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ALERT : Pakistani Jets Fighters bomb posts inside Afghanistan

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Afghanistan adopt NATO policy to blame all on Pakistan, viewing circumstances it hard to believe that firing starts from Pakistan. Obviously it was started by Afghan border force not accidentally but to provide background music of Karzai visit to India.

It was attempt to provoke anti Pakistan feelings in Afghan nation while Karzai prepares to kiss India.
Here active role is played by Indian (Raw) because situation attack is strange at this moment when at one side US lose its patience over North Waziristan issue & other side India showed his reaction over Pakistan's major role in Afghan peace deal, they invited Karzai to fill his mind with their poison against Pakistan while Afghan forces under Indian intelligence playing their own role on border at back set of Afghan - India table talk in Delhi.

You have to understand that response from Pakistan was kind of warning more than attack or bombardment. It was need of time.
whom among their fighter planes?
under taliban rule there was no air force i think?
usa might have supplied them recently

They have the Mig 21's as there main fighter I guess.....
===self delete... couldn't resist attacking jana out of pure spite===
Bro, why should things told by you be believeable and things claimed by us not believeable?

Pakistan military aircraft cross border
Afghanistan News.Net
Thursday 3rd February, 2011
Pakistani forces have bombarded residential areas in eastern Afghanistan.

Aircraft of the Pakistan Air Force also homed in oon some police checkpoints across the border.

The bombing was authorised by the Pakistan government one day after Afghan and Pakistani troops exchanged fire across border.

One Pakistani soldier was killed and three others were left injured after the exchange.

Afghanistan officials said the Pakistani jets targeted areas in Gushte district in Nangarhar province, where residential areas and government buildings were hit.

No casualties have been reported.
where did all the civilians go?
Afghanistan adopt NATO policy to blame all on Pakistan, viewing circumstances it hard to believe that firing starts from Pakistan. Obviously it was started by Afghan border force not accidentally but to provide background music of Karzai visit to India.

It was attempt to provoke anti Pakistan feelings in Afghan nation while Karzai prepares to kiss India.
Here active role is played by Indian (Raw) because situation attack is strange at this moment when at one side US lose its patience over North Waziristan issue & other side India showed his reaction over Pakistan's major role in Afghan peace deal, they invited Karzai to fill his mind with their poison against Pakistan while Afghan forces under Indian intelligence playing their own role on border at back set of Afghan - India table talk in Delhi.

You have to understand that response from Pakistan was kind of warning more than attack or bombardment. It was need of time.

Sir, off topic .But i never understood what Pakistan wants from Afghanistan. Please tell me what it is as breifly as possible if you can spare any time.
Afghanistan adopt NATO policy to blame all on Pakistan, viewing circumstances it hard to believe that firing starts from Pakistan. Obviously it was started by Afghan border force not accidentally but to provide background music of Karzai visit to India.

It was attempt to provoke anti Pakistan feelings in Afghan nation while Karzai prepares to kiss India.
Here active role is played by Indian (Raw) because situation attack is strange at this moment when at one side US lose its patience over North Waziristan issue & other side India showed his reaction over Pakistan's major role in Afghan peace deal, they invited Karzai to fill his mind with their poison against Pakistan while Afghan forces under Indian intelligence playing their own role on border at back set of Afghan - India table talk in Delhi.

You have to understand that response from Pakistan was kind of warning more than attack or bombardment. It was need of time.


oh man,

do u think afghan forces will fire without nato support?
and 2-3 days back,an american military officer was saying that we can win war without pakistan.
so something is cooking but to involve india while karzai is on visit........etc is out of understanding.
there might be other reasons
I think emotionalism has nothing to do in Realpolitiks.

Most us pakistanes are decendents of Afghan, Pashtun, Tajik or Uzbeks who came with Invaders. You will find Pashtuns, Tajik and other castes/ races in Pakistan.
we not only have blood relations with Afghans but also we are bound by Islamic brother hood.

AS some one said we cannot change neighbors so I think if This incident happened at all. soon things will be sorted out.

Remember wilth all agression we show, Afghans still belive Pakistan as their second home. Afghan survival depand on us and we need them for trade with central asia.

so chill out
Afghanistan can not afford to be anti Pakistan. we are brothers and brothers some time fight but when time comes , they become one.
so indians should not jump to conclusions. we know the more misrable Afghans are the more misery we will get
This is also a sabotage act but this time sabotage of Pak - Afghan relations indirectly.
Result is very clear even in this forum where some Pakistani posters went out from them and directly blamed on Afghanistan and our Afghan went on Pakistan.
I don't know why this situation not evaluated with sense but ignite emotion is easy then think with cool mind.
No casualties have been reported.
where did all the civilians go?

The civilians are there at their homes. why are you surprised by that? people have seen fights thousand times worse than this bombing, they are used to it.

I dont think we are doing any good, if this is response of last day's firing and Mortars. But if it was for so called 'War on Terror', then it was a good idea, and the smugglers and Taliban are likely to live close to border, and clearing it would be a advantage to Pakistan.

The aerial and ground assaults have left no casualties, General Amarkhel went on to say.

This is what I like, just in case there were civilians.

Out of matter of interest, were they Mirage ROSE or A4 Fantans?

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