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Alabama abortion law has uncanny resemblance to Bangladesh's


Dec 31, 2010
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May 21, 2019 - 07:00 PM EDT
Alabama abortion law has uncanny resemblance to Bangladesh's

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill
In recent days, American women are up in arms over the abortion laws in Alabama, Georgia and Missouri. The abortion law in Alabama is especially disturbing because it does not even grant a 14-year-girl who was raped and got pregnant the right to get an abortion. Anyone who helps a rape victim to get an abortion under the Alabama law is a felon.

At times like this, when such horrendous laws are being proposed, it is of critical importance to recall that the Alabama law that will go into effect is six months is very similar to Bangladesh’s, a non-democratic third world country that I am sure most Americans don’t want to model themselves after.

According to Bangladeshi law, abortion is only permitted to save the life of the mother, and anyone who helps a pregnant woman to have an abortion for any other reason, including rape, faces three to five years imprisonment as well as a fine. The only difference between the Bangladeshi law and the Alabama law is that in Bangladesh, the pregnant woman who seeks an abortion can also face charges, while this is not the case with the Alabama law.

Nevertheless, both laws share the notion that a woman who becomes pregnant due to rape should not be given the right to get an abortion, and anyone who assists such women who seek an abortion belong behind bars.

The Bangladeshi law is very damaging to women’s rights, especially given the high rate of rape within the country. According to a recent petition that was created by Muslims Facing Tomorrow, “Bangladesh has emerged as a safe haven for rapists in epidemic proportions. The numbers of rape cases have exploded like wildfire. Not a day passes where someone is not raped, gang-raped or murdered after rape or gang rape.

The victims include babies and older women. Rapists come from all levels of the society, including from madrassas and educational institutions. The whole nation exploded with rage against this horror, but hardly any rapists have been punished. Often, the victim is from a poor family that submits to the threat of the powerful and/or politically connected rapists to keep silent or withdraw the case. This is the same of the nation, law enforcement agencies and the government.”

In recent days, a nurse who worked in a Dhaka hospital was raped and murdered. Afterwards, her body was thrown off a bus. This incident occurred weeks after a 19-year-old student had kerosene thrown on her and was set on fire after she reported the fact that a madrassa principal attempted to rape her.

She succumbed to her wounds. In recent days, according to the World Hindu Struggle Committee, it was revealed that the murderers were paid to kill her so that she would not proceed with the attempted rape allegations against the madrassa principal. They claim that all of the murderers were reportedly relatives of the principle and involved in local Awami League politics. And not too long before that, a 10-year-old girl was strangled to death in Bangladesh for resisting being raped by her private tutor.

These incidents are not isolated occurrences. Within the last four months, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) reported a 20 percent increase in the rape of children within the country since last year.

Shipan Kumer Basu, the president of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, reported: “Madrassa teachers are constantly raping girl children. Many of them are murdered after being raped. But sadly, there is no justice. The local Awami League leaders harass, intimidate and murder anyone seeking justice. Bangladesh has become a sanctuary for criminals.”

Rape is a crime that affects victims for the rest of their lives. Rape victims frequently suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which causes them to have flashbacks and nightmares that constantly remind them of the rape until the day they die. Rape victims often struggle to have normal sexual relations post-trauma.

In many instances, rape victims turn to drugs or attempt suicide due to the pain that the rape caused them. In other instances, rape victims can become mentally ill and spend many years recovering from that condition inside of hospitals. Judaism teaches that the moral degradation and mental anguish that rape causes is equivalent to murder. It literally murders the soul of the woman or girl.

However, when a rape victim suffers such an indignity and witnesses her rapists walk free, it eats the soul of the victim alive. And when the victim is forced to give birth to her rapists’ child because she legally lost control over her own destiny, it makes life for the rape victim unbearable.

For this reason, an increasing number of Bangladeshi women are fighting against the present situation in their country, and American women should fight in order to prevent their country from following in the footsteps of Bangladesh. American women should do everything in their power to ensure that their nation does not become another third world country, which oppresses rape victims and robs them of the ability to control their bodies.

Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working at the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights. She is also the author of “Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab Media.”

