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Al Qaeda's al-Zawahiri calls on Saudis to rise up

I hope Al-Qaeda is completely destroyed soon. There is no reason for Saudis to rebel against their government, especially not with the amount of resources being utilized to improve the country.

Saudi Gazette - Seven years of continued progress and development

During the past seven years, the Kingdom has embarked upon developmental projects worth billions of riyals even as a major recession continues to affect well-established businesses around the globe.

Crown Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior, said: “The King is not only a statesman, but the leader of a nation achieving gigantic accomplishments in all fields and making all efforts to advance the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to an exalted position in the world.” He said that during the King’s prosperous era the Kingdom has witnessed enormous local and global achievements in record time.
True but Japanese has highly skilled human resource which most of the 3rd world countries don't have. The case with Pakistan is that they were unsuccessful to create "human resources" to get rid of US aid and Saudi aid.

We were busy using the aid to create mullah resource instead of human resource...
I hope Al-Qaeda is completely destroyed soon. There is no reason for Saudis to rebel against their government, especially not with the amount of resources being utilized to improve the country.

Saudi Gazette - Seven years of continued progress and development

I personally will beat the crap out of anyone who even dares rebel again King Abdullah. That man is a God send on our nation. If you only walk through KSA 7 years ago and now you wouldn't even believe it is the same country or even the same people.

I really love that man and wish he lives forever.
I personally will beat the crap out of anyone who even dares rebel again King Abdullah. That man is a God send on our nation. If you only walk through KSA 7 years ago and now you wouldn't even believe it is the same country or even the same people.

I really love that man and wish he lives forever.

:rofl: I thought you were in London. Anyway down with Sauds in the gutter along with their mates in Al Qaeda who are also Arabs
Yes actually it does mean exactly that. Of you know the sociodynamics of things you would know it is the same. If Royal Family falls we will have clergical rule on the model of Iran. And let's agree no one in the world likes the model of Iran in any way shape or form. Auuugh excuse me I am going to puke just imaging our country becoming like Iran.
Iran's Clergical System is still 1000% better then your Royal Family Rule - I mean Saudi Women cant even drive cars?Iranian Women/People have far more freedom then Saudi women could ever dream off.Just because of you have a royal family at top does not mean you are not oppressed. In fact you guys have far more closed society then Iran.I agree that there would be too much instability in Saudi Arabia if Royal Family is deposed and Holy Cities are there so Royal Family should stay but don't try to make it look like Saudis enjoy more freedom then Iranians.Iran has a far more diverse free society.
I personally will beat the crap out of anyone who even dares rebel again King Abdullah. That man is a God send on our nation. If you only walk through KSA 7 years ago and now you wouldn't even believe it is the same country or even the same people.

I really love that man and wish he lives forever.

I too would beat the crap out of those people if I was Saudi, nevertheless I am still going to be angry if Saudis rebel against this government based on some petty excuses.

At the moment though Saudi Arabia feels like it's in a transitional phase. I wouldn't say that it's a completely changed nation just yet, but it's getting there.

The process of evolution is slow & it's even slower for societies considering the fact that there will always be people that adamantly resist any sort of change.
The same will happen to syria after assad is out so why do you guys support anti-assad forces
No, since Syria has very few radicals and will never be able to control the country. Unless, you think any one who picks up arms against the regime is a radical jihadi!.
saudi population on the other hand is very extreme, so extreme we make our government look like Sweden. You only have to visit to see for your self. Very different than Syria, but if it happen in Syria, the end result would still be worth it. AQ them self can't be worst than bathism.
Iran's Clergical System is still 1000% better then your Royal Family Rule - I mean Saudi Women cant even drive cars?Iranian Women/People have far more freedom then Saudi women could ever dream off.Just because of you have a royal family at top does not mean you are not oppressed. In fact you guys have far more closed society then Iran.I agree that there would be too much instability in Saudi Arabia if Royal Family is deposed and Holy Cities are there so Royal Family should stay but don't try to make it look like Saudis enjoy more freedom then Iranians.Iran has a far more diverse free society.
Monarchy or Clergy won't change the social fabric of the country. These things you mentioned are only there because the people want them there, stop confusing stuff.
BTW, if what you said was true, then why Iranians mass immigrate to everywhere around the world?
They even use boats to come work in UAE and Kuwait. If we allowed them to come half of the population would move over here.
There is no revolution in Saudi Arabia yet and no one dying in the streets. So calling for uprising by an Egyptian or from any other nationality means little if anything, as they have little to do with Saudi people. I want to see more democratization in the Muslim world like many here, but if people are happy with their rulers, who are we to complain? Only when people want democratization, are willing to die for it and are dying in tens of thousands, like in Libya before and in Syria now, we, the people of the rest of world, Muslims or otherwise, can say that the ruler or regime is illegitimate and it is time for them to go.

Bahrain does not count because the numbers are insignificant. If Bahraini Shia's really want self rule so much, then one option is to partition Bahrain, between Shia and Sunni part and then kick the Shia part out of GCC, which then will allow Mullah regime of Iran to come in and run things. After getting taste of Iranian Mullah regime rule, may be Bahraini Arab Shia's will change their mind about being part of GCC. Or they may wise up, just thinking of the consequences of their actions.
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