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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

I mean these are from AK testing phase.
If I remember correctly when the engine was change to Ukrainian engine and tested in Pakistan after first few AK. I think initial 4 or 5 AK were built with British or German engine
Aselsan and Pakistani officials are negotiating serious level on tank upgrade solutions. Aselsan prepared a mock-up for Pakistan.

View attachment 537944
said mock-up If I am not wrong was representing the concept of a T-72 tank modernisation shown in IDEAS-2018 in Pakistan irony is Pakistan does not use T-72 tanks and upgrade package form this mock does not appear attractive.
Tank modernisation Concept By Turkey at IDEAS-2018().jpg

So on the basis of this I can fairly assume whatever upgrades solutions are under negotiation does not involve anything related to this mock-up
said mock-up If I am not wrong was representing the concept of a T-72 tank modernisation shown in IDEAS-2018 in Pakistan irony is Pakistan does not use T-72 tanks and upgrade package form this mock does not appear attractive.
View attachment 537948
So on the basis of this I can fairly assume whatever upgrades solutions are under negotiation does not involve anything related to this mock-up

You are right bro. It seems MSI used a wrong photo to introduce the negotiations and I jumped the event like a fish... :D

It seems MSI used a wrong photo to introduce the negotiations
I can understand it was not your mistake, but what I was pointing was an innocent mistake of Turkish firm which introduce this model during IDEAS-2018 with single optic sight which apparently lack night fighting capability (search light on that model is pointing towards this possibility)
Pakistan these days is upgrading its Type 85 Tanks and I am pretty sure Turkey could be providing some help in that
nope HIT is already undertaking the project of Type-85 modernisation and we have seen photos of at least one batch handed over to PA, so we can assume current negotiation is for legacy AK and Turkey might be the second interested participant in that program as we know Ukraine is also in negotiation for tank modernisation related to AK
Oil leaks and grease marks are common for all tank crews around the world.

AK-1 with IR/ Thermal stealth coating..

is its armour good enough? are two welded plates in the turret good enough?

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