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Algerians eat lunch in Ramadan protest

Christians fast for 40 days during Easter.

I didnt knew that Nor Did i saw any Christian friend of Mine telling me this. Nor Honestly i saw them fasting with Christian i know in Pakistan and Abroad.

So if they do fast then Muslims should respect but i nvr saw any Muslims doing such things in a Non Mulim countries or the Christian complaining it in Muslim Countries.

So Either Muslims respect them enough or Simply they dont observe fast in Easter.
Argument is open both ways.
What part of the protest do you not like? Do the people have the right to choose to not fast, or must the State enforce this religious duty upon all?

They have the right, however, its a small sacrifice and I think in multicultural societies everyone must learn to live in harmony. Its not like they can't eat, just not in public. They can eat in their homes or anywhere in private.

Of course this should be done voluntarily and not forced. In almost all Muslim countries the non-Muslims take out their processions on occasions like Christmas, Diwali, Holi... Some degree of traffic is affected. People put up with it in order to be nice to each other.

I feel there are deeper issues at work there in Algeria and there is disharmony between the communities to begin with and they just needed an issue to fight on so this is as good as any.

Although googling for it doesn't show that.
They have the right, however, its a small sacrifice and I think in multicultural societies everyone must learn to live in harmony. Its not like they can't eat, just not in public. They can eat in their homes or anywhere in private.

Of course this should be done voluntarily and not forced. In almost all Muslim countries the non-Muslims take out their processions on occasions like Christmas, Diwali, Holi... Some degree of traffic is affected. People put up with it in order to be nice to each other.

I feel there are deeper issues at work there in Algeria and there is disharmony between the communities to begin with and they just needed an issue to fight on so this is as good as any.

Although googling for it doesn't show that.

That is the main cause for their protest, that compliance with religious requirements is being forced upon them by law. If there is a non-punitive way to achieve social harmony as you describe, then that is the better way to achieve results. But mandating compliance can trigger civil disobedience, as seems to be the case here, since such laws are usually seen as a prelude to increasing theocratic undertones that people do not seem to accept.
Quite clearly Algerian berbers need to free themselves from the shackles of Arab cultural imperialism. I wonder what @Ceylal thinks

Just semantics. The protest, if we call it that is to show that Algerians are laics, and frown on anything that is imposed in them. In general, Algerians become ******* just in that months, the next day after el 3id, there goes religion out the window...Sorry that's the way we are.
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You can't force people to be religious. This seems like a more political and cultural oppression. Since Berbers are the original inhabitants of Northern Africa. I respect them for keeping their culture alive even after so many centuries of occupation.
That is the main cause for their protest, that compliance with religious requirements is being forced upon them by law. If there is a non-punitive way to achieve social harmony as you describe, then that is the better way to achieve results. But mandating compliance can trigger civil disobedience, as seems to be the case here, since such laws are usually seen as a prelude to increasing theocratic undertones that people do not seem to accept.

Protest by holding up a banner. By hurting Muslim sentiments, Muslims would be blinded to their plight.
Protest by holding up a banner. By hurting Muslim sentiments, Muslims would be blinded to their plight.

Why should any Muslim's sentiments, who is fasting by his own choice, be hurt in any way at all if someone else is having lunch by their own choice? I may choose to fast. Someone may choose not to fast.
Dear...just for curiosity i am asking........during fasting...in Pakistan.....can people smoke out side on street,restaurant and cafe usually open or close during day time?.........
when i was in Bangladesh........people really mind if you smoke out side on street on day time......also almost all restaurant usually closed during day time.........so during fasting month ...when we use to go out side in Bangladesh......we avoid smoking and eating..........

but in Jakarta......no buddy bother about ...........those who are fasting they follow discipline..........but doesn't force any buddy

Many restaurants close not because of any law, but they don't get enough customers from dawn to Iftar time. As for smoking in public places, again it's part of the culture and no one's enforcing it. You don't want the smoke to go up the nostrils of people who fast.
If Muslims in non-muslims country are forced to follow Christian, Hindu or Buddhist rituals? Damn they will pull out their victim card in a second, talk about double standards and hypocrisy
This country is for the sons and daughters of Jinnah, not for some ungrateful folk.

What utter nonsense and BS! The Constitution of Pakistan is based on the Holy Qur'an and Hadees.

Where does Islam require you to worship Jinnah ?
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