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Alarming! Situation Of Indus River in Sindh

Yeah yeah, Geoengineering / Climate Intervention is all a hoax.

When it starts raining less in Assam, Bhutan etc then you will notice the effect downstream.
And pray tell me how on earth is China going to stop the monsoon, by displacing the Himalayas?Is that your idea of geo-engineering. You seem to be some kind of expert on meteorology, you must be knowing that Eastern Arunachal and Upper Assam are amongst the rainiest places on the globe.
I always thought that Pakistan has much more dams than Turkey due to her water shortage.


Some of the most water-rich countries have more dams than Pakistan, very surprising fact to me.
Pakistan might be considered in South Asia but actually from climate point of view it is more Middle Eastern as it represents the eastern flank of the dry region which prevails over Middle East. Pakistan is drier then Turkey and probably more similiar to Syria. Only the northern Pakistan do we have sufficient rain/snow which of course aggregates as ice and glaciers feeding the Indus and other rivers which then flow south through the sandy plains. Most of the Pakistani agriculture is supported by irrigation feeding off the rivers and dams. Tarbela, Mangla are two large ones. In fact we have almost a repeat although on vastly bigger scale what we had during the Indus Civilization which also fed from the River Indus thus the name ~ IVC.


As a sidenote most India that has the 1.4 billion people is extremely damp with heavy rain and tropical jungles. This is not the case for Pakistan. Either we have high altitude alpine country in the north, high plateau on the west resembling Iran or deserts on the plains. The green strip along the Indus you see on satellite images is artificial irrigated land.


Click on this link and you will see the dramatic effect of artificial irrigation and desert adjacent to each other. The Indus irrigation system is one of the largest integrated systems in the world and almost supports all agriculture in Pakistan.

Link : https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place...x46b7a1f7e614925c!8m2!3d30.375321!4d69.345116


Below is video of Tarbela Dam in north of Pakistan [not too far from my ancestral village in Pakistan] which acts as huge water storeage and hydro power. Pakistan needs more of these in north part of the country to store water and feed the dry south.

No...it will not be uses like the way tou beleive...Water that is assigned for India in Indus treaty are not fully utilized by India...Those rivers are flowing to Pakistan currently....Those river may be stopped for our own use as it is assigned to us...That does not mean we are trying to block Pakistan share of water..

Sirjee, your reply to my post doesn't make any sense?:what:

Although India has been playing with Pakistan's waters, but I won't declare them as sole responsible for Pakistan's water crises, Pakistani politicians share that responsibility equally.
According to an estimate RAW distribures one billion rupees to Pakistani politicians each month for opposing dams in Pakistan. These include ANP, Jeay Sindh, selected PPP leaders, Baloch parties like Achakzai, saraiki leaders, etc.

As long as Pakistanis indulge in lunatic conspiracy theories without scientifically and technically addressing the water stress induced by population growth and climate change, there can be no hope.

Sorry or my ignorance but is it possible to convert sea water into drinking water and also generate electricity from it? If so, why don't govt focus on that because many parts of Sind have now severe water shortage, especially Karachi where the only source of water, now, is water tankers.

Desalination is a energy intensive process and is viable only where costs are a secondary consideration.
As for using sea water for power. Scotland Norway Canada are testing wave powered electricity generation. Floating wind farms are another source of electricity on open seas.
Pakistan might be considered in South Asia but actually from climate point of view it is more Middle Eastern as it represents the eastern flank of the dry region which prevails over Middle East. Pakistan is drier then Turkey and probably more similiar to Syria. Only the northern Pakistan do we have sufficient rain/snow which of course aggregates as ice and glaciers feeding the Indus and other rivers which then flow south through the sandy plains. Most of the Pakistani agriculture is supported by irrigation feeding off the rivers and dams. Tarbela, Mangla are two large ones. In fact we have almost a repeat although on vastly bigger scale what we had during the Indus Civilization which also fed from the River Indus thus the name ~ IVC.


