their dastardly activities.

You need to start using your brain, and stop using the thing that you think is your brain.
You need to start using your brain, and stop using the thing that you think is your brain.
Thanks for your golden advice. I was thinking through my a$$, as I always do. I could have borrowed a few brain cells from you but seeing you don't have any, I'll need to look elsewhere.

Now get some education instead of sputtering inanities like a third grader. It makes you look silly.
Thanks for your golden advice. I was thinking through my a$$, as I always do. I could have borrowed a few brain cells from you but seeing you don't have any, I'll need to look elsewhere.

Now get some education instead of sputtering inanities like a third grader. It makes you look silly.

Now stand in front of the mirror and say the same thing again and again till it sinks in.
Developereo he isn't questioning the creation of pakistan he is questioning the direction its heading.

I quoted the line in the OP where he explicitly declares that the issues could have been resolved without partition. In other words, he feels that creation of Pakistan was not needed.
no people should leave their homeland, the problem is that our government and military is very weak, they cannot protect these minorities, I suggest arming these people, the only way they can survive is to take care of themselves against these terrorists

GTFO out then.

Oh will Tehran not give you a visa?

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Wrong Quaid never ever wanted pakistan to be a Islamic state his vision was clear a secular state.

Which weed are you on?? The same which @somebozo and @muse smoke? If Quaid wanted a secular state, then why partition? India was a secular state! We could have stayed with them! There are Muslims as mush as there are in Pakistan!
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