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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

Posted by Nabil.

I don't think this is safe to be posted on a public forum. Even though this is nothing sensitive, the TTP and their supporters have access to internet and Al-Khalid is operational in the area.

I hope you understand.

This has been reported on many forums including pakdef and i am not the first one to have reported it.
This has been reported on many forums including pakdef and i am not the first one to have reported it.
Take an example. A piece of information is available at one website, and same information is available at 50 different websites (of those, one rank's Asia/Middle East's biggest and Pakistan's top 50 most visited and recognized/promoted by PA). It would be easier.

Today the TTP think MBTs are damageable and after seeing them, they flee. After learning this, they would fire 5-6 RPGs at the tank and total it out.

When I was 'at peak' on this forum, everyone turned to me to get to know inside information, eg when is JF-17 Block II coming etc; and I used to answer away. I had received a warning, a friendly warning from a Air Commodore to control what I post, saying even though it is not sensitive it maybe used to enter the sensitive part of the projects. His statement was quite true.
I had got a warning, a friendly warning from a Air Commodore to control what I post, saying even though it is not sensitive it maybe used to enter the sensitive part of the projects. His statement was quite true.

haha, I remember talking to a MI guy, and he mentioned this forum and some members. Only said that they are pretty knowledgable.

I said, O bhai, retired logon ko bhi dekhtay ho kay nhn? He said, nope, only serving and their relatives!
Stop this baby cry and be Thankful as I corrected you many times here and provided correct info. for the users.

Make correction there... None of the T-80UD have K-5 ERA.

Learn to talk in a civilized manner first, post reported!
There isn't any link either.. my assumption was based on comparative mass value in between M1A1 and T-90S turrets... M1A1 turret weights 22-25ton(depending on variant)... while T-90S turret weights about 15ton exactly.. hence a 17 ton figure must be close enough as Al Khalid doesn't have much armor space is needed to fill in electronics.

If you have any link which provides the mass of the turret on Al Khalid then please provide one.

Al Khalid is good no doubt... I say that here and again.

What I said about Soviet MBTs is what I can prove(In terms of protection)... Its not like making up the mind.. but what you know.
You might take it like its being used by PA as MBTs.. however I can prove that for Arjun too.. in spite of all that thick armor right on the front it is not as protected as Russian MBTs... and that's a solid fact.. no denying.

Russian/Soviet/Ukrainian MBTs are known for their excellent design... after Russian design only Isreali design on Merkava comes 2nd.

Darky, you are assuming things on an Information Pool.
If you have made up your mind that why you have assumed is the ultimate reality of the world, then leave it here. If you want to discuss the facts and are looking to get yourself correct and learn something new, PLEASE LET US TAKE DISCUSSION TO RELAVANT THREAD.

MOD's must act to remove unnecessary information/debate. This is Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

Its quote strange to see someone calling something his "Assumption" and then being so rigid on it and claiming that he have corrected all the members, thanks to his super mind assumptions. Cut it out!
You are assuming just because you know nothing about this subject, i have been asking you to discuss but you are firm that what you have ASSUMED is the final truth :disagree:
Please post any suggestion to change it in the main threads.
jft had a discussions thread, however the other info pools ive made actually dont have a concurrent sticky like in the case of the ak, frigates & submarine info pools , only some old threads with little data if any --- So i can make these 3 threads into ''info pool & discussions'' as apart from the last 4 pages of this thread, all the pages are quite informative eventhough the information revealed was via discussions
interesting info on type 90IIM, AK, and all Chinese MBTS to date!

Îñíîâíîé áîåâîé òàíê «Òèï 90»

In June 1991, China and Pakistan for the first time publicly demonstrated a third-generation tank, designated the "Type 90-II», developed the program MBT-2000 (Main Battle Tank 2000). While China's leaders regard as a real Soviet attack on his country, but the contrast could only obsolete tanks "Type 59" and "Type 69" . It put the work on a new tank of the third generation, which could lead to an equal battle with Soviet T-72 and T-64. The development of the tank began in the mid-1980s, after the Chinese bought from one of the few countries in the Middle East, the T-72M Soviet production. Originally intended to be established on the basis of the tank shell and chassis T-72M with a new welded turret, a 120-mm gun, Western-style (it was conducted on the experimental testing of the tank "type 59Gai" ), an advanced digital fire control system and a German or American power block. But time has made ​​some changes: in 1989, to suspend work due to an embargo on arms sales imposed by the U.S. and other Western countries.

