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Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces?


Feb 23, 2008
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United States
Sunday, October 18, 2009

By Najeeb Ahmad

KARACHI: Pakistani and Afghan jehadi groups have decided to start “battle of evil and just”, as the Afghan fighters assured Pakistani militants of complete support in their fight against Pak army in South Waziristan.

According to sources, it was decided in a meeting of the commanders of al-Qaeda, Hakmatyar group, Afghan Taliban and Pakistani jehadi organisations, which was held in Afghanistan.

The meeting decided that the Pakistan security forces, which have been helping the American forces, would also be targeted and the Afghan fighters, who have been fighting in Afghanistan for the last eight years, for the first time decided to send manpower to Waziristan in support of Pakistan militants.

The meeting also decided to intensify the ‘jehad’ against US and allied forces and codenamed the new battle as “battle of evil and just”. The militants under new war strategy would avoid targeting public places.

The Pakistani militants briefed the meeting about Pakistani forces actions against fighters, sources said and added that all Pakistani jehadi organisations accepted Hakimullah Mahsud as their amir and vowed to continue “jehad” under his leadership.

The meeting was also informed about details of killing of families of three commanders in drone attacks in South and North Waziristan agencies.

The meeting also devised guerrilla war strategy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

By Mazhar Tufail

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani militants based in South Waziristan Agency committed the terrorism acts in the past couple of weeks or so with the help of the Afghan Taliban, The News learnt here on Saturday.

“Leaders of various militant groups active in Pakistan under the banner of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have succeeded in winning support of the Afghan Taliban for committing terror acts in Pakistan,” a source in the security forces disclosed on condition of anonymity.

“They have mounted the deadly attacks in Peshawar, Bannu, Rawalpindi and Lahore with the help of Afghan Taliban,” he said.

The source said the top leaders of outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have established links with the Afghan Taliban and all its operatives who have been operating in the Punjab have reached South Waziristan or Afghanistan to evade arrests as the law-enforcement agencies have launched a crackdown on such elements in the Punjab province.

“Initially, this group was involved in sectarian violence and has been targeting people belonging to a particular religious sect but now it is targeting the security forces,” the source said.

According to the source, the security forces have, however, launched the operation - codenamed Rah-e-Nijat - in South Waziristan with full determination to eliminate the terrorists from the restive tribal region. He said majority of the troops participating in the operation have an extensive experience of warfare in mountainous terrain and have earlier been fighting terrorists in Swat, Malakand and elsewhere.

“As directed by the army chief and other commanders involved in the military operation in South Waziristan, the security forces will exercise utmost care to avoid collateral damage during the operation. The commanders are very optimistic about the completion of the operation well before the end of the stipulated time and its positive outcome,” the source said.

The Pakistan Army launched operation against the extremists in South Waziristan Agency on the night between Friday and Saturday. According to military sources, 1,000 to 1,500 militants are present in South Waziristan and the operation has been launched after three-month siege of the militants.

The political administration of South Waziristan has, however, said that over 4,000 to 5000 terrorists are present in the area with most of them hiding in Mahsuds-inhibited area.

South Waziristan is the nerve centre of the TTP and the main source of terrorism across Pakistan. It is from here that TTP renders support to other terrorist groups operating from the nearby Khyber, Bajaur, Orakzai and Mohmand agencies.

“The root of the terror is in South Waziristan where this group is present. It is a must to root out this terror and curse,” the source said.

After the death of Baitullah Mahsud in a drone strike on August 5, TTP is being led by Hakimullah Mahsud with the assistance of Waliur Rehman and Qari Hussain, who runs a suicide training camp in Kotkai area of the region.

According to the source, in the last three months, the TTP militants intensified attacks on security forces deployed in South and North Waziristan agencies, including five suicide missions in Razmak area, kidnapping of 15 security personnel, killing three of them, over 300 rocket attacks and 78 improvised explosive device (IED) attacks.

“Given all of the recent terrorism acts in various parts of the country, a final showdown against Taliban and their al-Qaeda Uzbek allies in South Waziristan has become an absolute necessity,” the source said.

The source said no doubt the country’s security forces were faced with a far stronger enemy in South Waziristan than one they have confronted and overcame in Swat.

this sounds very dangerous :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:... I dont think Mullah omar would ever do this to pakistan but... wat u guys think??


