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Aitzaz Ahsan resign after Dr. Afgan manhandled

This attack was on Musharaf not on Sherafgan, The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian, and regarding sherafgan i think that was ohkay i am happy with it, he deserved that, i was enjoying every bit of it, please remember the statements issued by him in the CJ and mushy context and have you guys listened to what aitazaz ehsan said regarding mushy after the incident?



Brother you are telling me that if musharraff was on this position people would have done the same! ok . Then you tell me that these scum of the earth politicians want us to belive on law and order and what these scum bags lawyars are doing. My man if these were regular people that would be different. It was the lawyers movment people who are quote and quote law servents and they are breaking law. The entire world is not blind guys They would off dispite this if it was a regular public anger but instead it happend by our law obeyers LAWYERS awwww it hurts it does. I belive in one thing don't do something which will spite you back and pakistani lawyers did what was very shamfull. I ask what the previous goverment did so wrong?????? I wounder that when elections were near we had so much sucide bombings and not its calm I BELIVE OUR POLITICIANS ARE BEHIND ALL THIS TERROR.:pakistan:
This attack was on Musharaf not on Sherafgan, The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian, and regarding sherafgan i think that was ohkay i am happy with it, he deserved that, i was enjoying every bit of it, please remember the statements issued by him in the CJ and mushy context and have you guys listened to what aitazaz ehsan said regarding mushy after the incident?


And i am very sorry to hear that it was pleasing to you wow brother if it was public anger their so its my anger here. And i am angery because Pakistan lost respect. People are talking that how can lawyers can do this? Its understandable by public but public. Second all the lawyers are crook in Pakistan again almost if not all. They sell themself and never serve justic.. I ask where was this chife Justice when all the rap cases happend in pakistan when even my family lost almost over half a million dollars in Pakistan in real estate investment which turned into frude. No body heard us and now some one like xCJ fan will tell me to belive in him we personally handed him the case and he was too busy to go over it because he knew the other party.
What you are say listen to the guy who is just talking on this page!!!! Bro We live in globalization time. You make a voice! it will be heard in entire world but when it comes to americans bro i know american history very well and they have nothing even close to it. first and second The entire world watched it. It was all over the world and you are going to tell me others should mind their bussiness lol Why don't we mind our bussiness over Palestine, over indian held kasmire bosinia, somalia jordan etc Now you have my answer like we can't mind our bussiness the entire world can't mind their business aswell. :pakistan:

