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Akbar and other Mughals

@EjazR - Sir, thanks for the great effort. And need I say I agree with every bit of what you mentioned.
The differences are nonetheless there. Pls allow me to achieve more consistency in my writings and bear me for next few sentenses.

I do admit GB misrule was perhaps amongst the worst that a group of people could have done on others. But it would not be just to take out our own (hindus and muslims) incompetence in managing our own affairs better, which IMO and considered opinion was because of the spectacular failure of both the muslim and hindus and other types of rajas to do fulfil their respective duties towards their respective spheres of territorial and demographic responsibility. The virus are always there but the healthy body fights those infection and wins, an ill body on the other hand is ill because it had failed to fight the infection. So before GB the biggest culprit were Mughals and even before that the Slave dynasties etc. because while they kept taking and enjoying taxes and kept claiming that they were Indians, still they failed to support the concept of India at vital moments in History. Now the rot does not stop here, even before the Muslim rajas there were Buddhist and Hindu Rajas who simply were not good enough. While we were 24% of world economy at start of Mughals period, we were 28%+ at the end of earlier non-muslim periods down from 36%+ even earlier, and by the start of GB period we were 17% or thereabout. GB just finished off the job till around 4%. The incompetence in fact continued even after the Brits left and it is only to our debit that we brought 4% down to even further 2%. 47 was merely the political freedom from GB, 91 was the freedom from our own collective stupidity. Pls also observe the moving average growth figures, we are below chinese rising slower but rising much more sure-er.

Now I do admit it is not worth it that we discuss emperors and dynasties. My point is that if we keep handing out credit where it is not due then we will keep failing to recognise our true historical genius (of course historical for both hindus and muslims). There were a few Shudra rajas also and even though i have not read much about them but extrapolation of my understanding takes me to the conclusion that they would have been no better (just some earlier day Mayawati).

The way I see it, anything to do with exclusivity will fail under the weight of its own unrealistic expectations. These sundry rajas were exclusivist and failed to train there subjects for the eventuality of Ghories, Ghaznis etc. These western invaders happened to be Muslims during those era. Later era showed that western invaders could just as well be Christens, in fact corporates too boot. On the other hand the victims were those who happened to be Hindus and more often then not the forefathers of present day muslims of the Indian Heartland.

I dont know what the present NCERT history teaches. But at the time I used to read it, most of it was about all and sundry rajas, while what we should have been taught was (and with reasoned arguements that are actually there and can be missed out only by blind men and commies):

1. That India is a land of minorities (even Brahmins, Kshtriyas, every regional identity, every linguistic identity and every religious identity are actually minorities and with same problems). Muslims of this land will have to come out and claim/seize there fair share in society instead of coming out for Palestine/sundry fatwas/few defensive patriotic marches. If a Shiv Sainik dares impute a divided loyalty on a muslim then he should not let go of the issue and treat this as a slight. Muslims would be surprised to see the bitterness against these sundry shiv sainiks amongst even the Hindu populations esp. those from UP / Bihar.

2. That caste specialization is not going to work for the society when the enemy that you need to prepare for is not even perceptible in accepted timescale and this kind of specialization is actually only a false specialization since it is based on exclusivism.

3. That Indians have been invaded from west time and again (himalayas made it impossible for any other way for a good part of history). That lands towards west were so depraved perhaps because they themselves were deprivied (explains the fact of Persian-Arab divide inpite of the presence of Ummah). Even Rana used to refer to his opponents as turki, he knew very well the ideology he was fighting. Amply supported by the shruti traditions of isolated communities like Uttarakhandis who consider Ghori a swear word as against the clear non-usage the term muslims to which they are actually better exposed then their history against Ghoris etc. Even the words ‘Pol Khol dena’ have similar significance.

4. That reason is not what westerners or for that matter now even the Chinese are going to take. Survival is a matter not of religion but of will.

5. The will was not there till 47 given the existence of 550+ states with false caste specilizations. The lay populace came into power only in 47.

6. That the fact that almost equal killings and equal refugees happened amongst both muslims and non-muslims of India, is a weakness of our society that eventually certain people even used to create two countries (which we should accept today). Juxtaposed against the fact that despite such bitter killings, a stupendous number of muslims decided to risk there lives in India then to move over. Conclusions here are self evident. So for every 1 idiot citizen of the land (Hindu or Muslim or etc.) there are 9 who are not idiots and are interested in the cooperative relations within the country because the lay population is wise enough to know, without a lefty telling him, that this cooperation is important to attain competitive ability outside India.