Sources: TTP gets Afghan Taliban support
Al-Qaeda, Afghan and Pakistan Taliban join forces
We need to use this development against the US/NATO forces in Afghansitan , they have failed to control the situation in the country that they are occupying.

We can deduce the following :

A. Movement of fighter across the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan shows the utter failure of US and NATO forces in controlling the theatre of ops that they are responsible for.

B. Coalition forces are intentionally spilling the fudge into Pakistan to keep the pressure off of their forces in Afghanistan. Recent news of Italy bribing the Taliban and British forces airlifting them to the north point in this direction.
Taliban, TTP and there associates are pseudo-salafi Najdi terrorist and criminals hell bent on killing and intimidating anyone who refuses to submit to there evil philosophy of hate.

Mullah Umer or No Mullah Umer any bloody punk who fights the people of Pakistan and the brave Mujahid Army of Pakistan will be sent to hell.

These criminals have killed our innocent children men and women destroyed families. These savages have nothing but hate. Pakistan is considerate of the collateral and its civilians and has not launched a massive attack till now, on the other hand these punks kill without discrimination and take pride in claiming responsibility for there psychopathic acts too.

They are devil worshipers and hide behind the veil of religion. They are nothing but religious thugs and criminals. We will kill all of these evil people there is no place for these criminals.

Jamat-e-Islami and Mulana Diesel should be arrested by the government asap as they are associates of these criminals and a mouth piece for them. Most of the terrorist arrested in different attacks confessed that they stayed at Mansoora and Maulana Diesel's sanctuaries. Wish both of these go and join the TTP so we can eliminate them without mercy.

This fight is for the future of our children.I am volunteering for the reserves I will see these punks on Battlefield along with my Brave Pakistan Army.

:pakistan:Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
:pakistan:Pak Fauj Zindabad:pakistan:
Oh but wait, the Afghan Taliban doesn't fight Pakistan and it is different from the TTP :rolleyes: Slap in the face of all Afghan taliban supporters! See the jehadi love here, the shariah loving brothers of all groups want to kill the kaffir, American backed, Pak Army.

Bring it on, Pak Army shall kill you all together :pakistan::usflag:
Wow - so the 'good Taliban' have gone 'bad'.

If these reports are true, my comments elsewhere stand validated - Mullah Omar is either duplicitous or has little control over the various Taliban commanders in the field, for both Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.
this is bad news. a lot of our soldiers are going to die if this actually happens. i am still skeptical about the afghan taliban though, i understand that alqaeda freaks would want to attack us i think this operation should also target AQ and wipe them from pakistan completely.
Oh but wait, the Afghan Taliban doesn't fight Pakistan and it is different from the TTP :rolleyes: Slap in the face of all Afghan taliban supporters! See the jehadi love here, the shariah loving brothers of all groups want to kill the kaffir, American backed, Pak Army.

Bring it on, Pak Army shall kill you all together :pakistan::usflag:

Afghan talaban controlling 97% of Afghanistan , there is possibility this war also extended towards India , Iran and central asia.
Very emotional video :undecided:

Very sad , and very very sad - shows the ugly face of war when
innocent people go in war, they come out as tortured souls

When you go in , you are told something stories and vision by your commanders and when you go at ground level and see realities you get shocked and , you have only to choices either you die or you make it alive

Looks like this solider made it back alive but he lost his innocence , and soul in process:undecided:

But at least he can see difference between right and wrong , and loss of civilian life -

:coffee: if only more ppl were like this person the cilian life lost would be less ....

Rest I am speechless - war is always pain and sad

Hopefully he will find peace and goodness

Why doesn't China get off its a$$ and help Pakistan with the military assistance it needs RIGHT NOW to fight the TTP? Is China helping and I am just ignorant? Please enlighten me. What is China doing to help Pakistan fight internal terrorists??

who created taliban and call it terrorists at first??? usa

who abandoned taliban and snubbed its very religious existence so they become desperate and extreme to keep on surviving after they are no longer used to confront with ussr?? usa

who become jingoistic aroused to attack taliban instead of negotiating with sane islamic world to get a concensus on solutioN
to deal with extremist taliban??? usa

who now become powerless to curb taliban and try to get pak economy commiting suicide by attacking retaliatory taliban??? usa

who now blame pak and china for not participating in its DIRTY game of obliterating ITS FORMER SUBORDINATE taliban??? usa

Who then will claim the credit of winning the wot and protecting the world with the HEAVY sacrifice of pak army and citizen IF PAK PUT ALL HER EFFORT TO JOIN WAR INITIATED BY USA???? usa

