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Aitzaz Ahsan resign after Dr. Afgan manhandled


May 21, 2006
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LAHROE: Former federal minister, Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi has been rescued safely by President Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Aitezaz Ahsan.

Enraged lawyers tore up Dr. Afgan’s clothes and attacked him by throwing stones and shoes.

They also shaterred the windows of the ambulance in which Dr. Afgan was being taken away from the site of the incident.

Earleri, a large number of lawyers laid a siege around the office of Dr. Afgan’s lawyer when he came to visit him.

The police present at the scene failed to create a safe passage for Dr. Afgan and he remained confined in the office for about three hours.

Later, President SCBA Aitezaz Ahsan arrived here to control the situation and disperse the lawyers.

Although he asked the enraged lawyers and others to leave the place, they continued to wait for Dr. Afgan to come out.

Later, Dr. Afgan came out of the building and escorted by Aitezaz Ahsan. Struggling through the crowd they made their way to an Edhi ambulance with the help of police.

As soon as Dr. Afgan got inside the ambulance, Aitezaz Ahsan mounted the rooftop of the vehicle which was then driven slowly away from the crowd.
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Later, Aitezaz Ahsan resigned from the post of SCBA President

Pathetic lawyers and those who supported them.

I wonder how they become lawyers on the first place.

Uncivilized savages! They must be locked up.
They are not lawyers but Law yedras (Law Maniac's), they are pathetic by any way you look at them, but i think their time is over now, enough is enough.

& Aitraz Ahsan is not going to resgine, Write is down.

the cats slipping outn the bag, nawaz shAreef is funding the lawyers to tarnish ppp as he is the actual looser in the election
And these people say they are protecting the law, they say they are law abiding citizens, they say they want the rule of law, they say they want to haunt down those commiting crimes. What a shameful event on part of our so law abiding lawyers.
This was probably planned by Aitizaz himself, the lawyers movement was dying and he needed something to get it back in the news. He only resigned to get sympathy.
I mean hitting an elderly man,a man who himself helped to write the law these lawyers are fighting for, what type of men are they. Dam cowards. An FIR should be filed against all the cowards involved in this act.
Why was this person attacked?

-He was a member of Parliament. last time around. He didn't get elected this time though.
-A former minister.
-He helped to write our Constitution.
-He is known as Hafeez-I-Ain(The one who has memorized the law). He knows every word of the Cpnstitution.
-He has been in politics since the days of Field Marshall Ayub Khan.
Sher Afgan faces lawyers' wrath

