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All India Congress Website Hacked

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Hope this impresses upon the government the need for cyber security. Safeguards are so amateurish, even a child could hack them.
I do not mind if that haxor guys do this to her in real life.
F#%K congress.
Well I saved the page just in case

I think that is wrong.. gives a very negative impression.
He could have been more .. articulate when making a statement.
Although Im sure a lot of Indian members who hate the congress due to its lenient policy towards Pakistan would love this.
Anything to help their hate.. even if it comes from the country they hate..

we do not hate pakistan..we hate pakistanis who hate india...
although i hate congress i will not support this hacking thing...yes it is funny and i had a good laugh reading it but targeting just one person from congress is not enough....
the site seems to be ok...wheres the SQL loader?
Hats off to the pakistani hacker if indians cant fight italian rule atleast our friends from across the border can.
Thank you dear Pakistanis. Bless the hacker and hope that he did a good job. :cheers:

I'll celebrate this with a Heinken. :D
whats with posting on a 5 month old thread?
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