CONCLUSION: this is all usa GEOPOLITIC SEEKING(INTERESTS GAINED BY USA INCLUDES CONTAINING RUSSIA AND PARTICULARLY CHINA)game of wot, usa should pay THE PRICE to curb the terrorist taliban so that the world will be in peace by your brutal rule of force, and small weak countries like pak and developing china should keep away from WESTERN INVENTED brutal game rules otherwise they will be smashed to pieces...
Sad aftermath of life long scars on your innocence by some Nejdi salafi s.o.b. All the sympathies.
Pick your kit bag and go to Bannu, that’s the easiest route to Waziristan.

Strong exception to your tirade, even though some points are valid:

“” So go ahead, stand for your haram National anthem and salute the Pakistani Flag, celebrate your haram Independance day, in imitation of the Kuffar””

Our independence in 1947 was underscored by the blood of about a million people, most of them innocent Muslims. They shed their blood truly believing that they were creating a true Islamic State. Our national anthem praises the infinite bounty of Allah, nothing haram about it.

It is true that our Government is collaborating with the USA and in a way fighting its war on its own soil. No one around here cares for AKHIRA, we are proud of being a secular nation, hence free from any excess baggage.
great news..I am delighted..

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

WAR in Waziristan a background.A message to all Muslims to reflect.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Prophet Muhammad SAW a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongues other Muslim is safe.A Muslim Ummah is like a body.If one part of body feels pain the other part of body also feels pain, so is the case with Muslim Ummah.If part of Ummah feels pain then whole ummah feels the pain.

Pakistan is undergoing the worst period in the history of Muslim Ummah.Muslims are fighting between themselves in Waziristan region in NWFP province.Deadly fighting is going on between Pakistan army and Talibans living in that region.But question here arises who is right and who is wrong?
Waziristan borders with Afghanistan.Pashtoon tribe of Waziristan and Afghanistan have never accepted this border called Durand line that divides Pakistan and Afghanistan made by clever British to divide them and families across the border had been freely moving.These pashtoons had been marrying with each other and they always helped each other on difficult times.
America launched attack on Afghanistan on 9/11.Before America attacked , Russians had been defeated by Talibans and Mujahideens and Taliban establised their government in 1996 to 2001 under Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umer. Soon America launched attack , Pakistani army chief and president at that time Musharaf decided to give full support to America.This was unislamic and coward decison by Commander of army who claim that they are Islamic Army.Under this pact with America, Musharaf allowed Americans to establish their bases so that they can kill Muslims in Afghanistan.In the beginning I quoted that Muslim is one from whose and tongue other Muslim is safe.But look here Mushraf did exactly opposite to this.So he does not deserve to be counted among believers.He was actually follower of America's dictation and yearns for dollars and not Islam.So much so that his face pictured in American newspaper like a faithful dog and Bush patting him.Pakistan army under Musharaf also like faithfuls of Musharaf mindlessly start killing those pashtoon of Waziristan region who wanted to save their Muslim brother in Afghanistan.They are the ones from whose hand and tongue, Muslims of Afghanistan were saved.Mushraf start arresting Mujahideens from Pakistan who were crossing durand line and start handing over to America.This worsened the situation and angered Pashtoon Mujahideen.To stop this cruelty Mujahideen formed an organization under the banner of TTP Tekrikay Taliban Pakistan and declared their war against Pakistan Army.Any sane Muslim can decide that this decision against Pakistan army was according to verse of Quran that Allah says in Quran fight with those who fight with you.

Allah says in Quran that KAFIRS are those who make decisions against rules of Allah.This is the reason why Taliban believe that Pakistan army and Government who obey America are Kaffir.Pakistan policy is alway based to please America and accept whatever they tell Pakistan to do.Pakistan have made Christians and Jews as their friends while Allah clearly said and ordered Muslim not to make Jews and Christians as friend and who ever will make them as friend will be like them.


If Pakistan want to get rid of all this mess solution is one that they have to say GOODBYE to USA..

Whats the duty of every individual:

If that individual is in army. He should have to say that Sorry Boss I cannot kill Muslims for Americans. He shouldn’t go to waziristan if going there is necessary he should left his job for Allah’s sake .Inshallah Allah will give me better opportunity. Killing muslims just some for thousand rupees is not a wise decision. Generals and brigadiers are taking huge salaries from CIA but Soldiers are loosing emaan just for free

Sahi muslim
Book 020, Number 4533:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither. listen to him nor should he obey his orders

Sahih Muslim 4569
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: In the near future there will be Amirs (rulers) and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God"s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. .