After the end of the Gulf War in 1991, the work on the tank MBT-2000 have been renewed, but as a model for the export of Pakistan's military. More October 1, 1988 Chinese National Corporation NORINCO contract with Pakistan to build prototypes of the tank "Type 90-II», which were to be thoroughly tested. With up to 70% of all components of the "90-II» were made ​​in Pakistan. In the future, buying a license to produce and master the technology, the Pakistani military factory of «Heavy Industries Taxila» began mass production of improved versions of the tank, which received its own name "Al Khalid." Utilized in the production of 125-mm smoothbore gun and automatic loader for her Chinese started producing (naturally without a license) and for their own tanks.

Prototype tank "Type 90-II» the motor CV-12-1200 TCA "Condor"
Experts of the company NORINCO based machine design put constructive layout solutions implemented in the tanks of the third generation, created by leading foreign countries. As a basis, as planned at the beginning, use the chassis and hull of the T-72M, which is installed with advanced welded turret aft niche similar turret series ' 85-IIM / 88C/96 " . That's only weapons were chosen again Russia: the tank is fitted with a 125-mm smoothbore gun with automatic loader 2A46M. The press reported the following: tank "Type 90-II» is designed for 10% borrowed from the tank "59", 15% of the "69", 20% for «85/88C», the other 55% - a new technical solutions . As is the case with the tank "Type 85", the main efforts were directed at creating export model that resulted in the creation of the main battle tank "Al Khalid" (official name existed in parallel R-90) for the Pakistani army, which began to be carried out by the Pakistani " Heavy Industries Taxila »(HIT). Further work in China over the tank, "90-II» focused on the improvement of the overall design of the machine, which are used as a platform already built models. In 1995, China, Russia demonstrated the latest versions of the T-80U to supply the armed forces of the PLA, which has led a program to create the third generation of Chinese tanks "Type 98" , using newly developed technology.

Layout tank "Type 90-II» front location provides office management (the driver sits in the center), average - the crew compartment (gunner on the left of the gun, the commander - right) of the engine at the rear. The body is a welded construction of rolled homogeneous armor, frontal part of which is made ​​of combination (like a tank, "88c"). On the lower front part casing mounted device entrenching copied from the T-72M. The place is equipped with a driver mechanic sunroof and periscope observation devices. Periscope head has a pretty wide window that allows for a limited review of the right and left, and has a built-in night vision active-passive type. Besides the driver and controls movement in the hull is intended tank rack with a piece of ammunition for the gun and fire suppression system cylinders.

