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Al-Qaida threatens Hezbollah over its support of the Syrian regime


Jun 1, 2012
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Al-Qaida threatens Hezbollah over its support of the Syrian regime

* Amid threats against Lebanon-based Hezbollah, tensions among Syrian opposition groups could deteriorate into fighting, alongside conflict with Assad’s regime.

Lebanese supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Photo by Reuters

A new ally has joined Israel in the struggle against Hezbollah. Al-Qaida recently published a harsh attack on Hezbollah, in which it calls on Shi’ites to leave the renounce the organization “if they do not wish to be the target of Al-Qaida attacks.”

In a recording broadcasted on Al-Qaida websites, the commander of the Abdullah Azzam Shaheed Brigade in Syria, Majd al-Majd, stated that “the claim that of the Shiite leaders that Israel and the United States are responsible for the murder of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Al-Hariri and for sparking the rebellion in Syria are baseless. The ones behind the murder were the leaders of Hezbollah, the keepers of the border with Israel.”

Al-Majd, a Saudi citizen who lived until recently in the Ein al-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon, and from there moved to Syria, is on Saudi Arabia’s most wanted list. Two months ago, he was “elected” to be the head of the Syrian branch of Al-Qaida. According to Jordanian intelligence, Al-Majd oversees nearly 6,000 militants that entered Syria from Iraq and Turkey.

Al-Majd tells the Lebanese Shi’ites that “sending your sons from Lebanon so that they fight on the side of the criminal regime in Syria, kill our sons and frighten our wives, is considered support for the oppressor against the oppressed, and fully participating in a crime…Hassan Nasarallah’s characterization of the members of the regime who were killed as martyrs is an insult to millions of Muslims.” Al-Qaida is a Sunni organization, and its leaders see Hezbollah’s rule in Lebanon and the minority Alawite rule in Syria as a reality that must be forever changed. Al-Majd does not hesitate to threaten all of Lebanon, should Hezbollah continue to support the Assad regime. “Hezbollah’s existence is a threat to Lebanon’s security and tourism industry,” he said, hinting that his organization would not think twice before planning an attack on tourists in Lebanon, should the state continue to strengthen Hezbollah and its leaders.

The Al-Qaida branch in Syria is competing with another jihadist organization headed by Jordanian Salafi preacher Muhammad Al-Shalabi, also known as “Abu Sayyaf.” In an interview with Saudi newspaper Al-Sharq, Abu Sayyef said that he oversees hundreds of fighters from Jordan, Iraq, Libya and other Arab states, some of which are “fighters from Al-Qaida who went to battle in Iraq,” and that his organization “received the recognition of Al-Qaida.” His organization claimed responsibility for several impressive bombings in Syria, while Al-Majd claimed his organization was responsible for those same bombings.

A power struggle is now taking place between the two organizations, while Abu Sayyef’s group is focusing on operations in southern Syria, specifically in Daraa. On the other hand, Al-Majd is focusing on northern Syria, and has even taken control over one of the border crossings between Syria and Turkey. Al-Majd demands that his fighters, as well as those of the Free Syria Army refrain from carrying out attacks with explosive devices, since they can harm innocent people. It seems, though, that said expressions of compassion are just another way to criticize Abu Sayyef’s organization.

Another power is expected to enter the fray, as well. A group of Al-Qaida militants from Yemen, have apparently decided to journey to Syria to fight against Assad’s regime, and attempt to seize a stake in ruling the country. According to reports in Yemen, an initial group of militants has already begun the journey to Syria, and there is much concern that a religious war between the organizations will erupt as well – to be fought alongside the war against Assad.


Hezbollah and al-Qaeda have already had previous wars of words. This was because of Hezbollah's refusal to allow al-Qaeda to take roots in Lebanon so as to "fight Israel" -- hence why the al-Qaeda herald cited above called Hezbollah the guardians of the Israeli border. Considering how al-Qaeda has treated non-Sunnis in Iraq, it's completely understandable why Hezbollah would not accept its presence in Lebanon, a non-Sunni majority country. The prospect that al-Qaeda would attack, not Israel, but Lebanese citizens was too plausible to ignore.
FREEDOM!!!! :disagree:

Alqaeda can't do one operation in Israel, why? because Alqaeda is Israel and USA. enough said.

People need to understand that the west, is creating the division between Muslims. Now Israel trying to destroy the bridge of resistance (Syria), afterword installing Alqaeda in Lebanon which its already there, to distract Hezbollah, so Israel will easily attack Iran.
That the Hebo/Al-Q divide exists should not be news to Pakistanis. It was only a few years back that a Lebanese Army/Hezbollah operation destroyed (by aerial bombing and ground assault) an Al Qaeda affiliate in one of Lebanon's miserable refugee camps. Al Qaeda may have trained with Hezbollah but I should think people would have noticed by now - Pakistanis especially - that difference between terrorists and dogs is that terrorists tend to bite the hand that feeds them.
I've heard of some radical Sunni groups in Lebanon that were being propped up by Saudi Arabia. But since the Saudis' intention is to unleash them on Hezbollah, I somehow doubt that Hezbollah would actually train them.
now every one see the real face who is supporting israel and who is aganist israel
I wonder, why resisting to the syrian regime=pro Israeli?
from what I gather the opposition in syria hates Israel just the same.
according to the logic of this article hezbollah actually pro Israeli I mean
Hezbollah support Syria and Syria and Israel didnt have a serious conflict since
the bekka valley turkey shot in 1982 hence Hezbollah and Israel BFF.
c'mon its obvious its just another sunni vs shia thingy, and israel is mentioned
so that hezbollah gain some more credit. but have no mistake both parties Al-Qaida and Hezbollah
are enemies of Israel just the same
it would be better for the world peace that these two groups choose a terrain , outside of civilian area and fight each other. Enough of these conflicts
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