Every individual should condemn and disapprove and hate the bad deeds of Army and Pakistan Govt according to his level.Anyone who approve bad deeds of them is just like those who are doing it


Please Spread this message so that our soldiers , Captains and lefitinents are not manipulated by those Generals who are extremely rich.Who spend luxury life styles in Defence Housing Sector in all cities of Pakistan while they and their children enjoy life in night clubs and discos in those Areas.These general have sold their soles for few Dollars and they spend huge money in Media and TV to encourage NATIONALISM on TV and praising army so that our young children join army with pride.

Nationalism is sin in islam.Under the doctrine of NATIONALISM it is ok that Muslim in Afghanistan or Palestine die as long as Pakistan is safe.This was root reason why Mongols destroyed Baghdad when Baghdad at the time was immersed in Nationalism and allied itself with Mongols in the hope they would be saved while Muslim in neighbouring lands were butchered by Mongols.

America like MONGOLS will attack Pakistan if it is not stopped and Pakistan will witness minarets of skulls.Let us stop our army, stop relying on Ulema especially Sufi Ulema who are again paid servants of Pakistan government and politicians.They will always mislead us.

Aslam Alykum All.
^yes, the message of islam, which to you means putting a suicide vest on a 13 year old boy, blowing up innocent civilians, barbaric acts against women, you reek of inhumanity. Your days are numbered you bloody terrorist. People you have killed in the name of Islam.....their blood wont go in vein, your time has come.
If this story had been true, then by now we should have been seeing fighting in all of the SWA & NWA, but NWA is calm, in SWA the Wana area & other areas controlled by govt & the wazir tribe are fine, the fighting is only going on in the mehsud tribe controlled area. Plus, the whole area of fighting has been besieged & no way to get to the heart of the fighting through roads, so if some of them do try to come, they will have to come on foot taking the mountainous route which is long & difficult. Army has also tried to block the possible ways as much as possible & there would be air surveillance to monitor the suspected areas of infiltration or exit.

If the Afghan Taliban wanted such a think, i believe they could have done it in Swat when they were needed the most & rejected the call for help from the Swat taliban.

Afghan Taliban won't be doing such thing as it will break the hidden understanding with PA & Pakistan, resulting in very harsh reaction from Pakistan, as it will start a new war & the Afghan Taliban will be hunted where ever they would be in Pakistan.

PA & ISI must have taken into account such scenario & done their homework too.

ISI also would have used its back channels with Afghan Taliban to try to alienate them from TTP, just like they did with the Wazir tribe who are so far neutral.
great news..I am delighted..

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

WAR in Waziristan a background.A message to all Muslims to reflect.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Prophet Muhammad SAW a Muslim is one from whose hand and tongues other Muslim is safe.A Muslim Ummah is like a body.If one part of body feels pain the other part of body also feels pain, so is the case with Muslim Ummah.If part of Ummah feels pain then whole ummah feels the pain.

Pakistan is undergoing the worst period in the history of Muslim Ummah.Muslims are fighting between themselves in Waziristan region in NWFP province.Deadly fighting is going on between Pakistan army and Talibans living in that region.But question here arises who is right and who is wrong?
Waziristan borders with Afghanistan.Pashtoon tribe of Waziristan and Afghanistan have never accepted this border called Durand line that divides Pakistan and Afghanistan made by clever British to divide them and families across the border had been freely moving.These pashtoons had been marrying with each other and they always helped each other on difficult times.
America launched attack on Afghanistan on 9/11.Before America attacked , Russians had been defeated by Talibans and Mujahideens and Taliban establised their government in 1996 to 2001 under Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umer. Soon America launched attack , Pakistani army chief and president at that time Musharaf decided to give full support to America.This was unislamic and coward decison by Commander of army who claim that they are Islamic Army.Under this pact with America, Musharaf allowed Americans to establish their bases so that they can kill Muslims in Afghanistan.In the beginning I quoted that Muslim is one from whose and tongue other Muslim is safe.But look here Mushraf did exactly opposite to this.So he does not deserve to be counted among believers.He was actually follower of America's dictation and yearns for dollars and not Islam.So much so that his face pictured in American newspaper like a faithful dog and Bush patting him.Pakistan army under Musharaf also like faithfuls of Musharaf mindlessly start killing those pashtoon of Waziristan region who wanted to save their Muslim brother in Afghanistan.They are the ones from whose hand and tongue, Muslims of Afghanistan were saved.Mushraf start arresting Mujahideens from Pakistan who were crossing durand line and start handing over to America.This worsened the situation and angered Pashtoon Mujahideen.To stop this cruelty Mujahideen formed an organization under the banner of TTP Tekrikay Taliban Pakistan and declared their war against Pakistan Army.Any sane Muslim can decide that this decision against Pakistan army was according to verse of Quran that Allah says in Quran fight with those who fight with you.

