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Aitzaz Ahsan resign after Dr. Afgan manhandled

Aitzaz has shown grace after resigning.Even Sher Afgan thanked lawyer leaders for coming to their aid.It was Aitazaz who was trying his best to calm down the protestors.

But he said that he will not ditch lawyers and he will CONTINUE the Lawyers movement.OK.
First of all , LAwyers movement is Finished.

2nd the master planer behind all this was Aitraz,
i have some questions that you may think to answer.

What was he doing in Lahore since he said he will be in Queta the day before when he made a speech in Peshawar ??

How the hell did lawyers who think of him as their leader did not accepts what he said?? this is his leadership??

The lawyers also punched him & he still says i am with them, this is like a general want to command an army who dont want to listen to him.

Ail Ahmad kurd said he will not enter the Lahore Bar & Highcourt ever, This is their unity.

& the sum of all is that The Lawyer movement is Finished, Khalass.

Pathetic lawyers and those who supported them.

I wonder how they become lawyers on the first place.

Uncivilized savages! They must be locked up.

except for some senior lawyers of the SC and High courts, the rest of the lawyers are a bunch of thieves and thugs
Throughout the past year, lawyers have been the ones doing illegal activites. Their Iftikhar Chaudhry is illegitimate.
And these are educated people in Pakistan.

Pakistan is truly in for a rough ride in the future to rectify domestic problems.
And these are educated people in Pakistan.

Pakistan is truly in for a rough ride in the future to rectify domestic problems.

thanks for the warning mate!
‘Black coats’ or ‘Blackshirts’!

By Zaffar Abbas

IF Monday’s incident inside the Sindh assembly was despicable, the treatment meted out to veteran politician Sher Afgan Niazi by a group of ‘lawyers’ in Lahore yesterday has perhaps put the entire nation to shame.

The images of Arbab Ghulam Rahim being thrashed by an unruly band of PPP activists in Karachi were still fresh in the minds of most people, when the television screens started to flash some of the most disturbing images of people in black coats beating, abusing and humiliating a former minister. Sher Afgan’s only crime was that he didn’t agree with the lawyers’ movement, sided with President Musharraf on the issue of proclamation of emergency, and even lost his seat in the elections after being dumped by the then ruling PML-Q.

Perhaps in civilised societies even criminals are not treated the way some of the people treated Sher Afgan outside a lawyer’s chamber.

During the chaotic situation in Lahore on Tuesday, when this group of lawyers refused to listen even to their leader Aitzaz Ahsan, there were clear signs that if not checked at this stage the ‘black coats’ may soon be replaced by what were once known in Europe as the ‘Blackshirts’.

Indeed, what was being dubbed as a movement for restoration of democracy and rule of law was clearly showing signs of fascism.

Sher Afgan Niazi has always been a controversial person, and the way he had taken upon himself the task to defend all of the President’s actions earned him the reputation of being more loyal than the king.

At a time when most leaders of the previous governments were clearly avoiding taking a position on President Musharraf’s move to impose emergency, Sher Afgan was perhaps the only minister in the previous cabinet to publicly support or justify the presidential action. Of course, it made many people in the country quite angry. But could that justify such uncivilised behaviour? Certainly not.

One can argue about the real causes for this kind of intolerance in the society, and there is every reason to believe that because of repeated disruptions in the democratic process, many people have adopted violent means to voice their grievances. Still, there can be no justification for the way senior politicians and lawyers have failed to control their supporters, who are bent upon settling scores the way they feel is the right way.

Perhaps the first signs of such ‘fascist’ trends were seen when after the restoration of Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry the first time a group of lawyers in Rawalpindi took upon itself the task of enforcing their style of justice system.

During this period, at least one pro-Musharraf writer, and a lawyer, Naeem Bukhari, who was author of a controversial letter against the chief justice, were badly thrashed by this group.

Former Senate Chairman Wasim Sajjad was roughed up at the Supreme Court, and at one point some lawyer activists burnt the copy of an apex court verdict simply because it was not acceptable to them. One can always argue these were aberrations in what had come to be known as one of the most forceful lawyers’ movement for restoration of the judges and rule of law. Had these incidents been condemned at that stage, those who took the law in their own hands in Lahore on Tuesday wouldn’t have dared to do so. Ironically, most of those linked to the lawyers’ movement, and the opposition parties of that time, preferred to recognise and condemn such fascist trends.

The result is that today those who in the past had been directly responsible for supporting and promoting military rule, dictatorial actions and dismantling the rule of law in the country, are now coming forward to present themselves as better democrats. They are certainly not democrats. If anything, they are the people who are directly responsible for destroying everything that is democratic in the country.