So women are beginning to feel what it is like to be a man in Amerika (and the West in general), you have no rights:

"Panic, it's a man! strange event in meeting a man, what do we do to a man, do we strip him of all rights?"

"It's a man!" It is assumed you are evil if you are a male in the West. That is the assumption.

Soon this may be applied to a woman,
-what have you found?
-A woman!
-A woman? And she does not support killing her child, so she is a good woman.

Simply, do a DNA test on the father, and if a geni, then ok to have an abortion if not a girl. Too many genis around. No reason to kill the baby otherwise.

I remain the only one in the world who has figured this out discursively. That is until people figure out what I mean by this misspelled word geni.
Article seems like load of $hit with agenda. Whatever insignificant going on in one part of the world, relate that to BD and write articles on whatever you learned about BD. Its like a boy who only knows a cow essay. My earlier maid had unlimited abortion on my sight with her unlimited affairs outside. Guess what law and order doesnt work here. And gang rapes were always a issue here, underreported earlier. And garments industry and beggar industry produces a culture where a lawless consensual
sexlife is prevailing with different parties. Rape is just a portion of whole story.
May 21, 2019 - 07:00 PM EDT
Alabama abortion law has uncanny resemblance to Bangladesh's

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill
In recent days, American women are up in arms over the abortion laws in Alabama, Georgia and Missouri. The abortion law in Alabama is especially disturbing because it does not even grant a 14-year-girl who was raped and got pregnant the right to get an abortion. Anyone who helps a rape victim to get an abortion under the Alabama law is a felon.

At times like this, when such horrendous laws are being proposed, it is of critical importance to recall that the Alabama law that will go into effect is six months is very similar to Bangladesh’s, a non-democratic third world country that I am sure most Americans don’t want to model themselves after.

According to Bangladeshi law, abortion is only permitted to save the life of the mother, and anyone who helps a pregnant woman to have an abortion for any other reason, including rape, faces three to five years imprisonment as well as a fine. The only difference between the Bangladeshi law and the Alabama law is that in Bangladesh, the pregnant woman who seeks an abortion can also face charges, while this is not the case with the Alabama law.

Nevertheless, both laws share the notion that a woman who becomes pregnant due to rape should not be given the right to get an abortion, and anyone who assists such women who seek an abortion belong behind bars.

The Bangladeshi law is very damaging to women’s rights, especially given the high rate of rape within the country. According to a recent petition that was created by Muslims Facing Tomorrow, “Bangladesh has emerged as a safe haven for rapists in epidemic proportions. The numbers of rape cases have exploded like wildfire. Not a day passes where someone is not raped, gang-raped or murdered after rape or gang rape.

The victims include babies and older women. Rapists come from all levels of the society, including from madrassas and educational institutions. The whole nation exploded with rage against this horror, but hardly any rapists have been punished. Often, the victim is from a poor family that submits to the threat of the powerful and/or politically connected rapists to keep silent or withdraw the case. This is the same of the nation, law enforcement agencies and the government.”

In recent days, a nurse who worked in a Dhaka hospital was raped and murdered. Afterwards, her body was thrown off a bus. This incident occurred weeks after a 19-year-old student had kerosene thrown on her and was set on fire after she reported the fact that a madrassa principal attempted to rape her.

She succumbed to her wounds. In recent days, according to the World Hindu Struggle Committee, it was revealed that the murderers were paid to kill her so that she would not proceed with the attempted rape allegations against the madrassa principal. They claim that all of the murderers were reportedly relatives of the principle and involved in local Awami League politics. And not too long before that, a 10-year-old girl was strangled to death in Bangladesh for resisting being raped by her private tutor.

These incidents are not isolated occurrences. Within the last four months, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) reported a 20 percent increase in the rape of children within the country since last year.

Shipan Kumer Basu, the president of the World Hindu Struggle Committee, reported: “Madrassa teachers are constantly raping girl children. Many of them are murdered after being raped. But sadly, there is no justice. The local Awami League leaders harass, intimidate and murder anyone seeking justice. Bangladesh has become a sanctuary for criminals.”

