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Aksai Chin, controlled by China and claimed by India

It's already 60 years and the Sino-Indo border is still not solve. This dispute should not be passed on to the next generation and the next.

Yet solving this border problem is so easy.

India could just take South Tibet and China takes Aksai Chin.

The rest of the disputed areas are small and easily solve in a give and take attitude.

The border between 2 great civilizations should not be named after a British general.
The best solution - 1)india accepts chinese soveriginity over aksai chin and china accepts indian soverignity over arunachal pradesh.

As far as I know, you are a Meithei from Manipur.

Plz tell us these Chinese people honestly. If you are faced with three choices:
A, China.
B, India.
C, independent statehood.

How would most of northeasterner choose?
Plz tell me the true answer, and I will forward your answer to Chinese forums.
Manipur has the highest defence officers to population ratio in india
Remember this young indian army officer ? He is also from Manipur
download (3).jpeg
As far as I know, you are a Meithei from Manipur.

Plz tell us these Chinese people honestly. If you are faced with three choices:
A, China.
B, India.
C, independent statehood.

How would most of northeasterner choose?
Plz tell me the true answer, and I will forward your answer to Chinese forums.

I doubt he is an Indian. Anyone sane would know this by now.
Aksai Chin was practically a no man's land, when China occupied it, post-1949. Till 1957, India even didn't know about the presence of Chinese in this area. India had no administrative jurisdiction, whatsoever, on this area, at that point of time.
China always say officially Aksai Chin is very strategic because the highway G219 that suppies entire west Tibet. Not true. There can be n x alternative routes and that is a little most expensive for logistic compared to highway G219..

I have drawn the alternative highway that are currently in use.

I guess China wants to hold on to Aksai Chin because there is no end to Hindus piecemeal land grap appetite. Today if China cede Aksai Chin, then tomorrow Hindus will encroach on Pangong or even Ngiri.

As far as I know, you are a Meithei from Manipur.

Plz tell us these Chinese people honestly. If you are faced with three choices:
A, China.
B, India.
C, independent statehood.

How would most of northeasterner choose?
Plz tell me the true answer, and I will forward your answer to Chinese forums.

But given a choice, all ethnically indigenous regions in the world would prefer autonomy as a state.

North East region has more than 200 ethnic communities so it's not simple,it's not a wholly unified entity. The land of the indigenous is protected ,where non-indigenous can't buy land,can China abide laws ?
the indigenous people wouldn't accept foreigners purchasing their lands.

In an imaginative reality [note : is just an observational hypothesis,not my claim] if NE were to be a self-administered entity, a big power has to first fix the border between 3 major groups: the naga (dominant community of Nagaland) , Meitei( dominant community of Manipur) and Mizo ( dominant community of Mizoram) as it is.

There's some issue, In past Manipur king expanded its territories from Kabaw valley in current Burma to Sylhet borders which is in Bangladesh now ,but right after the military expeditions, Meitei people always left the harsh hills and returned in the valley area of Manipur ,only dispatching forces when their authority of the kangla throne was challenged.

Though the king maintained authority all over the region even conquered Nagaland but the king didn't expand Meeitei population in hilly region, the masses stayed in the valley which was fertile,had plenty of water resources,easy to navigate and safe. As a result the hill areas are all mainly inhibited by Naga and Kuki even in Manipur.But it's a harmonious relationship rather than an antagonistic one in general,in day to day life.

And since Meitei aren't ST(scheduled tribe) but general category,they can't purchase land in Manipur outside the valley areas. Limiting the expansion of Meeteis even in 21st century Manipur.But Naga and Kuki and foreigners can purchase land in VAlley..... Thus Nagas & Kukis are the majority in the hills.
Now Naga militants are demanding some hills as part of Greater Nagaland, which the Meiteis will never accept as those are historically part of Manipur and the only reason nagas are still there is that the benevolent king let them live there as allied communities to the throne.