7. Given that rest of the regions of the subcontinent fell towards there natural centre of gravity without any worthwhile competition, implies that the present state of democracy and sarva-jan sambhav is the true state of Indian nationhood. The roots of which are in the common Muslim & Non-Muslim traditions of Sufism and Bhakti and Sikhism which is a mix of everything.

8. That unless we take special care of this freedom by making every citizen an all rounder in his/her social contribution (specialisation being limited only to profession) we are not likely to continue enjoying our concept of India.

Now your ideas regarding AZ or Mr. Jinnah are not proved. On the contrary pretty much all that the so called right wingers are saying have not been falsified at least not to my knowledge (I would be willing to change my views if you can provide such refutations). In fact I wonder if rightwingers in India have even said anything about Indian muslims populace. In fact something makes me feel that the AZ fatwas in Bikaner have never even been radio carbon dated by those who maintain a view against it. AZ was just as bad as the society of that time and of time before that allowed him to be. Had the society not allowed itself to be divided, AZ would not have been successful. While these divisions were happening Hindus were just as much a culprit as Muslims. Even your views about India – Pak war in the other thread, where you ideate that India won 48, 65 & 71 are just too simplistic. It is common sense that nobody won nothing (both Pakistani and Indian fanboys are just not seeing the reality). The war is still going on, though it is true India is gaining an upper hand finally. This war was there since as long as we can remember and will remain at least till the time, Pakistan is roundly beaten economically and its himayati is at least matched. Now this is actually possible since this land is the land of possibilities, it allows everything to happen. We obviously cannot insure against the evil but we can surely allow our good guys to better the mark set by their good guys.

Educate the commoners about there own true identity ie. of the deeprootedness of multicultural traditions instead of throwing a mythical Good AZ against bad AZ. Throw instead a good Indian population against the bad AZ ideas of rightwinger if you have to. Don’t negate the commoners’ strength. It works just fine in the continuum of time. By pitting good AZ argument against bad AZ argument the leftys are only undermining the strength of India, the strength of the masses. Enable the children of the commoners to see the link between culture and economics and defence. They are wise enough to know what is best for them. Democracy implies having faith in the common man. Carry on with it.
Rana was fighting for Hinduism because practically all his subjects were hindus and all their tormentors were muslims and Islam did not have the proportions that it later developed amongst Indians. When it comes to martial history these leftys highlight is the presence of hindus amongst AZ courtiers, what they convinently forget is that even Rana had Hakim Khan Sur in his army. Now Surs were Indians even though they were ethnic Pathans exactly because they lived and died for the people of the land. And even though a lefty sees this part of history as a threat to his ideas, the reality is these ideas are a strength for Indian society as it is the history of the resistance against the foreigners, who may have claimed to be Indian but always thought only of themselves and their treasury. The leftys are promoting a history that does not match with the ground realities. If I have to accept left history then I will have to forgo the history of north west India (around 10 Crore people) without any concommitent improvement in the Hindu-Muslim relations. What kind of history is this. The right wingers in India are actually smarter then the leftwingers. They have put in a condition for Ayodhya dispute that even an idiot knows is never going to be fulfilled. And we can have a private conversation regarding Ayodhya if you want it.

On account of some recent readings I am developing a view that these Mughals were in a terrible identity crisis but no definitive idea yet.
The most powerful general was Mirza Raje Jai Singh, and Aurangazeb did not dare to openly antagonize him.
Not just AZ even Khilji had doubts about his own authority. He used to say that his writ would not run beyond 100 Km of Delhi without the use of force.

Indians of those times never really accepted some kings while Surs were well accepted. The important thing is not the king but the stand taken by the lay populace which happened to be hindus or forefathers of present day muslims.