The second prototype of the tank "Type 90-II» with the German engine MTU396. Note the cowl on the roof bvshni
In a circular welded turret rotation is weapons fire control system and the commander and gunner. The very first prototype was installed tower, similar to the tank "type 88S/96" to follow - modified, with increased resistance protivosnaryadnoy, layout changes and increased forage equipment niche. Reported that the frontal part of hull and turret may establish additional armored plates composite armor, and its equivalent thickness of about 600 mm at the tower and 450 ... 470 mm in the case. Modular design allows quick Turret replace damaged items or set up in their place, reinforced blocks. If necessary, protection of the tank can be increased by installing its own production of reactive armor type FY ( see "Type 90-II» to DZ ).
main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun with a thermal 2A46M and ejector (barrel length 48 calibers). The total weight of the body without a stabilizer and gun mantle result is 2443 kg, sliding parts - 1970 kg. Autoloader carousel similar to Russian AZ installed on tanks T-72 series. Ammunition is 39 shots separate-case loading, 22 of which are located in the mechanical combat pack under the tower, and the other 17 - in the machine. Obviously, in a tank, "90-II» uses the same 125-mm ammunition company NORINCO, as on "88S/96" - armor-piercing (the initial velocity of 1760 m / s), cumulative (850 m / s) and high- High Explosive (950 m / s), but in addition to be a new armor-piercing feathered projectile of depleted uranium (APFSDS), since we know that China is actively cooperating with Israel in the field and already produces similar 105-mm shells for tanks "Type 88B / A» and «type 59D».
Tank "90-II» is equipped with modern advanced fire control system, presumably similar installed on the tank "Leclerc". The main elements of the OMS are: digital ballistic computer, control panel, periscope gunner with a thermal camera, built-in laser rangefinder and with independently stabilized in two planes, the line of sight, combined periscope sight-surveillance device command (pan-head type) display commander, two-plane stabilizer arms and a set of different sensors similar tank "type 88S/96." Arms control is carried out as the gunner and the commander. Drive guidance - electro and hand. Due to the fact that the head of panoramic sight can be rotated by 180 °, the commander's cupola, as such, is absent, and the perimeter of the hatch command has 6 periscope observation devices to improve visibility. Some sources indicate that the tanks "Type 90-II» / MBT-2000 have a special system for automatic tracking (automatic target tracking system), but what is the system - is not known.
Auxiliary tank armament includes coaxial gun 7.62 -mm machine gun (3000 rounds ammunition) and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun «W-85" on the turret (500 rounds), which is installed between the commander's hatch and the gun. The firing of anti-aircraft machine gun can only be conducted in the front sector. To protect the crew from weapons of mass destruction is a collective anti-nuclear defense system (ESD) with filter-ventilation unit and to prevent fire - modern fast-fighting equipment. Judging from the photos, the turret of a tank "Type 90-II» mounted exhaust fan, which reduces fumes in the crew compartment, which was not on the tanks "Type 85-IIM" . Fan cover on the left front of the hatch command.

After part of the tank "Type 90-II» and open MTO engine MTU396. Later, the Chinese engine installed on the tank "Type 98"
For the full-scale tests have been built prototypes of tanks with two different engines. In the first version of the combined power unit includes an 8-cylinder diesel engine rated at 1200 hp, based at the German diesel engine technology MTU396, produced in China under license, and automatic transmission Renk LSG3000. Liquid-cooled engine has a turbocharger and an advanced cooling system, consisting of two ring radiator with centrifugal fans (so characteristic roof made ​​two round windows, like a tank "Leopard 2"). Air intakes are located on the roof of the MTO under the aft turret niche. Because of the relatively high altitude of the power unit aft hull well above the turret. In the second version of the tank has been set to English V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel engine «Perkins Engine Company» CV-12-1200 TCA "Condor" liquid-cooled, turbocharged 1,200 hp (The same is in the tank "Challenger") and the French hydromechanical automatic transmission SESM ESM-500 (MBT stands for "Leclerc"), which provides for the movement of one of the four forward gears and two - back. On the roof of this modification MTO below and on the sides of the stern of the hull made ​​longitudinal shutters. Replacing the power block either of these configurations in the field should not exceed 30 minutes. There was another project, "90-II», involves the installation of the engine MTU 871 or «General Dynamics Land Systems» AVDS-1790 (the one with the 120-mm gun), but it has remained on paper. Later, when preparing the sample, intended for delivery to Pakistan, developed a draft "Type 90-IIA», which was supposed to have a 1500-strong French series engine «Unidiesel V», but it has not been carried out because of the pressure on France administrations U.S. and India, demanded to join the embargo on arms sales to Pakistan. The latter decided to challenge myself by purchasing power blocks in Ukraine - so there was a tank "Type 90-IIM» or "Al Khalid" .
Chassis "Type 90-II» with torsion bar suspension modeled on the T-72M and has six basic and three support rubber-coated rollers on both sides of the case. Rollers of the T-72 was preferred because of its reliability, low cost and ease of manufacture. At the first, second and sixth hardpoints are Hydromount. The drive wheel position at the rear. Tracks similar to tank "88S/96" equipped RMSH, rubberized running track and rubber boots. Chassis with boards protected by standard rubber-fabric folding screens or corrugated metal new design.

