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Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

So what was your intention behind you telling this story since you were trying to tell the truth?

Because "Truth" involves all the is RECORDED and also all that is NOT RECORDED.

Force instance when Akbar's marriage to Raja Bharmal's daughter occurred at Deosa, his historians record "when people Deosa and other places on Akbar's route fled away on his approach."

Why would the people flee in terror if at all Akbar was "visiting" ?

You really need to stop bring an Hindu, etc. angle into everything.

If free thinking modern Muslims can stand their dictators all over the Arab world. And if free thinking Indians, most Hindus cant stand corrupt politicians, most Hindus. What makes you think you're going to like Kings and their brats if you were a commoner than? Regardless of their religion?

...and you really need to stop living in Denial. I bring in Hindu angle, when there IS a Hindu angle.

There are plenty of people who love Monarchies, but that is a different debate for a different thread.
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Sounds like sarwar was a Muslim. Building a chabutra with Hindu skulls was an OLD muslim practice.

Hindus have fare more civilized ways of punishing theft. Far more civilized than chopping of 5000 Hindu heads to punish 1 or 2 Thief's :coffee:

Yes he was muslim, but not mughal but native one. They were not 1-2 thief but whole lot going by what British wrote. Timur also slayed 2000 muslims in what is now east punjab, he called them muslims in name only. They used to steal other people cattle and harass them.
Yes he was muslim, but not mughal but native one. They were not 1-2 thief but whole lot going by what British wrote. Timur also slayed 2000 muslims in what is now east punjab, he called them muslims in name only. They used to steal other people cattle and harass them.

I fail to understand your point. Are you saying its all right for a muslim to do this as "justice" ?

Or are you trying to say this was "normal practice" ? ...... because this sure as hell was NOT a normal practice in the rest of India.
I fail to understand your point. Are you saying its all right for a muslim to do this as "justice" ?

Or are you trying to say this was "normal practice" ? ...... because this sure as hell was NOT a normal practice in the rest of India.

In India probably lot worse happened, i was talking about Pakistan. And i didn't justify that, stop being smart a**.

''The Gujrat District (Punjab, Pakistan) Gazetteer of 1921 contains much information on the Chibs. It states the Hindu Chibs were a bandit tribe and its main objective was to levy blackmail from peaceful farming communities. The Hindu Chibs would raid villages and kill and rob innocent people until Chaudhry Yar Muhammad from the Pabbi range declared war against them. It is recorded in the Gujrat District Gazetteer that the Chaudhry made a village rest house chabootra (terrace) from the skulls of Chibs. Most of the Chibs were Hindus living in villages of Deva and Battala.''

Not Sarwar but some Yar Mohammad. And they used to steal and ''kill'' along with it.
Guess What ? I found remains of another "Tower of heads". This one made by made by Alauddin Khilji.

Looks like the heads were removed from the structure in later days. Only Holes remains where once human skull used to rest. Its located in Hauz Khas in Delhi and is now known as Chor Minar.


Kicking up a controversy, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Saturday said the fort built by Mughal emperor Akbar on the banks of the river Yamuna is a "symbol of subjugation of Hindus" and wanted the imposing structure to be replaced with a night shelter for poor pilgrims visiting to have a dip in the holy Sangam.

"During Muslim rule in India, countless temples were pulled down and replaced with mosques. These mosques were erected as symbols of subjugation of Hindus. The VHP had sought to remove only three of such symbols - at Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura. The Fort situated nearby is another such symbol," VHP patron Ashok Singhal said.

Singhal was speaking at a 'Virat Hindu Sammelan' organised at Parade Ground in the vicinity of the Sangam and the fort, to mark the golden jubilee of the establishment of the Sangh Parivar outfit.

"Why should there be a fort so close to the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and mythical river Saraswati, where Hindus come from across the country every year to take a holy dip on festivals and where millions converge whenever the Kumbh Mela is organized?" the VHP patriarch asked.

"Everybody knows that this fort was built to commemorate a Mughal emperor's victory over Hindus," Singhal said, alluding to the Second Battle of Panipat in which Akbar had defeated Hemu, a Hindu king, thereby establishing the hegemony of the Mughal Empire across north India.

He alleged that the "Akshayvat" - a banyan tree which is held sacred by Hindus - was "made inaccessible to devotees through the imposing structure".

"Even today, people are being fooled in the name of allowing worship at the Akshayavat as the original sacred tree is situated in deep, inaccessible corners of the fort. Why should not the structure be replaced with a 'rain basera' (night shelter) for poor pilgrims who sleep in the open in cold weather to have a holy dip at the crack of dawn on bathing festivals," Singhal added.

VHP wants Akbar's fort in Allahabad to be replaced with night shelters | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
Guess What ? I found remains of another "Tower of heads". This one made by made by Alauddin Khilji.

Looks like the heads were removed from the structure in later days. Only Holes remains where once human skull used to rest. Its located in Hauz Khas in Delhi and is now known as Chor Minar.


"According to local legends, it was a 'tower of beheading', where the severed heads of thieves were displayed on spear through its 225 holes, to act as a deterrent to thieves, though some historian suggest that the Khilji king slaughtered a settlement of Mongol people, nearby, to stop them from joining with their brethren in another Mongol settlement in Delhi, the present day locality of 'Mongolpuri'". Chor Minar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless you hellbent on believing that the thieves or Mongols were only Hindus.
"According to local legends, it was a 'tower of beheading', where the severed heads of thieves were displayed on spear through its 225 holes, to act as a deterrent to thieves, though some historian suggest that the Khilji king slaughtered a settlement of Mongol people, nearby, to stop them from joining with their brethren in another Mongol settlement in Delhi, the present day locality of 'Mongolpuri'". Chor Minar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless you hellbent on believing that the thieves or Mongols were only Hindus.

LOL....that is the magic of "secularism" and secular history writers from JNU ..... as it stands, that tower had holes for 250 heads :cheesy:

More like heads of the enemy than any "chor".

Here is the drawing of another "Tower of Heads" BY Peter Mundy who was with the British East India company during Akbar's time.


Considering the fact that Muslim Invaders has ad LONG LONG history of making towers of Heads from the heads of their enemies and Prisoner of war, its pretty clear who's head went into that tower.
That was normal in those times. I was reading our district Gazetter written by British. There used to be some chaudhry named Sarwar who made chabutra with over 5000 hindu skulls. These hindus mostly used to steal from farmers so one day chaudhry decided to teach them a lesson.

Now you can give this muslim vs hindu angle, but it seem like he just punished theifs.
poor and desperate attempt to justify your brutal and killer ancestors but failed.
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