Had lay populations been cooperative with Mughals and Mughals held 26% approx of world trade. Do you think the Angrez would have dared even looked at India. That Malyali lady of some small time kingdom who single handedly destroyed the Portugese fleet (some people even mention 200 ships) would have been enough to give nightmares to Angrezs.
Whether one likes or not the facts are;

1. Despite there being no kingship in Islam, except the Rashideen; every other Islamic dynasty whether called Khilafat ( Umayyad, Abbasids, Ottomans) or Sultanate ( Ghaznavids, Saljuqis or Indian Sultans) and Spanish Muslims rulers were in fact hereditary kings.

2. Regardless of what Pakistanis and Indians think of the Mughals, nearly all Mughal rulers were lovers of art and culture and have left a lasting legacy in the subcontinent. Much of present day music, poetry, architecture and food developed sophistication under the Mughals.

3. Like kings all over the world, most of the Mughal kings (except A’zeb) were heavy drinkers’ and libertines. It is however wrong to judge a king by his personal piety. Kings are judged by their success in war, how other kings respected them and how strong they left their domain when they died.

4. Akbar is only the second Indian king in the 5000 years history who is called “Great”, the other being Asoka. A’zeb is nowhere when compared to Akbar as a king and a ruler. Moghal Empire shrank to Delhi and its surroundings within 25 years of A'zeb's death is proof enough.

I have a diary written by an East India Company Army colonel during late 18th early 19th century during his travels in the ‘Rajputana’ as it was thus known. Nearly all the Rajput Chieftains were loyal to the Delhi Mughals and described the Maratha Empire which followed the Mughals as the worst ever. The ‘Chauth’ or 1/4th tax applied by the Marathas was totally arbitrary and unjust. As rulers go, even the worst Moghal king was better than the Marathas.

Trouble is that every discussion in this forum and in the India/Pakistan context takes a religious overtone. Despite being an orthodox Muslim; A’zeb was a capricious and cruel ruler. Only lasting legacy he left is the grand Badshai Mosque at Lahore. Otherwise Aurangzeb was a bigoted and a ruthless king who spent 15 years in the South fighting Shivaji without being able to control the Maratha menace.

IMO capable Muslim rulers in India were Alauddin Khilji, Balban, Altutmash, Feroz Tuglaq, Sher Shah Suri, Akbar, Jehangir and Shahjehan. On analysis I have come to the conclusion that root cause of the end of Muslim empire in India was Auragzeb. Had he not bankrupted the State in figthing the Maratha guerrillas, the English would not have been able to come in thru the back door.
Akbar at the end of his rule became an atheist and because ancestorly he was a Muslim so he over did things against Islam to have a secular image. Some reports even suggest he was even imitating to be a semi god any how he was not an intellectual person and was unable to hold any of the theological view presented by Hinduism , Islam and Christianity.

Shah jahan had a very loose grip on his government and did not give importance to the official matters liked to live an easy and luxurious life. Aurengzeb on the other hand was a tough guy like his Mongol ancestors. He lived a very simple life unlike the rulers of that time. Had a very strong influence of Islam and Islamic law on him. Islamic scholars enjoyed very high position in his court. One of his daughter was also a big "Alima" (female scholar). But I don't know how good of a ruler that makes him.

Here is a link that includes the 2008 version of NCERT textbooks, much better than when I was studying I must say
NCERT Textbooks

My views of AZ are not glorifying him in any way, I have just said that not looking at all aspects of AZ and just demonising him is simplistic. I think niaz's post above is a more accurate post of what I would agree with overall. Although I would venture to say that he started of with an accommodating attitude but became more hard line as he started getting more and more territory under his control instead of being content with what he had.

Overall, it is true that lack of unity between different chieftains and kings in the sub continent was the biggest problem. Another example of this is that the British used the Nizam of Hyderabad and Marathas to fight Tipu Sultan, even though if these three local kings had been united, the British would have never been able to establish their power in the south. An example of the strength of this unity was the 1857 war of Independence were the entire foundations of the British were shaken.

About Indo-pak conflicts, that is what is basically referred to in CBSE textbooks. My personal view is that 48 is understandable because India was not prepared and was a new nation at that time. But 65 and 99 were definitely blunders even failures because India should have prevented it in the first place and the high casualty and cost it resulted in. 99 more so because J&K was a conflict zone and still the IA failed to identify infiltrators until a Shepard told them. These were heights of embarrassment to India no matter how we fashion them.