You say you know American history right, I am not doubting that for a second, you probably do you might even know more then me. But let me clarify what I said about my statement. As you know after America gained independence from Britain the Articles of Confederation were its constitution, that didn't work so they switch to the Constitution they have today in 1789. Which has been totally been changed. The three branches of government dont even have equal power today. The judiciary is an almost non-factor, Congress has gave most of its power to the executive, and especially the War Powers Act which has totally given the President the auhority to declare war. Their are also precidents in American history where we have had fights amoungst Congressmen and Senators.
NOw if I was really to give precidents of how uncivilized Americans are or their past people would be surprised. The only reason they have a public which is quite is because the public has money. In our country only people who have no money come out a protest, Americans are have something to live for our people dont. Even with gas nearing $4 a gallon people sit at home, why because they have credit cards, which gives them money and as long as they are around no one in America will come out and protest.
Now believe me I can go on and on but I dont have the time. And just in case you are wondering I also know alot about American history and its current politics. I am getting a PhD in history so I know a couple of things. Believe me if I was to give you examples of the corruption which goes on in American politics, your head would start spinning, may be some other time we can discuss this.
As far as globilization is concerned. You are right we do live in a globalized world, and information goes around fast, which is good. But as far as what you said about us minding our business we do. Kashmir is a disputed territory and we have the right to comment on it as far as your other examples go they are weak, I mean we play a side role or one might say our opinion, our say doesn't matter. We have never told any country what to do, with Kashmir being the exception. The Americans are involved all over the world, somethings such as the sitauation in Pakistan is better left to its people.
You say you know American history right, I am not doubting that for a second, you probably do you might even know more then me. But let me clarify what I said about my statement. As you know after America gained independence from Britain the Articles of Confederation were its constitution, that didn't work so they switch to the Constitution they have today in 1789. Which has been totally been changed. The three branches of government dont even have equal power today. The judiciary is an almost non-factor, Congress has gave most of its power to the executive, and especially the War Powers Act which has totally given the President the auhority to declare war. Their are also precidents in American history where we have had fights amoungst Congressmen and Senators.
NOw if I was really to give precidents of how uncivilized Americans are or their past people would be surprised. The only reason they have a public which is quite is because the public has money. In our country only people who have no money come out a protest, Americans are have something to live for our people dont. Even with gas nearing $4 a gallon people sit at home, why because they have credit cards, which gives them money and as long as they are around no one in America will come out and protest.
Now believe me I can go on and on but I dont have the time. And just in case you are wondering I also know alot about American history and its current politics. I am getting a PhD in history so I know a couple of things. Believe me if I was to give you examples of the corruption which goes on in American politics, your head would start spinning, may be some other time we can discuss this.
As far as globilization is concerned. You are right we do live in a globalized world, and information goes around fast, which is good. But as far as what you said about us minding our business we do. Kashmir is a disputed territory and we have the right to comment on it as far as your other examples go they are weak, I mean we play a side role or one might say our opinion, our say doesn't matter. We have never told any country what to do, with Kashmir being the exception. The Americans are involved all over the world, somethings such as the sitauation in Pakistan is better left to its people.

Brother look i dont disagree with you at all. What i am saying is that no current american or recent history tells us stories like this in states. When US had problems it was way too long ago. We didnt have TVs like today or media was not strong we didnt have internet like today. Look the entire world has eyes on Pakistan i hope you know and i am not judging you. Every one in this world almost knows that these are pakistan's freedom days but what are we making out of it. Our lawyers are breaking laws. No body is talking about how they will work for pakistan instead of judges and usa. USA is not the reason of poverty in Pakistan its pakistani people and pakistani politicians i hope you would agree with me. You tell me how would you feel when you wake up in to morning and go to work and you find this thing! i tell you what first thing you would say "get out of here" Pakistan is better then this and you are just making up second you find out it was true trust me you won't have words. People don't see you past they look at your present time. All i wanted to say is this was samefull and disgusted thing ever happend in Pakistan. The entire world look at Pakistan as muslim country leading muslim world and when things like this happens it hurts trust me it hurts............:cheers: I totally know where you are comming from and all i would like to say i strongly condemned it!!!!!!!!!:pakistan:
This attack was on Musharaf not on Sherafgan, The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian, and regarding sherafgan i think that was ohkay i am happy with it, he deserved that, i was enjoying every bit of it, please remember the statements issued by him in the CJ and mushy context and have you guys listened to what aitazaz ehsan said regarding mushy after the incident?

