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Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?

You can give your argument but please dont use abusive language with new comers.

Thay dont have idea that defence pak have very strong shia lobby:agree:

What are u talking about ?? What abusive language is there ?? And where the **** does the shia thing comes into my post ??

What r u smoking now ??
What are u talking about ?? What abusive language is there ?? And where the **** does the shia thing comes into my post ??

What r u smoking now ??
Bro who ever is against Taliban.He call them Shia and shia supporter.Can you believe this?He considers Hezbollah terrorist organization and Iran terrorist regime while he loves TTP and Talibans.:rofl:
Taliban, TTP and there associates are pseudo-salafi Najdi terrorist and criminals hell bent on killing and intimidating anyone who refuses to submit to there evil philosophy of hate.

Mullah Umer or No Mullah Umer any bloody punk who fights the people of Pakistan and the brave Mujahid Army of Pakistan will be sent to hell.

These criminals have killed our innocent children men and women destroyed families. These savages have nothing but hate. Pakistan is considerate of the collateral and its civilians and has not launched a massive attack till now, on the other hand these punks kill without discrimination and take pride in claiming responsibility for there psychopathic acts too.

They are devil worshipers and hide behind the veil of religion. They are nothing but religious thugs and criminals. We will kill all of these evil people there is no place for these criminals.

Jamat-e-Islami and Mulana Diesel should be arrested by the government asap as they are associates of these criminals and a mouth piece for them. Most of the terrorist arrested in different attacks confessed that they stayed at Mansoora and Maulana Diesel's sanctuaries. Wish both of these go and join the TTP so we can eliminate them without mercy.

This fight is for the future of our children.I am volunteering for the reserves I will see these punks on Battlefield along with my Brave Pakistan Army.

:pakistan:Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
:pakistan:Pak Fauj Zindabad:pakistan:

good luck my FRIEND God Bless You:tup::pakistan:
How many times you used word ,whabai , salfi , terrorist have no religion , all salfi , whabi are not extremist.Suuni and shia ,wahabi ,salfi are all brother ,we should not use word takfiri for them.

Better we should not discuss sectarianism in forum.

I believe the love for TTP has made your mind go in a spin that you even can't differentiate who is posting what.

Plz provide a single link to any of my post where i have used the word wahabi, salafi or any sectarian view.

Takfiri is the right word for the people who kill innocent human beings, specially Muslims in the name of religion to spread their own agenda which has nothing to do with Islam, and those who support them are to be called takfiri equally. As both will go to hell, InshAllah.

And stop posting nonsense.
I believe the love for TTP has made your mind go in a spin that you even can't differentiate who is posting what.

Plz provide a single link to any of my post where i have used the word wahabi, salafi or any sectarian view.

Takfiri is the right word for the people who kill innocent human beings, specially Muslims in the name of religion to spread their own agenda which has nothing to do with Islam, and those who support them are to be called takfiri equally. As both will go to hell, InshAllah.

And stop posting nonsense.

Non sense

Calling any muslim with bad name is tuhmat and if he was wrongly blamed is known as buhtan.

Please stop blame game , we are all against terrorism and who ever is responsible for killing inocient citizen by using any means is terrorist .

Can you tell us how many innocient killed by drone attacks?
Non sense

Calling any muslim with bad name is tuhmat and if he was wrongly blamed is known as buhtan.

Please stop blame game , we are all against terrorism and who ever is responsible for killing inocient citizen by using any means is terrorist .

Can you tell us how many innocient killed by drone attacks?

Approx 700 killed in drone strikes, while more then 6000 innocent civilians killed due to your takfiri brothers actions, while around 3000 SF guys martyred by your takfiri brothers.

Hope you can do the rest of the maths yourself.

Strong exception to your tirade, even though some points are valid:

“” So go ahead, stand for your haram National anthem and salute the Pakistani Flag, celebrate your haram Independance day, in imitation of the Kuffar””

Our independence in 1947 was underscored by the blood of about a million people, most of them innocent Muslims. They shed their blood truly believing that they were creating a true Islamic State. Our national anthem praises the infinite bounty of Allah, nothing haram about it.

It is true that our Government is collaborating with the USA and in a way fighting its war on its own soil. No one around here cares for AKHIRA, we are proud of being a secular nation, hence free from any excess baggage.