As a sidenote most India that has the 1.4 billion people is extremely damp with heavy rain and tropical jungles. This is not the case for Pakistan. Either we have high altitude alpine country in the north, high plateau on the west resembling Iran or deserts on the plains. The green strip along the Indus you see on satellite images is artificial irrigated land.


Click on this link and you will see the dramatic effect of artificial irrigation and desert adjacent to each other. The Indus irrigation system is one of the largest integrated systems in the world and almost supports all agriculture in Pakistan.

Link : https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place...x46b7a1f7e614925c!8m2!3d30.375321!4d69.345116


Below is video of Tarbela Dam in north of Pakistan [not too far from my ancestral village in Pakistan] which acts as huge water storeage and hydro power. Pakistan needs more of these in north part of the country to store water and feed the dry south.

Thank your for your detailed posting. These are the postings that really help me to increase my knowledge about Pakistan. I've noticed that Pakistan's precipitation map is quite similar to California's little annual rainfall.


They have a North-South divide in California, too. But Pakistan is twice the size of California.


California's agricultural export


Pakistan exported goods and services worth 25 b. USD last year.


There's another similarity between the two states; California and Pakistan, both are feeding a huge domestic market, still, California manages to export huge amounts of agricultural goods generating billions of USD.

Theocratically, Pakistan could feed the entire subcontinent if they transition into a modern agricultural industry. The potential is crazy.
As long as Pakistanis indulge in lunatic conspiracy theories without scientifically and technically addressing the water stress induced by population growth and climate change, there can be no hope.

Desalination is a energy intensive process and is viable only where costs are a secondary consideration.
As for using sea water for power. Scotland Norway Canada are testing wave powered electricity generation. Floating wind farms are another source of electricity on open seas.
This is not a lunatic conspiracy. Indian intelligence is actively involved in water terrorisn against Pakistan.
According to an estimate RAW distribures one billion rupees to Pakistani politicians each month for opposing dams in Pakistan. These include ANP, Jeay Sindh, selected PPP leaders, Baloch parties like Achakzai, saraiki leaders, etc.
lols why not arrest these politicians then? or dha boys using these politicians to sign land grabbing operations?
lols why not arrest these politicians then? or dha boys using these politicians to sign land grabbing operations?
NAB team went to arrest a politician yesterday, we all know what happened next, these bustard politicians can sell their mothers to please india
NAB team went to arrest a politician yesterday, we all know what happened next, these bustard politicians can sell their mothers to please india
lols politicians are like evil minion they draw their power from pindi, when pindi boys want to expand their commerical operations they use these politicians and encourage them,protect them and give them freehand to loot resources of Pakistan!

dont forget it was pindi boys who provided security to Mr Sharjeel Inam Memon on his visit to tando Allah yar! from nro to now pindi boys corrupt generals are the reason why our country is so fked up!

they have this small farm house where they breed bastards like shareefs,zardaris,bhuttos,ptis etc!

and yes they also armed Mqm and fked the biggest city in Pakistan the economic hub!

this is not kotri barrage

Its the rail way bridge south of the Kotri Barrage...the water is diverted to canals so the river bed can dry up seasonally due to this diversion and high temps....Still, Sind more than any other province need to adopt modern water conservation practices (Baluchistan second). A water tax to fund water efficiency, planting plants that require less water, waste waste recycling, desalination should be piloted in Sind. Things will get worse in the south.
It is going to be a serious situation in a few years and Pakistan is going to be in dire humanitarian straits due to climate change.

Unfortunately, the ratio of corrupt/ignorant powerful people in Pakistan to those with more than 3 honest brain cells is 99:1
As long as Pakistanis indulge in lunatic conspiracy theories without scientifically and technically addressing the water stress induced by population growth and climate change, there can be no hope.

One does not exclude other theoretically in our situation. Corrupt people will make money wherever they can.

I think there are too many zakootas here too ( I love this expression since some people explained me in PAF discussion thread).

I courbe wrong of course.
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