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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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Just imagine Bala Saheb and Hafiz Saeed, both fighting aliens hand in hand. Lol.
No offense
US will sanction against aliens
China will warn aliens
N korea Inter planetary Ballistic missile test failed
Iran says it has developed defense against alien UFO's and can redirect them
Israel asks other countries to get ready to fight with aliens
India asks alien support for UN permanent membership
Pakistan to block alien supply routes because of UFO attacks
No offense
US will sanction against aliens
China will warn aliens
N korea Inter planetary Ballistic missile test failed
Iran says it has developed defense against alien UFO's and can redirect them
Israel asks other countries to get ready to fight with aliens
India asks alien support for UN permanent membership
Pakistan to block alien supply routes because of UFO attacks
India threatens to plan surgical strikes on alien land and end up sending dossiers :lol: :lol::lol::lol: :lol:
India threatens to plan surgical strikes on alien land and end up sending dossiers :lol: :lol::lol::lol: :lol:
This is too much but fine :P I dont remember last time when India threatened to attack some one . : tongue: Next time please make sure that it makes some meaning .
No offense
US will sanction against aliens
China will warn aliens
N korea Inter planetary Ballistic missile test failed
Iran says it has developed defense against alien UFO's and can redirect them
Israel asks other countries to get ready to fight with aliens
India asks alien support for UN permanent membership
Pakistan to block alien supply routes because of UFO attacks

Lol...The best part is "India asks alien support for UN permanent membership". Man, we guys are not going to leave even aliens for seeking support. :rofl:
In a seriousness, it will only take 5 Air Craft Battle Groups to take these Aliens :D
and we the Army of PDF Troll united...... trolling the hell out of the aliens...They wont stand a chance :lol:

Hafiz saeed will tell them "I am in Lahore,come get me"

Ya... We will take sh*t out of those aliens on PDF. They don't know we have Superheros here.

Ppl like Hongwu, SinoC, Hafizz, Razpak, me etc will make them run for there life.
There's lot of questions and doubts running in my head.... Am kind of confused.... One thing is sure that alien's do exist. But do our goverment and space agency telling us whole truth? What if zeebans and gootans are same alien race? May be zeebans waiting for the mothership to land on earth? But may be goverment telling truth. I think the big difference between zeebans and gootans is Zeebans can live with humans in peaceful manner.... Like sharing bread (natural resourses).... But gootans doesnt want to share.... And then zeebans don't want gootans on planet earth. So zeebans helping humans.... But there was a word out by usa military retired men that there are aliens who fight amoung themself.... He told once a alien break free and came to usa military base and told them that other aliens torturing humans in the name of experiment.... Then after few days the other aliens shot dead the friendly alien UFO killing it.... its totaly confusing but one thing is sure that aliens indeed landing on earth.... How the hell even indian scientist from isro said wait till 2012 we give u big news of UFO over himalayans when our scientists saw a 3 feet alien inside space suit flying slowly as he saw the scientist. The alien looked friendly and didnt harm or scared the scientists working on himalayas.... The zeebans flashing lights over city in a way saying we are your friend and we should not panic.... By the way theres confusion that are zeebans and humans (goverment) waiting to wellcome the mothership or they getting ready for war.... The way russia talking its clear that zeebans and humans waiting for to war to gootans.... But the way america talking it feels like they waiting to wellcome it because U.N Panel appointed a ambassador already to whome the aliens would be sent for talks.... i think america not sure what will gootans do.... But gootans do attacked zeebans and even america accepted that openly.... Without zeebans we humans cant do anything. i dont know how the hell will anti alien defence would work.... Russia claimed its ready but russian defence won't be a match to gootans.... Our only hope is zeebans and helping them would make earth live bit long....
There's lot of questions and doubts running in my head.... Am kind of confused.... One thing is sure that alien's do exist. But do our goverment and space agency telling us whole truth? What if zeebans and gootans are same alien race? May be zeebans waiting for the mothership to land on earth? But may be goverment telling truth. I think the big difference between zeebans and gootans is Zeebans can live with humans in peaceful manner.... Like sharing bread (natural resourses).... But gootans doesnt want to share.... And then zeebans don't want gootans on planet earth. So zeebans helping humans.... But there was a word out by usa military retired men that there are aliens who fight amoung themself.... He told once a alien break free and came to usa military base and told them that other aliens torturing humans in the name of experiment.... Then after few days the other aliens shot dead the friendly alien UFO killing it.... its totaly confusing but one thing is sure that aliens indeed landing on earth.... How the hell even indian scientist from isro said wait till 2012 we give u big news of UFO over himalayans when our scientists saw a 3 feet alien inside space suit flying slowly as he saw the scientist. The alien looked friendly and didnt harm or scared the scientists working on himalayas.... The zeebans flashing lights over city in a way saying we are your friend and we should not panic.... By the way theres confusion that are zeebans and humans (goverment) waiting to wellcome the mothership or they getting ready for war.... The way russia talking its clear that zeebans and humans waiting for to war to gootans.... But the way america talking it feels like they waiting to wellcome it because U.N Panel appointed a ambassador already to whome the aliens would be sent for talks.... i think america not sure what will gootans do.... But gootans do attacked zeebans and even america accepted that openly.... Without zeebans we humans cant do anything. i dont know how the hell will anti alien defence would work.... Russia claimed its ready but russian defence won't be a match to gootans.... Our only hope is zeebans and helping them would make earth live bit long....

Dont worry bro! fikar not.... We will save you. Only you have to do is, the day they land on Earth, just switch on your computer login to PDF and leave rest on us.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
In a seriousness, it will only take 5 Air Craft Battle Groups to take these Aliens :D

Um...no :lol:

Seriously, you are gonna beat aliens able to travel in space with carrier groups? :D
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