So,in this speculative reality , a major power have to back the meiteis against the militants and separatist to help Manipur preserve their historical boundaries against the backdrop of naga militants trying to separate Manipur hills .
FYI naga is just a British invented term , naga actually consists of many random of ethnicities, with no common origin,they vary greatly in physique and language the so called Naga is also twice the size in population since dozens of ethnic communities are lumped together so called naga in Manipur & Nagaland .

And then there's also a huge contest among Naga and Kuki( Mizo if manipur) for the hills. Read Kuki genocide by Naga.
Kuki and Naga in Manipur are at each other's throat over the control of the hills, but they get united against Meitei's demand for ST status,ST(scheduled Tribe) provides protection for indigenous communities . These groups have prevented Meitei from receiving ST status till date. But the Meitei also keeps both of them in check from going at each other.
So these three plays a unique dynamics.

Now what if , in any case, a state like China simply side with the Nagas ,ignoring the Meitei because of Nagas larger militant groups and population size?

But that would be detrimental to the region in terms of potential.
Nagas has some ethnic communities with good physique ,and given a choice Naga society still seems better than mainland on some merits, but Meitei is the only ethnicity with a real civilization that carries centuries if not a thousand years of wisdom and culture among them , A 7 clan old bloodline that isn't just British made up the entity like term naga.
What makes the Han comparatively thrive in China is their capture and preservation of their centuries of wisdom and culture which were garnered from generation and passed down with more and more refinement.
Meitei is the only ethnicity that inherits their own centuries of unique civilizational wisdom and there's a clear distinction between Manipur and other states of NE or whole of India.

be it purely academic aspects like education and exams

Assam population 30.2 million
Manipur population 2.8 million ,yet in last year's UPSC exam , Indias most pivotal local examination ,Manipur has 6 candidates that cleared the exam, Assam 1 and Nagaland,Mizoram,Meghalaya,Arunachal zero.

Or take more physically & mentally demanding aspect like sports
Manipur is the top in whole india (services= military)but Nagaland ,Mizoram,Arunachal,
are almost at the base lvl.


For the region to thrive,Manipur must be whole as it is now and in the hands of Meitei even if it were to be self-administered. It would be a tragedy otherwise.And nagaland,Mizoram assam self governed entities.

I fear even China probably think all NE is same ,and anything works.
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From okain Boqi to Zada County, Zada country is less than 300km from New Dehli

Zada county was built on a piece of barren, highly eroded tableland, population 7,000. Nothing grows in surrounding area.

To be fair to india - it is not as indian govt went and occupied north-east. The british did the occupation and then granted control of these lands to Delhi.
To be fair to india - it is not as indian govt went and occupied north-east. The british did the occupation and then granted control of these lands to Delhi.

The Brits never actually control the region. It was only on paper, and one that’s not even recognized by the Brits todays.
To be fair to india - it is not as indian govt went and occupied north-east. The british did the occupation and then granted control of these lands to Delhi.

It was only partly occupied and administered by British, before 1947. A part, like Tawang, which was administered by Tibet, was taken over by India, much after 1947.
It was only partly occupied and administered by British, before 1947. A part, like Tawang, which was administered by Tibet, was taken over by India, much after 1947.
Wasnt aware of that. Were you saying india send troops after 1947? then why china vacate it after occupying in 1962 ?
Wasnt aware of that. Were you saying india send troops after 1947? then why china vacate it after occupying in 1962 ?

No such things as India. The British Raj do not have a pressence in many area but claim it cartologically. That explains why there is no Indians in South Tibet until Nehru decided to annex it.
But given a choice, all ethnically indigenous regions in the world would prefer autonomy as a state.

North East region has more than 200 ethnic communities so it's not simple,it's not a wholly unified entity. The land of the indigenous is protected ,where non-indigenous can't buy land,can China abide laws ?
the indigenous people wouldn't accept foreigners purchasing their lands.

In an imaginative reality [note : is just an observational hypothesis,not my claim] if NE were to be a self-administered entity, a big power has to first fix the border between 3 major groups: the naga (dominant community of Nagaland) , Meitei( dominant community of Manipur) and Mizo ( dominant community of Mizoram) as it is.