Looking to the future, communal harmony not only among Hindus and Muslims but other faiths and ethnicities and castes is necessary for the strength of India and THAT is why after 60odd years India hasn't balkanised as was predicted by many western "experts" at that time of independence, particularly the British. The basis of this was mutual respect and justice. Anybody's attempt to undermine this is a anti-national and a traitor no matter who they are. In this regard the most prominent achievement of Nehru was that he maintained this in the most testing period right after the partition. Wether it be the language issues of Hindi vs south Indian languages, partition related issues e.t.c.. That is why he has to be respected as a builder of modern India.
^^^ Went thru the link. I think a lot has changed since I was in School. You are right NCERT is making it more contextual and pushing things into the higher classes with the lower classes dealing with only the interrelationships between History, Economics and Society. Should be better now.

At the time I used to read history, and I studied history only upto 10th standard. It was just a long list of kings, kingdoms, maps and personalities. And everything was cramed upto 10th itself. Even world history, ancient history, Pre-independence. No connect with the socio-eco life.

Hope things get even better in future. Including Landes and critical analysis of Landes.
All these kings and rajas or rajputs were same they exploited the people , lived like kings had lots of action in bed , with 1000+ maidens and then left ...

General public got taxed ... end of story ... now we have our gov that do all that and politicians:chilli:

Only person who I have respect for is Tipu sultan
Whether one likes or not the facts are;

1. Despite there being no kingship in Islam, except the Rashideen; every other Islamic dynasty whether called Khilafat ( Umayyad, Abbasids, Ottomans) or Sultanate ( Ghaznavids, Saljuqis or Indian Sultans) and Spanish Muslims rulers were in fact hereditary kings.

2. Regardless of what Pakistanis and Indians think of the Mughals, nearly all Mughal rulers were lovers of art and culture and have left a lasting legacy in the subcontinent. Much of present day music, poetry, architecture and food developed sophistication under the Mughals.

3. Like kings all over the world, most of the Mughal kings (except A’zeb) were heavy drinkers’ and libertines. It is however wrong to judge a king by his personal piety. Kings are judged by their success in war, how other kings respected them and how strong they left their domain when they died.

4. Akbar is only the second Indian king in the 5000 years history who is called “Great”, the other being Asoka. A’zeb is nowhere when compared to Akbar as a king and a ruler. Moghal Empire shrank to Delhi and its surroundings within 25 years of A'zeb's death is proof enough.

I have a diary written by an East India Company Army colonel during late 18th early 19th century during his travels in the ‘Rajputana’ as it was thus known. Nearly all the Rajput Chieftains were loyal to the Delhi Mughals and described the Maratha Empire which followed the Mughals as the worst ever. The ‘Chauth’ or 1/4th tax applied by the Marathas was totally arbitrary and unjust. As rulers go, even the worst Moghal king was better than the Marathas.

Trouble is that every discussion in this forum and in the India/Pakistan context takes a religious overtone. Despite being an orthodox Muslim; A’zeb was a capricious and cruel ruler. Only lasting legacy he left is the grand Badshai Mosque at Lahore. Otherwise Aurangzeb was a bigoted and a ruthless king who spent 15 years in the South fighting Shivaji without being able to control the Maratha menace.

IMO capable Muslim rulers in India were Alauddin Khilji, Balban, Altutmash, Feroz Tuglaq, Sher Shah Suri, Akbar, Jehangir and Shahjehan. On analysis I have come to the conclusion that root cause of the end of Muslim empire in India was Auragzeb. Had he not bankrupted the State in figthing the Maratha guerrillas, the English would not have been able to come in thru the back door.

A fair assessment.

Would this diary you refer to be "Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan: by Lt Col James Todd ?
My intention is clear and i have mentioned in my orignal post that in india we have a poor opinion of Aurangzeb compared to Akbar. why accuse me of something wich i have already accepted.
Aurangzeb is disliked by the Hindus for no reason at all. As far as I know, Ranjit Singh was not disliked by even his Punjabi Muslim subjects, because he was an honest king and was fair to all of his subjects. Usually, people do not divide their opinion on him.

But, in case of Aurangzeb, he has been made villain by the Hindu historians only because he had to fight the rebellion by the Marathas led by a then unknown Shibaji. What the central govt of today's India would do in a similar situation? Will a rebellion be tolerated by the central govt?