© 2003, www.otvaga.narod.ru, text, data
Combat weight, kg 46000
Crew. 3
Principal dimensions, mm:
- The length of the body (with gun forward) 6900 (10350)
- Width 3372
- Height 2300
- Clearance 470
- Base x track 4250 x N
Average ground pressure, kg/cm2 0.9
Weapons (ammunition, rounds):
- 125-mm smoothbore 2A46M
- 7.62-mm machine gun "86"
- 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun W-85 1 (39)
1 (2000)
1 (500)
Angles vertical guidance degrees. -6 ... +14
Stabilizer arms biplanar
Loading mechanism has (AZ)
Means of production dymzavesy 2x6 launchers, TDA
Type and make of the engine Diesel:
CV-12-1200 TCA "Condor" 12-cylinder
or MTU396
Maximum power, hp 1200
Specific power, hp / t 26.09
Fuel tank capacity, l no data
Transmission hydromechanical Renk LSG3000 or SESM ESM-500
Maximum speed, km / h: 70
Cruising range, km 400 ... 550
Overcoming obstacles:
- Rise, degree. 30
- Roll, hail. 15
- Ditch, m 2.7
- A wall, m 0.85
- Ford, m 1.4 (with OPVT - 5,5)
Armor, mm:
- Forehead Kopusov combined.
- The side hulls 30 ... 80 + screens
- Forehead tower combined.
- The side of the tower 150 ... 170
- The roof 30
. .
info regarding the sagem third generation thermal imager on al khalid 1 is needed

if some body has plz post
. .
info regarding the al khalid armour composition required?

Fused alumina like in the Chinese tanks or true composite armour like the British chobham?

And can someone provide info about the sagem third generation thermal imagers on AK1
Today i read a news about upgraded version of Al khalid tank in some newspaper (i did not able to read the name of newspaper as i was in hurry) , they name it as AL Khalidoon . Anyone who can confirm this news about this and what are the up gradations ?
اسلام آباد (جاوید صدیق) پاکستان نے جدید ترین الخالد
I ٹینک تیار کیا ہے جو رات کے وقت بھی تباہ کن کارروائیاں کرسکتا ہے۔ نوائے وقت کو قابل اعتماد ذرائع نے بتایا ہے کہ چین اور پاکستان کے اشتراک سے تیار ہونے والے الخالد ٹینک میں ڈیزائن اور اس پر نصب جنگی آلات میں ترمیم کرکے پاکستان نے الخالد I کے نام سے نیا ٹینک بنایا ہے۔ یہ ٹینک ریگستانوں اور ناہموار علاقے میں دشمن کے خلاف آسانی سے کارروائیاں کر سکتا ہے۔ ٹینک رات کے وقت اندھیرے میں دشمن کے ٹینکوں اور دوسرے اہداف کو واضح طور پر دیکھ کر انہیں نشانہ بنا سکتا ہے۔ ذرائع کے مطابق یہ ٹینک مستقبل میں پاکستان مین بیٹل ٹینک بن جائے گا جس کے بعد پاکستان کا غیرملکی ٹینکوں پر انحصار بڑی حد تک ختم ہو جائے گا۔
Today's Urdu ePaper Pakistan | NAWAIWAQT
Al khalid armour was possible developed in this establishment.

given the infra required to develop a modern day armour for our battle tanks

Advance Armour Research & Development Complex (AARDIC) for HIT

Trojans has developed an Advance Armour Research And Development Complex (AARDIC) in Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT). AARDIC is equipped with the state of the art technology related to Rapid Prototyping, Quality Control, Revenue Engineering, 3D Modeling, Thermal Imaging, Telecommunication & Metal Casting.

AARDIC will be used for the research and development purpose to enhance HIT prowess to produce more better Tanks and Armour.

Trojans, The cutting edge in technology

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