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Alarming! Situation Of Indus River in Sindh

Sea Water Desalinization is possible but it is way too expensive to be feasible. We cannot afford it. Those funds can be used to preserve fresh water instead.

That's unfortunate, I hope by time the cost for desalination process comes down.

As for making electricity. Water don't make electricity directly, Its the FLOW of water.The Flowing Water Energy helps push the turbines to rotate and them that create electricity.
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how do you plan to do that with sea water that is already at sea level,the lowest level?

I know about the level, but was just asking if that could be made possible in cost effective way wrt sea water.
Kotri Barrage Sindh


@Indus Pakistan @Dubious @Zibago @Horus @BHarwana @darksider @Oscar
This is not alarming but good situation. We have extensive snowfall this year need river beds depleted to cover monsoon season.
Sorry or my ignorance but is it possible to convert sea water into drinking water and also generate electricity from it? If so, why don't govt focus on that because many parts of Sind have now severe water shortage, especially Karachi where the only source of water, now, is water tankers.

It takes a lot of electricity to do that.
Just wait only 3, 4 years. I think We will see same in Punjab. Water is becoming main issue here too.

It is summer time in South Asia so river will dry out un most of the rivers

That's unfortunate, I hope by time the cost for desalination process comes down.

I know about the level, but was just asking if that could be made possible in cost effective way wrt sea water.

No...it will not be uses like the way tou beleive...Water that is assigned for India in Indus treaty are not fully utilized by India...Those rivers are flowing to Pakistan currently....Those river may be stopped for our own use as it is assigned to us...That does not mean we are trying to block Pakistan share of water..
the bridge over Indus near Hyderabad is about 2 km long, don't expect water on the entire width all the time. even I remember seeing Indus water flow as wide as a canal in winter times.
Ask China to divert the 'air rivers' to our side when we need water. They have openly declared trialling the tech to divert those air rivers from Tibet to Yellow River area. That may have a huge impact on rivers into India and Bangladesh.

It would be interesting if Indus is fed in Pakistan instead of the natural feed it gets before entering India.
What else do you expect in this time of the year, discharge will obviously be significantly reduced. We play soccer and cricket, and organise picnics on the mid-channel sand bars over the Brahmaputra(it being a braided river), and in a couple of months the river resembles an angry sea, other bank not visible with naked eyes and threatening to spill over the embankments.
Even if we start kala bagh & basha dam today , it will take 10-15 year minimum. While molvi/Mullah are not concerned about it. They will never come on street for public issues. Its not their fault as well
Well it is said " Mullah ki dhor Masjid tak" .
We never used speaker for positive things which has directly access to public , rural areas and villages .
Its not the Mullahs who have stopped the construction of dams u thick slice of........
They have openly declared trialling the tech to divert those air rivers from Tibet to Yellow River area. That may have a huge impact on rivers into India and Bangladesh.
That is a hoax, a big fat lie. Chinese portion of the Brahmaputra is just a small stream, makes no sense to divert such small amount of water upwards against the gradient wasting massive amount of energy. In any case, Brahmaputra doesn't solely depend upon waters from Tibet, Indian monsoon and numerous stream in Assam, Arunachal and Bhutan contribute to it. Spread the meaasge and help people learn about it.
What else do you expect in this time of the year, discharge will obviously be significantly reduced. We play soccer and cricket, and organise picnics on the mid-channel sand bars over the Brahmaputra(it being a braided river), and in a couple of months the river resembles an angry sea, other bank not visible with naked eyes and threatening to spill over the embankments.
Seasonal fuctuation that would be resolved if we had more dams.
That is a hoax, a big fat lie. Chinese portion of the Brahmaputra is just a small stream, makes no sense to divert such small amount of water upwards against the gradient wasting massive amount of energy. In any case, Brahmaputra doesn't solely depend upon waters from Tibet, Indian monsoon and numerous stream in Assam, Arunachal and Bhutan contribute to it. Spread the meaasge and help people learn about it.

Yeah yeah, Geoengineering / Climate Intervention is all a hoax.

When it starts raining less in Assam, Bhutan etc then you will notice the effect downstream.
Not sure what side of the Kotri Barrage this is. But water is typically diverted into the Karachi canal and Phuleli canal. The southern portion can dry up from time to time. From the reports I've read, Sind and Baluchistan will experience more drought going foward, KP Punjab and Kashmir may see more intense rains due to climate change. Actually theirs been record snow fall in Northern Pakistan this year, 61", double the normal amounts...And fears of flooding.



Sind needs water storage Dams more than the other provinces. To make up for the change in rain patterns.
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