It was same with Aurangzeb, he was fighting a rebel force bent on destroying the central govt in Delhi. The Historians afterwards added their personal emotion and portrayed Aurangzeb as a Hindu-hater against a Hindu patriot called Shibaji. This is certainly not the truth.

In his personal life, Badshah Aurangzeb was very honest. His examples should be followed by Pakistan's Zardari and India's FM Krishna. He lived in the palace given by the State, but he had no personal servants and his wife the Badshah-Begum had to cook her family's own food with her own hands.

She was the only wife this honest Badshah ever had, he had no concubines. This Badshah used to repair (as we say RIPU) his own torn clothes. For his family's own livelihood, he used to copy Qu'ran and sew topi (Muslim caps). He would sell these products to a special merchant at wholesale price and with this proceed he would maintain his own family's livelihood. Badshah Alamgir was a FAQIR in his heart.

About warfare against his own brothers, I would say it was all politics of the middle age. Either you rule or you get killed. This same politics are still there in many of the Muslim countries even today. Think of the history of Bangladesh and Pakistan, the present neighbours of India. Muslims are blood-thirsty by nature, but I just do not know why it is so.
Aurangzeb is disliked by the Hindus for no reason at all. As far as I know, Ranjit Singh was not disliked by even his Punjabi Muslim subjects, because he was an honest king and was fair to all of his subjects. Usually, people do not divide their opinion on him.

But, in case of Aurangzeb, he has been made villain by the Hindu historians only because he had to fight the rebellion by the Marathas led by a then unknown Shibaji. What the central govt of today's India would do in a similar situation? Will a rebellion be tolerated by the central govt?

It was same with Aurangzeb, he was fighting a rebel force bent on destroying the central govt in Delhi. The Historians afterwards added their personal emotion and portrayed Aurangzeb as a Hindu-hater against a Hindu patriot called Shibaji. This is certainly not the truth.

In his personal life, Badshah Aurangzeb was very honest. His examples should be followed by Pakistan's Zardari and India's FM Krishna. He lived in the palace given by the State, but he had no personal servants and his wife the Badshah-Begum had to cook her family's own food with her own hands.

She was the only wife this honest Badshah ever had, he had no concubines. This Badshah used to repair (as we say RIPU) his own torn clothes. For his family's own livelihood, he used to copy Qu'ran and sew topi (Muslim caps). He would sell these products to a special merchant at wholesale price and with this proceed he would maintain his own family's livelihood. Badshah Alamgir was a FAQIR in his heart.

About warfare against his own brothers, I would say it was all politics of the middle age. Either you rule or you get killed. This same politics are still there in many of the Muslim countries even today. Think of the history of Bangladesh and Pakistan, the present neighbours of India. Muslims are blood-thirsty by nature, but I just do not know why it is so.

A ruler is measured more by his / her public dealings & less with their personal lives.

Before Aurangzeb, Indian Islam had been influenced by mystical Sufi precepts. But based on his conservative interpretation of Islamic principles, Aurangzeb propagated a less mystical, more severe form of Islam. People were forcefully converted to Islam.

Aurangzeb became fascinated with conservative interpretations of the Qur'an, which he set about codifying. According to Aurangzeb's interpretation, Islam did not allow music, so he banished court musicians, dancers and singers. Further, based on Muslim precepts forbidding images, he stopped the production of representational artwork, including the Persianate Mughal miniature painting that had reached its zenith before his rule. He even stopped the practice of his morning appearance on the balcony of the Lal Qila.

In 1675, Aurangzeb publicly executed the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chandni Chowk where Gurudwara Sisganj stands. Sikh history states that Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed himself to save Hindus who the Emperor had condemned for failure to convert to Islam. This marked a turning point for Sikhism. His successor, Guru Gobind Singh further militarised his followers . Aurangzeb killed four of Gobind Singh's sons.

Somewhere above you will see the beginings of Hindu/ Sikh hatred towards muslims and the fundamentalist approach in Islam which is the bane of our world today.
A ruler is measured more by his / her public dealings & less with their personal lives.

Before Aurangzeb, Indian Islam had been influenced by mystical Sufi precepts. But based on his conservative interpretation of Islamic principles, Aurangzeb propagated a less mystical, more severe form of Islam. People were forcefully converted to Islam.