I am all too aware of the sacrifices of the Muslims in 1947. My grandparents were there when it happened. My grandfather witnssed the massacre of his entire family. However, If you are a Muslim, then you know National anthems, most specficially the musical intruments in them are haram.

Also, i assume then you aren't a Muslim??

oh ****, this guy is the next suicide bomber. you really enjoy killing innocent civilians, right, enjoy your orgy in hell with 72 dudes.:devil:

Thats a very interesting conclusion you drew from my post. What part of my post suggested i was a suicide bomber in waiting or that i enjoyed the killing of Innocent people?

Sorry i have to ask, but are you even a Muslim?

Thanks for letting us know Mr. haram Ki Aulad.:wave:

National anthems are haram. Why you ask? Music which is haram, as is the consensus of all the classical scholars of Islam, and the Sahaba Radhiyallaahu 'anhum of the Prophet Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam.

Do you have a problem with the rulings of Islam?
I believe the love for TTP has made your mind go in a spin that you even can't differentiate who is posting what.

Plz provide a single link to any of my post where i have used the word wahabi, salafi or any sectarian view.

And stop posting nonsense.

Takfiri is a term for those that make takfeer of everyone. Being a terrorist does not make you a takfiri. TTP, whether you like it or not are still Muslims, albiet very sinful ones for their actions which have killed many innocent people.

Takfiri is the right word for the people who kill innocent human beings, specially Muslims in the name of religion to spread their own agenda which has nothing to do with Islam, and those who support them are to be called takfiri equally. As both will go to hell, InshAllah.

Making takfeer upon the Pakistani regime or army does not make them takfiri either. They have a legitimate shareeh basis for doing so. Not ruling by the Law of Allah, allying themselves with those that are open enemies of Allah 'azza wa-jall (America, Russia, China etc )

“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Awliyaa’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliyaa’), then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allaah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)”
[al-Maa’idah 5:51]

“O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitaanah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse. Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses) if you understand”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:118]
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Takfiri is a term for those that make takfeer of everyone. Being a terrorist does not make you a takfiri. TTP, whether you like it or not are still Muslims, albiet very sinful ones for their actions which have killed many innocent people.

I think now Taimikhan will not use takfiri word again , little knowledge is dangrous:lol:
Takfiri is a term for those that make takfeer of everyone. Being a terrorist does not make you a takfiri. TTP, whether you like it or not are still Muslims, albiet very sinful ones for their actions which have killed many innocent people.

I believe you have not heard the views told by the taliban related to the killing of innocent human beings due to their suicide bombings, or why they bomb masjids. Do study them & then read what a takfiri is.

Also, do hear the conversation of a captured suicide bomber who was asked the same question about killing of innocent muslims due to his action, then compare it with a takfiri.

Takfiri can be of any sect.

Being a terrorist does not make you a takfiri.

Try to read the views of taliban in justifying their killing of innocent human beings, bombing places of worship, then hopefully you can understand the whole concept.

And also do study what a terrorist is & what this word means. I have not called terrorist a takfiri. Try to write after reading posts carefully.
I am all too aware of the sacrifices of the Muslims in 1947. My grandparents were there when it happened. My grandfather witnssed the massacre of his entire family. However, If you are a Muslim, then you know National anthems, most specficially the musical intruments in them are haram.

Also, i assume then you aren't a Muslim??

Thats a very interesting conclusion you drew from my post. What part of my post suggested i was a suicide bomber in waiting or that i enjoyed the killing of Innocent people?

Sorry i have to ask, but are you even a Muslim?
you're asking everyone around here if they're muslim, why is that? do we have to be muslim according to your standards and your ideology? and if not then what're you gonna do? slit our throats? send a suicide bomber to blow us up? who're you gonna send? a child? you're a terrorist, you subscribe and support the same twisted ideology of terrorists which they use to justify killing of innocents, you bloody suicide bomber, go to hell.
great news..I am delighted..

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

WAR in Waziristan a background.A message to all Muslims to reflect.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Prophet Muhammad SAW a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongues other Muslim is safe.A Muslim Ummah is like a body.If one part of body feels pain the other part of body also feels pain, so is the case with Muslim Ummah.If part of Ummah feels pain then whole ummah feels the pain

Total agreement since it is a Hadith.