There's some issue, In past Manipur king expanded its territories from Kabaw valley in current Burma to Sylhet borders which is in Bangladesh now ,but right after the military expeditions, Meitei people always left the harsh hills and returned in the valley area of Manipur ,only dispatching forces when their authority of the kangla throne was challenged.
View attachment 870948

Though the king maintained authority all over the region even conquered Nagaland but the king didn't expand Meeitei population in hilly region, the masses stayed in the valley which was fertile,had plenty of water resources,easy to navigate and safe. As a result the hill areas are all mainly inhibited by Naga and Kuki even in Manipur.But it's a harmonious relationship rather than an antagonistic one in general,in day to day life.

And since Meitei aren't ST(scheduled tribe) but general category,they can't purchase land in Manipur outside the valley areas. Limiting the expansion of Meeteis even in 21st century Manipur.But Naga and Kuki and foreigners can purchase land in VAlley..... Thus Nagas & Kukis are the majority in the hills.
Now Naga militants are demanding some hills as part of Greater Nagaland, which the Meiteis will never accept as those are historically part of Manipur and the only reason nagas are still there is that the benevolent king let them live there as allied communities to the throne.

So,in this speculative reality , a major power have to back the meiteis against the militants and separatist to help Manipur preserve their historical boundaries against the backdrop of naga militants trying to separate Manipur hills .
FYI naga is just a British invented term , naga actually consists of many random of ethnicities, with no common origin,they vary greatly in physique and language the so called Naga is also twice the size in population since dozens of ethnic communities are lumped together so called naga in Manipur & Nagaland .

And then there's also a huge contest among Naga and Kuki( Mizo if manipur) for the hills. Read Kuki genocide by Naga.
Kuki and Naga in Manipur are at each other's throat over the control of the hills, but they get united against Meitei's demand for ST status,ST(scheduled Tribe) provides protection for indigenous communities . These groups have prevented Meitei from receiving ST status till date. But the Meitei also keeps both of them in check from going at each other.
So these three plays a unique dynamics.

Now what if , in any case, a state like China simply side with the Nagas ,ignoring the Meitei because of Nagas larger militant groups and population size?

But that would be detrimental to the region in terms of potential.
Nagas has some ethnic communities with good physique ,and given a choice Naga society still seems better than mainland on some merits, but Meitei is the only ethnicity with a real civilization that carries centuries if not a thousand years of wisdom and culture among them , A 7 clan old bloodline that isn't just British made up the entity like term naga.
What makes the Han comparatively thrive in China is their capture and preservation of their centuries of wisdom and culture which were garnered from generation and passed down with more and more refinement.
Meitei is the only ethnicity that inherits their own centuries of unique civilizational wisdom and there's a clear distinction between Manipur and other states of NE or whole of India.

be it purely academic aspects like education and exams

Assam population 30.2 million
Manipur population 2.8 million ,yet in last year's UPSC exam , Indias most pivotal local examination ,Manipur has 6 candidates that cleared the exam, Assam 1 and Nagaland,Mizoram,Meghalaya,Arunachal zero.
View attachment 870953

Or take more physically & mentally demanding aspect like sports
Manipur is the top in whole india (services= military)but Nagaland ,Mizoram,Arunachal,
are almost at the base lvl.

View attachment 870955

For the region to thrive,Manipur must be whole as it is now and in the hands of Meitei even if it were to be self-administered. It would be a tragedy otherwise.And nagaland,Mizoram assam self governed entities.

I fear even China probably think all NE is same ,and anything works.
If you are Meitei, then you are more Hindu than others in mainland.
As far as I know Meitei people doesn't want to be separated from India.
If you are Meitei, then you are more Hindu than others in mainland.
As far as I know Meitei people doesn't want to be separated from India.

No one in NE wants anything to do with India. The ASSAM rifles are rapist. They gang rape and kill whole family. Fking Indians, occupied other land and conduct massive rape, including Muslim Kashmir.


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