Amir Riaz

LAHORE-Former Federal Law Minister Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi, a die-hard supporter of President Pervez Musharraf, faced the worst kind of humiliation at the hands of lawyers on Tuesday as he was hit with shoes, stones, rotten eggs, tomatoes and lashed on the face after he was taken out from an Advocate’s house where he remained detained for five hours because hundreds of lawyers laid a siege around the building.
Angry lawyers tore his clothes, shattered windowpanes of the ambulance in which Dr. Afgan was being taken away from the site of the incident that brought cut on his body. As Dr. Afgan was trying to get into the ambulance one of the lawyers caught hold of his collar and dragged him into the vehicle. He was literally laid on the floor of the vehicle to be saved from the furious lawyers who had stormed the van from all sides.
Aitzaz Ahsan, President Supreme court Bar Association, rushed to the place to control the situation and disperse the lawyers. He, however, failed to calm down the enraged lawyers and rescue Dr. Afgan because the lawyers paid no heed to his request. Although , Aitzaz had asked the enraged lawyers and other persons to leave the place, they continued to wait for Dr.Afgan to come out.
Later, Dr. Afgan came out of the building escorted by Aitzaz Ahsan and police. Struggling through the crowd they took Niazi to an Edhi ambulance with the help of police. The lawyers pounced on Dr. Afgan and subjected him to severe torture by throwing shoes and stones on him.
They continued to make efforts to get into the vehicle and in the process they badly damaged Edhi ambulance, broke down its windowpanes and threw shoes on Dr. Afgan who was lying on the floor. Niazi received a cut on his body by the sharp-edged parts of broken windowpanes that fell on his body.
As ambulance started moving as the lawyers blocked its way.
Aitzaz Ahsan mounted the rooftop of the vehicle, which was then driven slowly away from the crowd.
The lawyers and other people present at the place chased the ambulance and threw stones on it. Some stones also hit Aitzaz which irked him.
He stood up on the rooftop, begged lawyers to let Dr. Afgan go safely. Failing to control his colleagues he announced to step down as President SCBA by saying that lawyers have caused irreparable loss to lawyers movement and Chief Justice’s cause.
The police present at the scene failed to create a safe passage for Dr. Afgan and he remained confined in the office for about five hours. The police played the role of silent spectator for most of the time.
The entire drama started when Niazi visited the office of his relative Malik Noor Muhammad Awan Advocate situated in Farah Center at Mozang Road to have consultation on a legal issue. The news spread like wild fire in the area because the building is surrounded by hundreds of lawyers chambers and situated few yards away from the Lahore High Court.
Hundreds of lawyers gathered outside the building that had only one entrance point that is also used as exit point. They also blocked the road that caused the suspension of traffic for five hours.
The lawyers burst into full-throated slogans against Pervez Musharraf and Afgan Niazi. The air was echoed with slogans of ‘Go Musharraf Go’, ‘Niazi is our criminal’.
With the passage of time, the number of lawyers swelled and they refused to let him go safely. They cordoned off the office of Malik Awan who sought the help of Presidents LHCBA Anwar Kamal and LBA Manzoor Qadir to control the situation but all in vain because the lawyers were adamant to take revenge on Dr. Afgan who they blamed on using abusive language against legal community and termed him a traitor to their movement.
Ch. Aitzaz was called there as a last resort because the situation had gone out of control. Soon after reaching the place, Aitzaz asked the lawyers to leave the place and requested media persons, particularly of electronic media, to switch off their cameras because he thought that this move would help disperse lawyers and bring Dr. Afgan out safely.
The lawyers by raising hands promised Aitzaz that they would not misbehave with Dr. Afgan and let him go for their noble cause of judges restoration.
Aitzaz also asked the police officers to cordon off Sher Afghan and take him away in their safe custody. Police brought an ambulance and tried to take him away in the van but lawyers attacked Sher Afghan as soon he appeared from the office. They freely used kicks and fists and badly tortured him.
Finally he was taken to a hospital for treatment.
Earlier, a bunch of lawyers also exchanged harsh words with the police official as well their bars’ office bearers when the latter asked them to leave the place.
A lawyer asked SP Ahsan Younis,’you have arrived to save Dr.Afgan in no time but where were you when the police subjected lawyers to the torture inside the Lahore High Court on November 5 last year’.
‘Afgan deserved this treatment because he had humiliated our Chief Justice time and again’, said another angry lawyer.
Some lawyers also declined the requests of Lahore High Court Bar Association Anwar Kamal and Lahore Bar Association Manzoor Qadir to go to their offices.
They were demanding that they would leave the place only if Dr. Afgan is brought out and they would blacken his face with ink.
Meanwhile, a case has been registered against dozens of people including lawyers in the Mozang police for torturing and manhandling the former Federal Minister Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi on Tuesday.
A police source claimed that the FIR was registered on the complaint of the SHO Mozang police.
The CCPO Lahore said that police was not on fault as it has played its positive role and rescued Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi despite the fact that his schedule to visit Lahore was not in the knowledge of the City police.
Police gave quick response to the incident and took the former Federal Minister to a safe place, he said ,adding, that no cop was suspended after the untoward incident.

The Nation
LAHORE: In a horrific incident, one day after the manhandling of Arbab Ghulam Rahim, another right-hand man of President Pervez Musharraf was beaten up outside the Lahore High Court by a charged crowd of lawyers on Tuesday evening.

Dr Sher Afgan Niazi had come to see his lawyer Malik Noor Muhammad Awan in his office at Farah Centre 2-Mozang Road, when lawyers spotted him and began raising slogans against him. Afgan locked himself and others accompanying him inside the chamber of his lawyer to avoid the wrath of the angry lawyers.

His confinement continued for over four hours and ended late in the night when he was finally made to come out in the presence of the Supreme Court Bar Association President Aitzaz Ahsan and other bar leaders. But the angry lawyers pounded on him and slapped his head for quite some time before he was made to sit inside an Edhi ambulance.

Earlier, the lawyers gathered outside the office of the advocate and refused to allow him to leave. They cordoned off the office of Awan for at least four hours but even then, Afgan, who has undergone bypass surgery, could not escape from there safely.

Lawyers kicked and punched him and tore his clothes in the presence of representatives of the bars and the police, who were trying to give him a safe passage from the office of his lawyer. Malik Awan contacted the Lahore High Court President Anwar Kamal and Lahore Bar Association President Manzoor Qadir and requested them to control the situation. The bar's leaders reached the spot and tried their best to calm the lawyers down but they refused to accept any request.