Pakistan is undergoing the worst period in the history of Muslim Ummah.Muslims are fighting between themselves in Waziristan region in NWFP province.Deadly fighting is going on between Pakistan army and Talibans living in that region.But question here arises who is right and who is wrong?

Atleast you consider Pakistani to be Muslim where as terrorist Taliban and TTP do not.

Waziristan borders with Afghanistan.Pashtoon tribe of Waziristan and Afghanistan have never accepted this border called Durand line that divides Pakistan and Afghanistan made by clever British to divide them and families across the border had been freely moving.These pashtoons had been marrying with each other and they always helped each other on difficult times.

FATA is a part of Pakistan these tribesmen have miss used the freedom and liberty given by there fellow countrymen by harbouring Suicide Bombers and anti-social elements gathered from all across the globe that slaughter humans like animals. Modern day SAUDI ARABIA is a british creation. (Google Saudi Arabia History). Only country in the world to be named after a Family.

America launched attack on Afghanistan on 9/11.Before America attacked , Russians had been defeated by Talibans and Mujahideens and Taliban establised their government in 1996 to 2001 under Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umer. Soon America launched attack , Pakistani army chief and president at that time Musharaf decided to give full support to America.This was unislamic and coward decison by Commander of army who claim that they are Islamic Army.Under this pact with America, Musharaf allowed Americans to establish their bases so that they can kill Muslims in Afghanistan.

Did US needed my permission or yours for that matter of Occupation. US was very good when it was giving you $$$s and you did not realized then that they are kuffar. Then Taliban regarded they as people of the book. Mullah Umar Self proclaimed Amir of the Taliban, i never did a bayat on his hand nor did my 170 million fellow countrymen. Mr Musharraf did not consult me in any matter how can the 170 million innocent people be held responsible for his actions of a dictator.

In the beginning I quoted that Muslim is one from whose and tongue other Muslim is safe.

total agreement but please try and tell that to Taliban too who bomb our innocent men women and childern and destroy families.

But look here Mushraf did exactly opposite to this.So he does not deserve to be counted among believers.He was actually follower of America's dictation and yearns for dollars and not Islam.So much so that his face pictured in American newspaper like a faithful dog and Bush patting him.Pakistan army under Musharaf also like faithfuls of Musharaf mindlessly start killing those pashtoon of Waziristan region who wanted to save their Muslim brother in Afghanistan.They are the ones from whose hand and tongue, Muslims of Afghanistan were saved.Mushraf start arresting Mujahideens from Pakistan who were crossing durand line and start handing over to America.This worsened the situation and angered Pashtoon Mujahideen.To stop this cruelty Mujahideen formed an organization under the banner of TTP Tekrikay Taliban Pakistan and declared their war against Pakistan Army.Any sane Muslim can decide that this decision against Pakistan army was according to verse of Quran that Allah says in Quran fight with those who fight with you.

Home made religious scholar issuing Fatwas while he does not even know even the mere basics. Islam does not precribe VIGILANTI action by a individual or group of individuals. This is fitna. If these so called tribesmen loved taliban so much then why did they came back to pakistan after TORA BORA and took refuge behind 170 million Pakistani people. If you are so sympathetic to terrorist taliban why don't you go to afganistan and fight instead of wasting time on Yahoodi Internet. Taliban interpret The Divine Book of Allah the way it suits them and where it suits them. They apply verses out of context and malign the FOUR Great Jurists that the whole muslim Ummah have an Ijma upon.

Allah says in Quran that KAFIRS are those who make decisions against rules of Allah.This is the reason why Taliban believe that Pakistan army and Government who obey America are Kaffir.Pakistan policy is alway based to please America and accept whatever they tell Pakistan to do.Pakistan have made Christians and Jews as their friends while Allah clearly said and ordered Muslim not to make Jews and Christians as friend and who ever will make them as friend will be like them.

Please tell this to SAUDI KING who's family has a 10% stake in the whole of US Corporations world wide. Taliban take money from them regardless of this fact.

If Pakistan want to get rid of all this mess solution is one that they have to say GOODBYE to USA..

They should say goodby to Taliban and TTP first because they are the ones who are bombing our cities and infrastructure.