SO you support this act of cowardness. I ask you how would you like it if I can up to one of your elderly family members and try to beat him. You know its acts like these along with comments like these which make me wonder sometimes wether we really are as wild and uncivilized as the West says we are.
As far as President Musharraf is concerned, the lawyers are too scared to come near him. Can they really afford to take him on. Atleast President Musharraf was civilized enough to take the Chief Justice to court instead to beating him up on the streets and we all know he could of done this.
Now lets get to the Chief Justice. I ask you why did he take oath under the PCO, in 1999. The answer is he wanted a promotion. The fact is if its any lawyer that has the right to protest is Justice Wajihuddin. He is a man of honor, though I dont agree with him today but out of all the lawyers I trust him.
Now lets get to Aitizaz. Where was he when Nawaz and his goons broke into the Supreme Court building and beat up the justices. The only reason he even came to the scen today was to get a bit of sympathy.
The fact is all these lawyers are being funded by foreign agencies and some of our own politicians.
i see it as a nice excuse for Aitezaz to ditch the lawyers and "join" politics, it was a sorry act, lets see what happens
SO you support this act of cowardness. I ask you how would you like it if I can up to one of your elderly family members and try to beat him. You know its acts like these along with comments like these which make me wonder sometimes wether we really are as wild and uncivilized as the West says we are.
As far as President Musharraf is concerned, the lawyers are too scared to come near him. Can they really afford to take him on. Atleast President Musharraf was civilized enough to take the Chief Justice to court instead to beating him up on the streets and we all know he could of done this.
Now lets get to the Chief Justice. I ask you why did he take oath under the PCO, in 1999. The answer is he wanted a promotion. The fact is if its any lawyer that has the right to protest is Justice Wajihuddin. He is a man of honor, though I dont agree with him today but out of all the lawyers I trust him.
Now lets get to Aitizaz. Where was he when Nawaz and his goons broke into the Supreme Court building and beat up the justices. The only reason he even came to the scen today was to get a bit of sympathy.
The fact is all these lawyers are being funded by foreign agencies and some of our own politicians.

Bro you are very rite about all this and i think. We as of family on this forum should all loud condemned it. :pakistan:
SO you support this act of cowardness. I ask you how would you like it if I can up to one of your elderly family members and try to beat him. You know its acts like these along with comments like these which make me wonder sometimes wether we really are as wild and uncivilized as the West says we are.
As far as President Musharraf is concerned, the lawyers are too scared to come near him. Can they really afford to take him on. Atleast President Musharraf was civilized enough to take the Chief Justice to court instead to beating him up on the streets and we all know he could of done this.
Now lets get to the Chief Justice. I ask you why did he take oath under the PCO, in 1999. The answer is he wanted a promotion. The fact is if its any lawyer that has the right to protest is Justice Wajihuddin. He is a man of honor, though I dont agree with him today but out of all the lawyers I trust him.
Now lets get to Aitizaz. Where was he when Nawaz and his goons broke into the Supreme Court building and beat up the justices. The only reason he even came to the scen today was to get a bit of sympathy.
The fact is all these lawyers are being funded by foreign agencies and some of our own politicians.

And this is not the first time. Lawyers attacked Farooq Sattar, PPP activists attacked Arbab Ghulam Rahim, and they should be ashamed of what they are doing.

By the way where was the Punjab Government?
Aitzaz has shown grace after resigning.Even Sher Afgan thanked lawyer leaders for coming to their aid.It was Aitazaz who was trying his best to calm down the protestors.

But he said that he will not ditch lawyers and he will CONTINUE the Lawyers movement.OK.
...And then from far, far away, from Islamabad we heard a faint "I told you so".
Aitezaz's resignation is as fake as his stated motivations for the movement:

Aitzaz blames caretakers, police; defers resignation

By Atif Nadeem

LAHORE: Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Aitzaz Ahsan has deferred his decision to resign as SCBA president in order to keep the lawyers’ movement intact.

Addressing a press conference Tuesday night, he said he was not aware of the presence of the former parliamentary affairs minister Dr Sher Afgan in Lahore and he was in a meeting when he was informed that some lawyers had detained Dr Afgan.

He said he asked Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) President Anwar Kamal and Lahore Bar Association (LBA) President Manzoor Qazir to reach the spot so Dr Sher Afgan could be provided protection and a safe passage. He said he was worried about a heavy presence of the lawyers and he perceived that the situation could become worse if he did not turn up at the scene.

He said the incident was completely engineered by the agencies as there were only 50 per cent lawyers “when I asked them to raise their hands as an oath not to attack Dr Sher Afgan when he would come out.” He said there were 50 per cent other people who had perpetrated this violent act against Sher Afgan.

He said he had discussed security situation with the police officials present at the scene and they had assured him that nobody could manhandle Dr Sher Afgan as they had deployed a sufficient contingent of police personnel and officials to stop any untoward incident. He said the police officials had also pointed out at some police officials who were in civvies.