Aurangzeb became fascinated with conservative interpretations of the Qur'an, which he set about codifying. According to Aurangzeb's interpretation, Islam did not allow music, so he banished court musicians, dancers and singers. Further, based on Muslim precepts forbidding images, he stopped the production of representational artwork, including the Persianate Mughal miniature painting that had reached its zenith before his rule. He even stopped the practice of his morning appearance on the balcony of the Lal Qila.

In 1675, Aurangzeb publicly executed the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Chandni Chowk where Gurudwara Sisganj stands. Sikh history states that Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed himself to save Hindus who the Emperor had condemned for failure to convert to Islam. This marked a turning point for Sikhism. His successor, Guru Gobind Singh further militarised his followers . Aurangzeb killed four of Gobind Singh's sons.

Somewhere above you will see the beginings of Hindu/ Sikh hatred towards muslims and the fundamentalist approach in Islam which is the bane of our world today.

Befor Aurengzeb Islam was a dying faith in sub continent because of the policies of Akbar. Aurenzeb did not inteperate anything but instead made a comission of 500 scholars from across the muslim world to document the rulings. The book is called "Fatawa-e-Alamgiri" which is highly adored in the Hanafi school of thought.

Music and dance has no place in islam and we all know what was the purpose of dance girls in the middle ages.

This argument of forcibly converting people to islam is nothing more than a joke.
AKBAR was called GREAT only because he gave way to many rights to non muslims he was actually working against ISLAM.....now that made him GREAT in the eyes of other faiths not in muslims....

so AKBAR GREAT is nothing to do with his legacy in terms of conquest or fair and equal treatment of all

he killed a 100 rajputs after a battle!!
AKBAR was called GREAT only because he gave way to many rights to non muslims he was actually working against ISLAM.....now that made him GREAT in the eyes of other faiths not in muslims....

so AKBAR GREAT is nothing to do with his legacy in terms of conquest or fair and equal treatment of all

he killed a 100 rajputs after a battle!!

giving rights to non muslims is not allowed in ISLAM?
AKBAR was called GREAT only because he gave way to many rights to non muslims he was actually working against ISLAM.....now that made him GREAT in the eyes of other faiths not in muslims....

so AKBAR GREAT is nothing to do with his legacy in terms of conquest or fair and equal treatment of all

he killed a 100 rajputs after a battle!!
Akber was great because he tried to reconcile two groups of people with different faiths. His policy should have been followed by the next generation emperors. An emperor is not a Mullah and he is not supposed to preach his personal faith to the followers of another faith.
All his subjects are equal to him. He is not supposed to be a tormentor to the followers of another faith.

Killing in the battle fields or punishing the rebels are part of State affairs of the middle ages. Akber had waged many wars in his life to unite India under Delhi. The war he started in Bengal in around 1576 lasted for about 30 years until the time of Jahangir. During this long war, his army had to kill many Muslims in Bengal. His military commander beheaded Sultan Dawood Khan Karrani of Bengal.

Even then, Akber was great, because he had adopted a policy that somehow brought equality between his two groups of subjects.
The projected villainy of Aurangzeb is not totally baseless. He also pained the Qutub Shahis of Hyderabad. There are suggestions like ' WHy did he have to attack and annex a friendly(at least a country he can pressure into doing whatever he wanted) territory?'

SO I am going to let the Hindu nationalists go on this one. THe Golconda siege is one of the black marks on the 'saintly' Aurangzeb.

By the mid-17th century, politics in the Deccan were ready for yet another tectonic shift. Mughal prince Aurangzeb spent most of his time in the Deccan fighting local Hindu and Muslim kingdoms to establish and enforce Mughal Sovereignty. After the death of Shah Jahan in 1666, Aurangzeb consolidated his power in Delhi as Emperor and returned to the south. He spent most of his imperial reign in military camps in the Deccan, in an almost desperate campaign to expand the empire beyond the greatest extent it had reached under Akbar. The biggest prize in his eyes was the rich city of Hyderabad, protected by the reportedly impregnable fort of Golconda.
History of Hyderabad, India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you want to justify with the rebellion suppression cause, I would remind you that even Akbar was faced with many of them and allegedly slaughtered Hindus. But still people regard him differently because he spent less time expanding and more time making relations.
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