Rape is a crime that affects victims for the rest of their lives. Rape victims frequently suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which causes them to have flashbacks and nightmares that constantly remind them of the rape until the day they die. Rape victims often struggle to have normal sexual relations post-trauma.

In many instances, rape victims turn to drugs or attempt suicide due to the pain that the rape caused them. In other instances, rape victims can become mentally ill and spend many years recovering from that condition inside of hospitals. Judaism teaches that the moral degradation and mental anguish that rape causes is equivalent to murder. It literally murders the soul of the woman or girl.

However, when a rape victim suffers such an indignity and witnesses her rapists walk free, it eats the soul of the victim alive. And when the victim is forced to give birth to her rapists’ child because she legally lost control over her own destiny, it makes life for the rape victim unbearable.

For this reason, an increasing number of Bangladeshi women are fighting against the present situation in their country, and American women should fight in order to prevent their country from following in the footsteps of Bangladesh. American women should do everything in their power to ensure that their nation does not become another third world country, which oppresses rape victims and robs them of the ability to control their bodies.

Rachel Avraham is a political analyst working at the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Public Relations and Human Rights. She is also the author of “Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab Media.”

The lady that wrote this is a Likud supporting Israeli. Anyway I won't deny rape is a problem in BD but it's just something to point out.

Supporting a party with links to Jewish fundamentalists while criticizing Islamic and Christian fundamentalists (the latter which are very pro-Israel) is rather hypocritical.
I don't know why this woman even wrote that piece, but of course it is an opinion piece. She MAY have the right to bad-mouth Muslims like us (seems like an agenda), Bangladesh is not exactly Norway, Sweden or Scandinavia as far as womens' rights go. However she is forgetting other countries in the subcontinent where poorer women fare far far worse (even percentage of rape-wise), and definitely in other ways such as getting bullets in the head for trying to get an education (Malala?) or getting killed while in the womb (no right to be born as an unwanted entity - fetus killing), not to mention honor-killings and having far rarer rights to get educated or getting maternal health services. She has been blinded to those facts or chose to ignore them (agenda). Bangladesh is an easy target because we as a nation are seen as 'meek' or 'inconsequential' and we won't come after her opinion-wise.

The lady that wrote this is a Likud supporting Israeli.


This is her description in the pages of the Jerusalem Post,

"Rachel Avraham is ... a senior media research analyst at the Center for Near East Policy Research and correspondent at the Israel Resource News Agency."

Another magazine she writes for is Dailywire which, among other things is super anti-democrat, that rag demonizes people who have criticized (or supposedly have the plan to criticize) Israel, politicians such as Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and (of all people) Kamala Harris. That rag also describes her as,

"A fellow at the Haym Salomon Center and is the author of “Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab media.”

Now I don't wanna go after her because she supports Likud (none of my business and she is fully entitled to her opinion/beliefs), but when picking on Third world countries, like Bangladesh, she should at least get her facts right instead of being biased like she is here.

Her piece is part of a larger plan, she is working for US conservatives, Jew or gentile doesn't matter.

The truth has been revealed - I love AOC!

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Bangladesh has a loophole in the law which is called MR. Any women can go to doctor and ask for MR (menstruation regularization) and the doctor will oblige without mentioning abortion. Its very common and I believe BD has far more MR than the USA.
I don't know why this woman even wrote that piece, but of course it is an opinion piece. However she has the right to bad-mouth Muslims like us, Bangladesh is not exactly Norway, Sweden or Scandinavia as far as womens' rights go. However she is forgetting other countries in the subcontinent where poorer women fare far far worse, such as getting bullets in the head for trying to get an education or getting killed while in the womb (no right to be born), not to mention honor killings and having no rights to get educated or getting maternal health services. She has been blinded to those facts or chose to ignore them. Bangladesh is an easy target because we as a nation are seen as 'meek' or 'inconsequential'.


This is her description in the pages of the Jerusalem Post,

"Rachel Avraham is ... a senior media research analyst at the Center for Near East Policy Research and correspondent at the Israel Resource News Agency."