Aitzaz said he demanded the police officials call in more police force so the crowd could be dispersed while keeping the situation under control. He said that even after four hours the police officials could not deploy enough number of police force which had endorsed this intuition that there were some hidden elements who wanted to see a chaotic scene there.

He said it was highly condemnable that Dr Sher Afgan was badly manhandled. Despite some differences with Dr Sher Afgan, he said he came to his help but all his efforts failed as there was a well-organised conspiracy to damage the lawyers' moment at this critical juncture when the new parliament was pushed to restore the deposed judges.

He said the ambulance provided by the police officials to shift Dr Sher Afgan to a safe place had no driver as delay could help worsen the situation. He said those people who were not hailing from lawyers' community succeeded in attacking the ambulance while breaking its windscreen and windowpanes in order to injure Dr Sher Afgan. He said Dr Sher Afghan was shifted to another ambulance so that he could be removed from the scene without any procrastination.

Aitzaz said he had resolved to resign from the office of SCBA president while seeing many lawyers at the scene who were hurling abuses and shouting violence-provoking slogans against Dr Sher Afgan. He said Punjab Bar Council (PBC) and Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) would take stringent action against all those lawyers.

He said Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry had also urged him not to resign so that the drive for independence of judiciary and rule of law could not be disrupted. He laid whole responsibility of this incident on the caretaker Punjab government which had been issuing directions at the beck and call of President Musharraf. He said Musharraf had become the root cause for all this anarchy prevalent in the country since March 9, 2007.

“If President Musharraf resigned from the office of the President, there would be a considerable reduction in the suicide bombings in the country.” He alleged that President Musharraf's obduracy had led the whole nation to lawlessness.

He said he had deferred his decision to resign from the office of the SCBA President as the presidents of all the Bars across Pakistan had warned to resign if he would leave the lawyers in the lurch. He said it would take him a day or two to give final decision over the issue of his SCBA presidency.

Earlier SCBA President Ch Aitzaz Ahsan and and Lahore Bar Association President Manzoor Qadir announced resignation from from their offices for their failure in giving a save passage to former federal law minister Dr Sher Afghan Khan Niazi from the crowd of violent lawyers.

Manzoor Qadir condemned the incident and termed it a conspiracy to sabotage the lawyers struggle for reinstatement of the judges and revival of the judiciary. He said lawyers always protected people from unlawful actions but this action defamed the lawyers and their struggle and brought a bad name for them.

Meanwhile Federal Minister for Culture and PML-N central leader Saad Rafique also called upon Aistzaz Ahsan and expressed complete solidarity with the lawyers' movement unless the deposed judges are restored within 30 days as it was envisaged in Murree Declaration signed by the PPP and PML-N. He said a case of terrorism had been registered in a local police station and investigations would be completed within next 48 hours. He said the PML-N’s Punjab government would expose the whole plot very soon. He said there was a complete uniformity between both the parties over the issue of restoration of judiciary and there would be no ifs and buts in this regard. He said it was an attempt to thwart lawyers' efforts for independence of judiciary. He said that the PML-N would fully suppot the lawyers in the future without any hesitations.

Aitzaz blames caretakers, police; defers resignation
This attack was on Musharaf not on Sherafgan, The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian, and regarding sherafgan i think that was ohkay i am happy with it, he deserved that, i was enjoying every bit of it, please remember the statements issued by him in the CJ and mushy context and have you guys listened to what aitazaz ehsan said regarding mushy after the incident?


The act was as shameful as your statement.
Aitraz Ahsan is a terrorist nothing else.

The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian
You batter stay of my reach. bcoz result will not be different, but then i will be the one saying i enjoyed every bit of it.

How can you say all that without any proves.

This is your personal hat towards PML-N.
Prove: this name is not in the political dictionery of Pakistan, you tell me how many cases were proved against ganja or Zardari ?? Still the peop0le who even have half min knew they are corrupt snakes who bites the country who gave them name, think about it

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