Most observers of democratic struggle in this country are of the view that these incidents, serious as they are, should prove to be a wake-up call for both the democracy-loving politicians and lawyers. And if one can dare say, also for the media, especially the independent television networks, to take a step back and think how the name of freedom and democracy is being used by some to damage or destroy the very basis on which these lofty ideals are set.

Pakistan’s chequered political history is witness to the fact that the opponents of democracy have always used such incidents to their advantage to disrupt the efforts for the establishment of rule of law in the country. Until two days ago the whole nation was in an upbeat mood, celebrating the restoration of democracy, and hoping for a better future. These incidents have somehow disturbed them, if not dashed their hopes outright.

However, there is still hope. It’s mainly because there exists in the country a very strong coalition of political forces who have suffered in the past at the hands of dictators. But these seasoned politicians and leaders of the lawyers’ movement need to rise to the occasion and instead of getting involved in petty issues and score-settling, deliver democracy and rule of law.

They are quite capable of delivering, provided there is realisation about the gravity of situation, and a will to do so. If they fail, the real loser will be democracy, and the people of Pakistan.

‘Black coats’ or ‘Blackshirts’! -DAWN - Top Stories; April 09, 2008
Confused Aitizaz spits all his venom on Musharraf
Bureau Report

Lahore—President Supreme Bar Association Chaudhry Aitizaz Ahsan held an emergency press conference after the Afgan episode. However, the entire media and the national clearly observed that he was tense, confused and frustrated person during the press conference. His press conference was apparently based on one point agenda and that was to spit out all his venom on President Pervez Musharraf.
The level of his confusion can be gauged from the fact that at one breath he was declaring President Musharraf and the intelligence agencies responsible for the Afgan episode but in the very next breath he was terming the incident as a genuine possible reaction against President Pervez Musharraf. The neutral political analysts termed Aitizaz’s press conference nothing but a conference by a highly confused anti-Musharraf politician who did not know what so and what not to.
President Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Aitzaz Ahsen has said that the attack on Sher Afgan Niazi was not purely done by lawyers, because 60 percent of the people present there were not lawyers.
Talking to a private channel (Dawn News) he said that it was a shameful act and that was why he, as a protest, resigned from the office of the president of SCBA. He said that he tried to pacify the crowd but it was all in vain as the crowd also contained non lawyers, which resulted in this shameful incident.
Aitzaz said that he could not remain president of such an association which harbours miscreants who commit such actions. However he expressed the resolve that he would continue his association with the lawyers movement.
Vice chairman Pakistan Bar Council Ali Ahmed Kurd has strongly condemned the attack on former federal minister Dr Sher Afgan Niazi in Lahore. Talking to a private television channel from Quetta, Mr Kurd said that Sher Afgan Niazi was respectable and seasoned politician and lawyers community honour Sher Afgan Niazi.
He expressed his deep concern over the manhandling of Sher Afgan Niazi and said the attack was conspiracy against the lawyers’ movement. “Those who were involved in the attack on Sher Afgan are no more part of lawyers community”, he said, adding that he extend his cooperation to Aitazaz Ahsan and fulminate against the recent nasty episode.

Aitzaz state of mind.....
GREAT, my champ,, i love when you write , that word i mean GANJJA, DID YOU MEANT GANJJA NAWAZA?
any way, for the people who were happy of the shame full act of HOUNRABLE, DR SHER AFGHAN case,, now is the time they should understand that, there are many of people who are angry on these gangster lawyers and off thier GANNJJA suporters, they like to burn them out of pakistan.

the frist, attempt of a bruttle attack on pro mushy people was indeed, on DR, FARROQ SATTAR and it was same shameful, and condmable act then, that couldbe the very reason that after yesterdays incident ! karachi starts showing its reaction,,,, so for now,, it canbe said that any 1 dare to do same as yesterday like situation, i mean any more attack on pro musharaf peoples? surly it will distrub the pakistan, todays karachi has gave this signal to all of ANTI MUSHARAF GANGSTERS>>>>>>>?

Aitizaz Ahsan has withheld his resignation from the SCBA! apparant change of herat. not easy to leave the kursi!
Aitizaz Ahsan has withheld his resignation from the SCBA! apparant change of herat. not easy to leave the kursi!
Naah he will resign. He has just tamed the reasons for his resignation. He will use the resignation and contest in the by-election of NA-55.

This entire incident was engineered by him for this very purpose.
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