Whats the duty of every individual:

Are you a self confessed Amir Ul Taliban Too. Issuing Fatwas like duties of a Talib.

If that individual is in army. He should have to say that Sorry Boss I cannot kill Muslims for Americans. He shouldn’t go to waziristan if going there is necessary he should left his job for Allah’s sake .Inshallah Allah will give me better opportunity. Killing muslims just some for thousand rupees is not a wise decision. Generals and brigadiers are taking huge salaries from CIA but Soldiers are loosing emaan just for free

You Brave Mujahid soldiers and our Shauhda fought for the security of a nation and are Shaheed or Ghazi. CIA gave Taliban there salaries when they fought against USSR din't they realized it then or they just pick and choose.

Sahi muslim
Book 020, Number 4533:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither. listen to him nor should he obey his orders

Total Agreement since it is a Hadith.
But TTP and Taliban are not my rulers and are certainly not bestowed by Allah authority or Ijmah of the UMMAH.

Sahih Muslim 4569
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: In the near future there will be Amirs (rulers) and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God"s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. .

I disaprove the corruption of Mr Zardari and his associates as I do the Psychotic acts of terrorism carried out by Taliban and TTP on Pakistani soil. But this does not mean in any way that i go blow my self up amongst civilians based on the fact that they do not agree with an individuals point of view. Hence me joining the Army and stoping these evil people blowing up schools childern men and women.

Every individual should condemn and disapprove and hate the bad deeds of Army and Pakistan Govt according to his level.Anyone who approve bad deeds of them is just like those who are doing it

Psuedo-salafi Fatwa that is complete BS.

Please Spread this message so that our soldiers , Captains and lefitinents are not manipulated by those Generals who are extremely rich.Who spend luxury life styles in Defence Housing Sector in all cities of Pakistan while they and their children enjoy life in night clubs and discos in those Areas.These general have sold their soles for few Dollars and they spend huge money in Media and TV to encourage NATIONALISM on TV and praising army so that our young children join army with pride.

Propoganda messege this conveys the real agenda of devious taliban and TTP that do to prescribe to any authority and are anarchist in my view.

Nationalism is sin in islam.Under the doctrine of NATIONALISM it is ok that Muslim in Afghanistan or Palestine die as long as Pakistan is safe.This was root reason why Mongols destroyed Baghdad when Baghdad at the time was immersed in Nationalism and allied itself with Mongols in the hope they would be saved while Muslim in neighbouring lands were butchered by Mongols.

Loving our parents our childern and our land is a sin what hypocracy. I was not around when baghdad was invaded and am not responsible of the history. Mongols had more in common with the TTP and Taliban than anyone else.

America like MONGOLS will attack Pakistan if it is not stopped and Pakistan will witness minarets of skulls.Let us stop our army, stop relying on Ulema especially Sufi Ulema who are again paid servants of Pakistan government and politicians.They will always mislead us.

Salafi hate ideology of pick and choose what suits them on a given day. Taliban and TTP are the ones that are attacking us not the US. when you will harbour someones enemy he has a right to attack you.

Aslam Alykum All.

This is supposed to be said before starting your speech. WA Alikum As Salam is more appropriate.

:pakistan:Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
:pakistan:PAK FAUJ Zindabad:pakistan:
The topic has been drifted from its course, guys please.
Coming back isnt it the job of the US and NATO to stop the flow of taliban from Afghanistan into Pakistan and if they cannot (which i am sure) then perhaps they should allow PAF to take care of them. Certainly a few well calculated strikes across the border will give them a clear cut message that we mean business and if they come across the border, they will suffer the same faith their counterparts are going too.

Moreover since Musharraf time the mining and fencing of the border has been discussed, i dont understand what the **** is keeping us back? If we think US will sponsor such program we are deeply mistaken and it is the need of the hour to mine the damn border inorder to curtail such movements.
Mine away...

...on your lands.

See what that does, btw, to your own pashtu population. They'll LOVE you for that consideration.

Oh, if you intend to do so, you'd better plan to leave troops there too. Unobserved minefields are simply ammo supply points waiting for harvest.

The only time that they'll explode absent 24/7 coverage is under the feet and vehicles of your men.
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