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Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

oh hello i know our government has accepted that he was a pakistani .. but there's no real proof...
btw thank God my forefather's werent indian .. they were turkish... :)
and i dun know why cant i post a link......
indians need this link badly..

wat abt the dad of kasab who claimed that it was indeed his son and pakistan having security personnel there to prevent media from knowing the truth?

so your govt which maintained that kasab was not a pakistani for a long time came to accept the fact without proof?

and wat more than a dad's words do you want as proof.......tell me wat in your opinion would mean proof ......
for all those who are living in a dellusional world
" kasab is a pakistani (non state actor ofcourse ) but a pakistani

your govt has accepeted the fact coz they got proof ..... they dont have to come to every pakistani house and show the proof.......
wat abt the dad of kasab who claimed that it was indeed his son and pakistan having security personnel there to prevent media from knowing the truth?

so your govt which maintained that kasab was not a pakistani for a long time came to accept the fact without proof?

and wat more than a dad's words do you want as proof.......tell me wat in your opinion would mean proof ......

well if he is a pakistani, he could be a traitor living in pakistan... and i cant deny this fact that he cod have been bribed by RAW.... and money speaks louder than anything.... anything at all... money can change your religion tooo let alone your nationality

as for your above you tube vedio....... you have to get to read the news more ....... all the world nations are not fools to accept everything we say.........

there were many stupid vedios like these made ...each one with his own conspiracy theories ...... you believe conspiracy theorists but not your govt!!!!!!lol.....

you still chose to remain deaf to all the truth coz you either cant bear them or you are too patriotic(being patriotic is good but that does not mean you have to be blind- not good for your own motherland )to accept the facts that may tarnish the image of your country!!!!!!!
as for your above you tube vedio....... you have to get to read the news more ....... all the world nations are not fools to accept everything we say.........

there were many stupid vedios like these made ...each one with his own conspiracy theories ...... you believe conspiracy theorists but not your govt!!!!!!lol.....

you still chose to remain deaf to all the truth coz you either cant bear them or you are too patriotic(being patriotic is good but that does not mean you have to be blind- not good for your own motherland )to accept the facts that may tarnish the image of your country!!!!!!!

this isnt any stupid indian channel's vedio.... and Talat Hussain is a very well known journalist... i dun believ in anything our so called governement says.... i believ in facts and facts say either he wasnt pakistani but if he is he is surely bribed by your government or RAW....
btw why didn you guys kill him too... do it now.. cz if he returns to pakistan by any chance i wod be the first one to kill that bloody bastard....
^^^^^^^keep believing in what you want........

cant help a guy who choses to be deaf to the truth ......i ve given you your answers .......

better luck with your lessons at school tomorrow .....hope you understand them atleast......
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^^^^ Yeah right.. Indians, Pakistanis, Srilankans etc etc all have distinct features.. And Bangladeshi's are more distinct than the rest. Dude. North Indians are similar to Pakistanis. South Indians are similar to Srilankans. East Indians with Bangladesh and Nepal. I dont even know why I replied to that.. But that was really a doltish argument
let us in we will clean the mess.

Be our guest.

You are most welcome!

Just give it a try once, please! Please do it once now, your pumped in air was already blasted twice (Prakaram and the one in recent times), let's see when you actuallu go about it.
Either the attackers wanted to reveal their identity or hide it.

If they wanted to hide it they did a very bad job...They wanted attention and got it. By attacking Jewish center and seemingly trying to talk to GOI, it seems to Plan A was to reveal themselves as Mujaideen who want to free Kashmir. However, they also had Plan B to pose as Indian militants if the plan seemed to go wrong. Attempts at hostage taking means negotiations and clear idenitification.

However, if they wanted to reveal their idenitity why carry fake ids of Deccan Muj.....the reason could be that they wanted to misguide the public and authorities in case their plans went awry. Secondly, it would had helped to have these IDs if they had to postpone the attack upon reaching Mumbai and would have needed IDs for staying etc.

The name "Deccan Muj" is a name only a non Indian entity would keep of a movement. If Indian agencies plan this they would keep a name like Pak based groups, further there are hardly any militancy in south and deccan is in south.Its a dead giveaway for an attack like this.A clear attempt to show the attack is originated from India itself.

If the Indian police wasnt as inept as they turned out to be, this was a well crafted plan but with many flaws and poorly executed. However, Indian police was worse.