Another magazine she writes for is Dailywire which, among other things is super anti-democrat, that rag demonizes people who have criticized (or supposedly have the plan to criticize) Israel, politicians such as Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and (of all people) Kamala Harris. That rag also describes her as,

"A fellow at the Haym Salomon Center and is the author of “Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings in the American, Israeli and Arab media.”

Now I don't wanna go after her because she supports Likud (none of my business and she is fully entitled to her opinion/beliefs), but when picking on Third world countries, like Bangladesh, she should at least get her facts right.

Her piece is part of a larger plan, she is working for US conservatives, Jew or gentile doesn't matter.

I love AOC!

Naturally the deranged Likud mouthpiece who supports the death of Palestinian babies living in Gaza and West Bank also want to kill Bangladeshi babies through abortion.
Bangladeshi abortion law should be changed. Its inhumane.
bangladeshis would be happy if their standard of living rivalled Alabama
bangladeshis would be happy if their standard of living rivalled Alabama

Apart from the Captain Obvious component of your statement, the argument here is not about living standards, but abortion laws.

We get that Bangladesh doesn't have the highest standard of living - yet. And yes, it is backward in many areas.

The point is that this state in the United States, the most powerful nation on earth - has backward laws on abortion that is equal (or worse) than a country whose GDP is one tenth or less that of the US. It is a microcosmic view of the representative worst type of society in the US.

See how (as a Nahtan) you do in a state infested with remnants of Jim Crow, KKK, Neo-Nazis etc. I have some racism stories to tell if you got time. From less than a year ago. Yeah. :-)

I have no respect for a state whose primary income comes from extracting speeding tickets out of unsuspecting motorists passing through the state.

Have you even been to Bangladesh?

I've been to Alabama buddy (and Bangladesh as well), Alabama is no heaven compared to Bangladesh. I interact with people in Alabama on a weekly basis on business and I am fully aware of the average IQ and education level of the average Alabamian.

We in Bangladesh can thankfully do without the dual-racism (from both Blacks and Whites toward brown folks), the antagonism, the unhealthy toxic (some would say unproductive and uneducated) society that most Southern states (including Alabama) are in the US. May the almighty give these people some realization someday what hellholes they live in and how to make it better.

Yes - people in Bangladesh may not have money, but they are a lot more civilized than most people in Alabama. In fact anyplace in Eastern South Asia (and Eastward) is better than these Southern US states.
Apart from the Captain Obvious component of your statement, the argument here is not about living standards, but abortion laws.

We get that Bangladesh doesn't have the highest standard of living - yet. And yes, it is backward in many areas.

The point is that this state in the United States, the most powerful nation on earth - has backward laws on abortion that is equal (or worse) than a country whose GDP is one tenth or less that of the US. It is a microcosmic view of the representative worst type of society in the US.

See how (as a Nahtan) you do in a state infested with remnants of Jim Crow, KKK, Neo-Nazis etc. I have some racism stories to tell if you got time. From less than a year ago. Yeah. :-)

I have no respect for a state whose primary income comes from extracting speeding tickets out of unsuspecting motorists passing through the state.

Have you even been to Bangladesh?

I've been to Alabama buddy (and Bangladesh as well), Alabama is no heaven compared to Bangladesh. I interact with people in Alabama on a weekly basis on business and I am fully aware of the average IQ and education level of the average Alabamian.

We in Bangladesh can thankfully do without the dual-racism (from both Blacks and Whites toward brown folks), the antagonism, the unhealthy toxic (some would say unproductive and uneducated) society that most Southern states (including Alabama) are in the US. May the almighty give these people some realization someday what hellholes they live in and how to make it better.

Yes - people in Bangladesh may not have money, but they are a lot more civilized than most people in Alabama. In fact anyplace in Eastern South Asia (and Eastward) is better than these Southern US states.

On abortion I am a pro-lifer. I would make exceptions for rape, incest and mother's life. That is my personal belief. I am not a fanatic. I would not waste my time imposing my beliefs on others.

I would never claim wealth equals class or culture. I have not been to Bangladesh. I have been to the South not to Alabama. The vestiges of Jim Crow are still there. I think they (Southerners) get a bad rap

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