The leaders continued delivering speeches to calm the lawyers but the lawyers ignoring their requests continued shouting slogans against Sher Afgan and Musharraf. Some lawyers also exchanged hot words with SP Civil Lines Ahsan Younas when he tried to negotiate with them.

One of the lawyers said, "You have come to rescue Afgan but where were you when the police tortured lawyers inside the Lahore High Court on November 5 last year.” “Afgan deserved this treatment because he had humiliated our Chief Justice time and again," the angry lawyers said.

When the situation became worse, the bar's leaders decided to call the Supreme Court Bar Association President Aitzaz Ahsan. He reached there and asked the lawyers not to damage the lawyers and judges’ cause and allow the former minister to go safely.

The lawyers at that time by raising hands promised Aitzaz that they would not misbehave with Afgan and let him go for their noble cause of the judges' restoration. Aitzaz also requested the media, particularly the electronic media, to stop the coverage. He asked the police officers to cordon Sher Afgan and take him in their custody safely. Police brought an ambulance and tried to take him away in the ambulance but the lawyers attacked Afgan when he appeared and started beating him. They paid no heed to Aitzaz, who was requesting them not to misbehave with him, and kept on beating Afgan.

Police pushed Afgan in the ambulance and tried to take him away but the people refused to give way to the van. The ill-fated Afgan literally lied on the floor of the van to save himself from the lawyers who had stormed the van from all sides. The charged lawyers also damaged the ambulance.

Aitzaz climbed the roof of the ambulance and requested the people to give him the way. But the lawyers started chasing and attacking the ambulance till the police shifted Afgan to the Rescue 1122 van from the Edhi ambulance, which was also damaged. The police failed to create a safe passage for Afgan, which suggested that the police played the role of a silent spectator. A number of locals also gathered at the spot to see what happened to the former minister.

The Mozang police have registered a case against dozens of lawyers for manhandling Sher Afgan Niazi on Turner Road, Mozang. According to a source, the police registered a case under sections 342/7ATA, 148/149, 353 and 324 PPC against the lawyers for besieging and manhandling the former federal minister for parliamentary affairs.

Thanks & Regards to The Daily News.

Here you go the .......up democracy. This was so shamful in international comunity. Even some of my American friends started saying that pakistani people do not deserve freedom you were right Pakistan is not worth freedom......... The people who support this are total terrorists
Here you go the .......up democracy. This was so shamful in international comunity. Even some of my American friends started saying that pakistani people do not deserve freedom you were right Pakistan is not worth freedom......... The people who support this are total terrorists

You got it wrong. The people are ready but our politicians are not ready to lead. All these lawyers were in my mind either funded by foreign agencies or by local politicians and the leaders bihind them are our politicians.
As far as the Americans are concerned, the hell with them. What we decide to do with our nation should not be their concern, but our. We are a poor nation, just tell them to go read American history, the things happening in Pakistan have already happened in America, not on the same level but close to it. They learn from it, and hopefully so will we.
This attack was on Musharaf not on Sherafgan, The result of mushy will be not different if he comes into the reach of a civillian, and regarding sherafgan i think that was ohkay i am happy with it, he deserved that, i was enjoying every bit of it, please remember the statements issued by him in the CJ and mushy context and have you guys listened to what aitazaz ehsan said regarding mushy after the incident?


Here you go the .......up democracy. This was so shamful in international comunity. Even some of my American friends started saying that pakistani people do not deserve freedom you were right Pakistan is not worth freedom......... The people who support this are total terrorists

Dear Moha,
i do not agree with you, please translate this page and send it to your american friend, This is a public anger, what had happened at lahore


You got it wrong. The people are ready but our politicians are not ready to lead. All these lawyers were in my mind either funded by foreign agencies or by local politicians and the leaders bihind them are our politicians.
As far as the Americans are concerned, the hell with them. What we decide to do with our nation should not be their concern, but our. We are a poor nation, just tell them to go read American history, the things happening in Pakistan have already happened in America, not on the same level but close to it. They learn from it, and hopefully so will we.
What you are say listen to the guy who is just talking on this page!!!! Bro We live in globalization time. You make a voice! it will be heard in entire world but when it comes to americans bro i know american history very well and they have nothing even close to it. first and second The entire world watched it. It was all over the world and you are going to tell me others should mind their bussiness lol Why don't we mind our bussiness over Palestine, over indian held kasmire bosinia, somalia jordan etc Now you have my answer like we can't mind our bussiness the entire world can't mind their business aswell. :pakistan:
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