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Al Qaeda's al-Zawahiri calls on Saudis to rise up


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

(CNN) -- Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri urged people in Saudi Arabia to follow the example set by popular revolutions in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia and rise up.
"Why don't you rise up, for you are the sons of the strong and proud tribes that look down upon death in order to lift up humiliation and oppression? Are you afraid of the forces of the Saudi regime and its security and army?" al-Zawahiri said in a video posted Thursday on jihadist forums, according to the SITE Intelligence Group.
It's the latest video message from al-Zawahiri, who took over as leader of the terror network after Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces. In recent days, al-Zawahiri has made a similar call on the people of Yemen, saying the government was a puppet of the United States.
In the 6-minute, 19-second video, al-Zawahiri called on the people of Saudi Arabia to overthrow their rulers, saying they committed criminal and un-Islamic activities, said SITE, an organization that tracks the online activity of terror groups.
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Al-Zawahiri questioned how people could watch the Arab Spring revolutions and do nothing.
In the video, he said Saudi Arabia's rulers should be ousted for, among other things, opening the country to American forces and jailing militants.
"The Family of Saud might be able to kill tens, hundreds, or thousands from amongst you, but if hundreds of thousands come out, then they will be shocked and will end up, Allah permitting, in the state that their brethren ended up in amongst the ousted tyrants," he said, according to SITE's translation.
Al-Zawahiri was al Qaeda's No. 2 leader under bin Laden. He took over leadership in June 2011 following bin Laden's death, according to statements posted on jihadist websites.
One of the FBI's most wanted terrorists, al-Zawahiri has played a defining role in al Qaeda. He was indicted for his alleged role in the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, that killed 224 civilians and wounded more than 5,000 others, according to the National Counterterrorism Center, part of the U.S. federal government.
The FBI is offering a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture, the same amount as the reward for bin Laden.
Al-Zawahiri's wife and three children were killed in December 2001 in a U.S. attack on the family's residence in Afghanistan.
Al-Zawahiri is believed to be hiding somewhere in Pakistan's tribal region that borders Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda's al-Zawahiri calls on Saudis to rise up - CNN.com

We have a looooooot of Al-Qaeda sympthaziers in this forum it seems.
a dog can only bark some times bite to innocents but most of time only bark .he will face hat his father usama faced :lol:
Now people will understand what I mean when I say some people here are Al-Qaeda's replicas. Calling for the same things holding up the same banners and singing the same tone. But we are not terrorists and we will not give them the pleasure.
I hope american seals kill him as soon as possible.

sure but then what we will do his 14 wives ? last time usama make here football team from his wives and we pay more millions for secure those sons of mass killer terrorists in islamabad .i thing this time bomb their home with TASR bomb :D
Notice the similarity in the way they talk. Al-Qaeda screams "Puppets and down with Al-Saud" and posts pictures of King Abdullah with Bush and Obama and stuff like that to inject hate.

Sounds familiar everyone??

just because people here(mainly pakistanis) support the ousting of your country's royal family(same as al qaeda) that dosen't mean they completely support AlQaeda on every aspect

Yes actually it does mean exactly that. Of you know the sociodynamics of things you would know it is the same. If Royal Family falls we will have clergical rule on the model of Iran. And let's agree no one in the world likes the model of Iran in any way shape or form. Auuugh excuse me I am going to puke just imaging our country becoming like Iran.
sure but then what we will do his 14 wives ? last time usama make here football team from his wives and we pay more millions for secure those sons of mass killer terrorists in islamabad .i thing this time bomb their home with TASR bomb :D

:lol: this will be blatant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty
Now people will understand what I mean when I say some people here are Al-Qaeda's replicas. Calling for the same things holding up the same banners and singing the same tone. But we are not terrorists and we will not give them the pleasure.

Just cos an evil man says milk is white it does not mean the rest of us say milk is black. Whether Arabs are ruled by Al Qaeda or American lap dogs makes no difference to me. Both as bad

Notice the similarity in the way they talk. Al-Qaeda screams "Puppets and down with Al-Saud" and posts pictures of King Abdullah with Bush and Obama and stuff like that to inject hate.

Sounds familiar everyone??

Yes actually it does mean exactly that. Of you know the sociodynamics of things you would know it is the same. If Royal Family falls we will have clergical rule on the model of Iran. And let's agree no one in the world likes the model of Iran in any way shape or form. Auuugh excuse me I am going to puke just imaging our country becoming like Iran.

You and your countries leaders have the same effect of me. They are just Israeli/American lapdogs
Just cos an evil man says milk is white it does not mean the rest of us say milk is black. Whether Arabs are ruled by Al Qaeda or American lap dogs makes no difference to me. Both as bad

You and your countries leaders have the same effect of me. They are just Israeli/American lapdogs

why you always curse arabs ? Infact their govt is doing good for them ... they are high on HDI . well can't say the same for pakistan.
so called Usama Bin Ladin, Mullah Omar (used by USA against Russia) Zawari are - TERRORIST

Bush, Obama, Musharaf, Blair, Husn-e-Mubarik and Israeli Minsters are - ????? Piece Lover?????? LOLZ @ people
Just cos an evil man says milk is white it does not mean the rest of us say milk is black. Whether Arabs are ruled by Al Qaeda or American lap dogs makes no difference to me. Both as bad

You and your countries leaders have the same effect of me. They are just Israeli/American lapdogs

See singing the same tone. Wither you like it or not it is in Terrorists' interests for Saudis to "Rise up" and you call for the same thing. Thus you are propagating terrorists interests. Think about that for a second will you??
See singing the same tone. Wither you like it or not it is in Terrorists' interests for Saudis to "Rise up" and you call for the same thing. Thus you are propagating terrorists interests. Think about that for a second will you??

Oh give it a rest. Your leaders are just American puppets. Just cos some evil person says it as well does not change the fact that your leaders are american puppets

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