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Airport radar crash: Was it a cyber attack?

omg its not a cyber attack lol These systems work on a very sensitive architecture and are subject to a heavy workload. As this system is a new one at the IGI it will take time for the staff to understand its behavior, until then crashes are normal. Stop putting theories into everything. Such systems crash quite frequently around the world, nothing sinister.
Mind ur language mister(i dont know if I can call u that).

Badmouthing her doesnt actually affect her..but rather shows ur level of upbringing.

p.s.: 1971 seems to have left an indelible mark on u guys.Forget and move on.

Let the trolls be. Ignore their brain farts. They do not have anything better to do, do not have any knowledge about anything and neither can they indulge in civilized conversations. Stupid is as stupid does. I see a lot of trolls these days, wonder why is the management tolerating them.

Anyhow, on topic, is it really a cyber attack or is ToI just exaggerating the news?

Dont computers crash all the time?
Ohh that witch and cunning fox??
we must also open old files of Indian involement in terrorism.

Mukti Bahini and LTTE are few to name.

The witch who liked to deal every conflict with force no wonder met a fate of 30+ gaping holes in her body!

Anyone count the gaping holes on Zia ul Haq or Benazir? One a rabid Islamic fundamentalist and a military dictator to boot and the other an aspiring, wannabe witch. They met just the fate they deserved, no?

One doesn't need to open old files of Pakistan's involvement in terrorism, these files were never closed. The files were opened in 1948 and current files just keep getting added.
After Indira Gandhi's death, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister. In May 1991, he too was assassinated, this time at the hands of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Classic back fire!

Talking of backfires, were Zia and Benazir bumped off by Green Peace activists? or by the animal rights gang? were they not done in by guys who 'bit the hand that fed them'? I remember Benazir screaming that 'Azadi, Azadi' cr@p just before Zarb-e-Momin and less than two decades later....Ka boom.
Ohh that witch and cunning fox??
we must also open old files of Indian involement in terrorism.

Mukti Bahini and LTTE are few to name.

The witch who liked to deal every conflict with force no wonder met a fate of 30+ gaping holes in her body!

I wish Indra lived longer then she would have probably divided Pakistan in few more parts. :rofl:
Just few weeks back visited IGI airport... have seen a radar built by Raytheon as well as other radars. All the radars crashed at the same time could be an attack.
After Indira Gandhi's death, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister. In May 1991, he too was assassinated, this time at the hands of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Classic back fire!

lol It could be more dangerous for you if she would live longer.

BTW leaders were assassinated as well. One even by the military ruler.
After Indira Gandhi's death, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister. In May 1991, he too was assassinated, this time at the hands of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Classic back fire!

some b#s#, stop trolling :rofl:

I am just afraid to travel in Indian airline. Planning to go in india next year. Definaly not by air india. :no:
After Indira Gandhi's death, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister. In May 1991, he too was assassinated, this time at the hands of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Classic back fire!


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Why??? Is there any special reason for that??? :eek:

dude, i heard air India is not that good even in security issues.

that thing shakes like earthquake when flying 30,000 above ground. :lol:
dude, i heard air India is not that good even in security issues. :agree:

that think shakes like earthquakes when flying 30,000 feet high. :lol:


Dude I don;t know where did you heard that but people hear many thinks those are wrong. Security in AI is not less than any average type airlines all over the world. Even the aircrafts are same Airbus and Boeing.

Dude I don;t know where did you heard that but people hear many thinks those are wrong. Security in AI is not less than any average type airlines all over the world. Even the aircrafts are same Airbus and Boeing.


I also searched online and found a lot of people who dislike air India. They say, neither it's good nor it's bad. it's like in the middle. I was thinking to by Lufthansa. Best airline. :agree:
Ahh, Indian are always absolve of any sin or mistake..it must be China or Pakistan fault. I say Indian education system has done well on developing these stereotypes.
What other countries do you think can possibly do this sort of stuff to us?I don't think Madagascar or Nicaragua are in any position to stage such an attack or have a valid reason to launch an assault of this nature.

Of course it cannot be proven by us civilians but due to modern history, we get the idea. :azn:
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