Kasab's identity is not in doubt. Many Pakistani people allege that this was done by Indians as there is no gain for Pakistan. Well, the gain happened in the name of Mr Obama.His views were well known and Kashmir was to be back on the map....and how else to get his attention but by ..with an attack...Infact, this itself reveals who might have perpertrated the Mumbai attack...the CIA/Brits through their Pakistan contacts in the LETs and ISIs. The way English team returned to play in the country post the attack where Botham wont send his Grand Mum as he had stated long years back was suspicious...so was the attack in Lahore and statements of umpires in 'London'.Amongst, other hints..here is an example David Milibands India visit post 26/11 and reference to Kashmir....there are many others. Unfortunately, while the instructions and plans might be made elsewhere the gunmen were Pakistani and the victims Indians.

Iran almost executed the British embassy folks recently, becoz they were inciting violence post the elections. Ofcourse, now they will offer to host Pakistan cricket as they are bankrupt and it didnt suit them that cricket was being played in Lahore with SL.People, who allege India did Lahore are stupid...Pakistan's loss was Britains gain...infact India had to host the IPL outside India post that....

Its their policy to divide and rule. They have been winning for 300 years now.

How tragic is that?
Be our guest.

You are most welcome!

Just give it a try once, please! Please do it once now, your pumped in air was already blasted twice (Prakaram and the one in recent times), let's see when you actuallu go about it.

do you even understand the meaninig of let us in?
it means if you cant do it just give us acess we will do it for you

you just want war without understanding the statement here .....
besides one more like mumbai....... you will see our patience go down!!!!
do you even understand the meaninig of let us in?
it means if you cant do it just give us acess we will do it for you
Impressive change of posture:tup:
you just want war without understanding the statement here .....
No we dont. None wants war. Or should i say no one who is sane would a war.
besides one more like mumbai....... you will see our patience go down!!!!


If that be the case, we are waiting. :coffee:
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the attacker is from my COUNTRY....so what is your point....are you trying to imply that all indians are "good"...what about bal thackrey type of people or narinder modi.....they are INDIANS too....does india not have its share of robbers,rapists,murderers..... is that the FAULT of INDIA...or the fault of individuals....??

You clearly have problems understanding the meaning of words strung together.

Lets begin again-if you allow your country to be used for terror against other countries its a problem on your side and you need to resolve it...saying its the work of a psycho doesn't cut it, if you cant handle a psycho from hurting us...we have a right to destroy him at his roots.

as for letting you in to clean up the mess...well my friend first clean up your own mess before asking such ABSURD THINGS!!... your mess in gujrat...your mess in ASSAM....seriously let us in :rofl: has to be the funniest thing i have heard....

Our mess doesn't dirty your doors, yours does. So if you can't handle it, let us do it.

yes the word of this government suites INDIA & INDIANS JUST FINE...don't they....unlike the government of MUSHARRAF in his early days.....well my friend a governments words carry weight when it has SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE.....example IRAN...or example MUSHARRAF in his last days....

No this government has the tendency to support the truth, maybe that's why it irks you. Regards to support, it obviously has the support of people who don't think like you, and I'm glad that they are much more in number in Pakistan than the likes of you who are obviously in a minuscule minority.

WE HAVE DONE NO WRONG...so WE DON'T NEED TO OWN UP TO ANY FAULT!! kasab is not one of us.....every physco from around the world is simply a PHYSCO....doesn't matter what nationality......

as long as the GOVERNMENT and the COMMON MAN is not involved i don't see no wrong....

and like i said you want to finish LASHKAR's and what not....SOLVE KASHMIR the reason for these idiotic organizations to thrive will seize to exist...!!! its as simple as that!!!!

You did no wrong, but you let a wrong happen from your soil when you could have controlled it, doesn't make a damn difference, you are still guilty of terrorizing a sovereign state. Thats where your responsibility stands. And shouting doesn't prove your point, rather the opposite.
Shouting Kashmir in the middle of any and every discussion proves your obsession with it, and it is today threatening your very existence.
hawk boktanim al...... hahahahaa its turkish if you got any turkish friend kindly consult him,,,,,,...... ;)
back to ur (lame) point... as i have said earlier that yes he was pakistani but am 110% sure he was bribed by you so called intelligence agency..RAW.. RAW is really raw yaar... there plan was lame.. and admit it dear neighbhour your government was a part of it........ :)

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