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Al Qaeda home-delivers magazine in Pak: Report


Apr 28, 2011
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Islamabad: Al Qaeda continues to preach jihad or 'Holy War' through an Urdu monthly magazine that is delivered to homes in cities across Pakistan by post, according to a media report on Monday.

The 200-page magazine, Hiteen, is named after the battlefield where Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi defeated the Crusaders and features articles that preach jihad and praise Osama bin Laden.

The magazine was started in June last year, a month after Bin Laden was killed in a US military raid in Abbottabad, The Express Tribune reported.

Hiteen is being delivered to Deobandis, Ahl-e-Hadith and Barelvis sects to convert them to Al Qaeda's point of view, the report said.

The seventh edition, which was sent out last month, opens with the essay 'Matyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden and the International Jihad Movement'.

The magazine has the 'sayings' of Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Omar and some Al Qaeda leaders. There is also an interview with Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdul Rehman Al Husnain, who was once part of Kuwait's Ministry of Islamic Affairs and has now joined Al-Qaeda.

There is a 'fatwa' by Muhammad Waliullah Hussain of Jamiatul Uloomul Islami which declares that there is no bar on Muslims looting goods from NATO containers.

An editorial said it is not true that the mission of the 'mujahideen' has been damaged by Bin Laden's death. The Mujahidden are still fighting with their full strength, it said.

The editorial advised readers not to pay attention to "false reports about mujahidden from the hypocritical media" and to continue the struggle.

The fight, the editorial said, will continue till the US is removed from Muslim countries and an Islamic Caliphate is established.

An anonymous essay spoke of the need for another Bin Laden who would fight non-Muslims and defend Muslims. The magazine thanked the many wings of Al Qaeda all over the world.

Hiteen does not carry the name of the editor and the only way to send feedback is through two email addresses.

A police officer of the Counter-Terrorism Department in Lahore, speaking on condition of anonymity, said police had knowledge of the magazine and that copies of it were in their records.

He said that the police would soon uncover who was responsible for publishing and circulating Hiteen.

Read more at: Al Qaeda home-delivers magazine in Pak: Report
It is easy to see that Al-Qaeda has now resorted to these desperate acts to regain the lost ground. The US forces along with NATO have successfully dismantled Al-Qaeda’s network from Afghanistan and broken their back. They are left with no choice but to retreat back to their evil tactics. They are once again attempting to brainwash people and trying to place a cover over their terrorist ways. The facts remain for us to determine their true motives, and they cannot lure the people of Pakistan into darkness with their fabricated lies. This terrorist organization is responsible for the killings of thousands around the world. The bombing of Al khobar towers in Saudi Arabia, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, and the Embassy bombings in Nairobi and Kenya are all attributed to Al-Qaeda’s terrorist activities. The attacks on 9/11 alone resulted in thousands of deaths. These terrorists are solely focused on achieving their evil agenda, and in the process, they are willing to apply any methods and cross all lines to get what they want.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
This is my field and even I never heard of such magazines. Especially the home-delivery part is over the top. I think the issue has been over-inflated.
I have never heard or seen anything like this. This sounds like bs.
yap HUT agents also distribute their literature not one takes is serious i personally heard from them they want military coup in country and to be converted into dictatorship (they call dictatorship KHALIPHAT) , GVT should put a limit to these tards and put them in jail ban this HUT also.
This is my field and even I never heard of such magazines. Especially the home-delivery part is over the top. I think the issue has been over-inflated.

After delivering the magazine the guy probably went to McDonalds with his friends.
It may not be organized.. just some wannabe hizbi fools on the run.
Can't they be tracked in this manner? Grab the person delivering the magazines and go from there.
maybe the news is over rated probably created a sort of set of papers and gave to some guys in fata who most probably burned it for fire. :p:P:P
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