Allah says in Quran that KAFIRS are those who make decisions against rules of Allah.This is the reason why Taliban believe that Pakistan army and Government who obey America are Kaffir.Pakistan policy is alway based to please America and accept whatever they tell Pakistan to do.Pakistan have made Christians and Jews as their friends while Allah clearly said and ordered Muslim not to make Jews and Christians as friend and who ever will make them as friend will be like them.


If Pakistan want to get rid of all this mess solution is one that they have to say GOODBYE to USA..

Whats the duty of every individual:

If that individual is in army. He should have to say that Sorry Boss I cannot kill Muslims for Americans. He shouldn’t go to waziristan if going there is necessary he should left his job for Allah’s sake .Inshallah Allah will give me better opportunity. Killing muslims just some for thousand rupees is not a wise decision. Generals and brigadiers are taking huge salaries from CIA but Soldiers are loosing emaan just for free

Sahi muslim
Book 020, Number 4533:
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar that the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither. listen to him nor should he obey his orders

Sahih Muslim 4569
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: In the near future there will be Amirs (rulers) and you will like their good deeds and dislike their bad deeds. One who sees through their bad deeds (and tries to prevent their repetition by his hand or through his speech), is absolved from blame, but one who hates their bad deeds (in the heart of his heart, being unable to prevent their recurrence by his hand or his tongue), is (also) safe (so far as God"s wrath is concerned). But one who approves of their bad deeds and imitates them is spiritually ruined. .

Every individual should condemn and disapprove and hate the bad deeds of Army and Pakistan Govt according to his level.Anyone who approve bad deeds of them is just like those who are doing it


Please Spread this message so that our soldiers , Captains and lefitinents are not manipulated by those Generals who are extremely rich.Who spend luxury life styles in Defence Housing Sector in all cities of Pakistan while they and their children enjoy life in night clubs and discos in those Areas.These general have sold their soles for few Dollars and they spend huge money in Media and TV to encourage NATIONALISM on TV and praising army so that our young children join army with pride.

Nationalism is sin in islam.Under the doctrine of NATIONALISM it is ok that Muslim in Afghanistan or Palestine die as long as Pakistan is safe.This was root reason why Mongols destroyed Baghdad when Baghdad at the time was immersed in Nationalism and allied itself with Mongols in the hope they would be saved while Muslim in neighbouring lands were butchered by Mongols.

America like MONGOLS will attack Pakistan if it is not stopped and Pakistan will witness minarets of skulls.Let us stop our army, stop relying on Ulema especially Sufi Ulema who are again paid servants of Pakistan government and politicians.They will always mislead us.

Aslam Alykum All.

The day you have to hold your 7 month old baby covered in blood, injured in her sleep by flying glass after a suicide blast by your takfiri TTP brothers, the blast claiming the life of two 14-15 yrs old hafiz e quran friends, a mother & her 8 year old boy, a father with her only two daughters & God know who else, then pathetic people like you will understand who the fcuk is wrong & who is right.

I wish & pray people who side by with the TTP have to one day hold their most loved ones covered in blood due the suicide blast of their own takfiri taliban brothers then you guys will know how it feels & what Islam is.

i went this experience 2 days ago, & i swear to God, if something ever happened to my family by these people, i will go after them & kill anyone who is linked to them, till i can.

This was the day, we had been told about, when the knowledge of Islam will be practiced by the illiterate, people who don't know anything about Islam & start preaching & issuing Fatwas.

People like you are worst then the Christians, Jews, Hindus etc, who kill innocent Muslims, becoz people like you kill fellow innocent Muslims after calling yourself Muslims in the name of Islam. Worst human beings that can be found on this earth.
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