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Air strikes kill at least 40 in northern Syria


Mar 31, 2007
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Air strikes kill at least 40 in northern Syria: monitoring group

Air strikes around the northern Syrian city of Aleppo killed at least 40 people on Saturday, most of them civilians, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
The pro-opposition monitoring group said there were at least six strikes on the outskirts of Aleppo and nearby towns. Dozens of people were wounded, it said.
"Some of the strikes in the neighborhood of Tareeq al-Bab appeared to be targeting rebel headquarters but instead the rockets fell in a busy street and caused heavy civilian casualties," Rami Abdelrahman, head of the Observatory, said by telephone.
Child-Murderers at it again led by the tiny Nusayri cult and their two puppets. Anyway they will get eliminated rather sooner than later. This will be a pat of a larger campaign to clean the region once and for all of unwanted elements.
The pilot was Sunni

Muslim killing his own people and 40 civilians. A Sunni by name maybe only but a brainwashed Ba'athi and Al-Asshead worshipper in action. And where do you have this information from?

The more Muslims and Arabs those tiny Nusayri cultists are killing the harsher will their final punishment be and hatred for them.

They are digging their own grave slowly but steadily.
Poor Civilian always suffer for some sick A$$ Terrorist always hide behind civilian.

You can say Real sunni killing fake sunni ,majority of Assad forces are Sunni they are not helping assad but helping themself by getting ride of Fake sunni wahabi imposter .

The pilot was Sunni
majority of Assad forces are Sunni
Thats not true. If Sunnis were beside Assad he would easily win the war in minutes. Instead in order to capture some small town he needs to call Hezbollah and Iraqi Shias.

Thought that poor state doesn’t have that much money to lose pilots, training pilots isn’t cheap.
Iran pays.
Thats not true. If Sunnis were beside Assad he would easily win the war in minutes. Instead in order to capture some small town he needs to call Hezbollah and Iraqi Shias.

Most moderates just join the group the nearest to them, that is also why these moderates switch sides often and go to the other side to talk with the opposition, probably most of SAA and FSA soldiers share no difference with each other, the ones that will never get along are the extremist jihadists and the extremists of the other side, Hezbollah and the similar groups.

It’s not that SAA is full of Shia.
Most moderates just join the group the nearest to them, that is also why these moderates switch sides often and go to the other side to talk with the opposition, probably most of SAA and FSA soldiers share no difference with each other, the ones that will never get along are the extremist jihadists and the extremists of the other side, Hezbollah and the similar groups.

It’s not that SAA is full of Shia.
Alawis and Druze are not Shia. I bet there is about third Sunnis in SAA.
Real Sunni don't have any problem with shia or Hezbollah or Christian or Orthodox Jews.
only fake sunni i.e Wahabi your ally have problem with everybody accept zionist jews.

Hezbollah and Iraqi shia come to help because they know how to fight with these puppet terrorist operate and their mind set so they are very helpfull to fight these type of conflict.

Syrian Arab army as any other army don't have experience in fighting guerilla war they are design like to fight big war between nation .

Thats not true. If Sunnis were beside Assad he would easily win the war in minutes. Instead in order to capture some small town he needs to call Hezbollah and Iraqi Shias.

Iran pays.
Real Sunni don't have any problem with shia or Hezbollah or Christian or Orthodox Jews.
only fake sunni i.e Wahabi your ally have problem with everybody accept zionist jews.

Hezbollah and Iraqi shia come to help because they know how to fight with these puppet terrorist operate and their mind set so they are very helpfull to fight these type of conflict.

Syrian Arab army as any other army don't have experience in fighting guerilla war they are design like to fight big war between nation .

Go to sleep Majoosi Indian (using your language). Time for you to join the Nusayris inside Syria. You or they do not belong to the 90% of all Muslims.

No Muslim supports the Child-Murderer (Al-Asshead) and love him as you do. Only a certain tiny sect and their lackeys. Hence why we see the later killing Muslims everywhere in Syria for 3 years.

But don't you worry Al-Asshead and his regime and all his supporters will get removed just like all the others before him.

Will take a little time but ultimately the goal will be reached one way or another.
No Muslim supports the Child-Murderer (Al-Asshead) and love him as you do. Only a certain tiny sect and their lackeys. Hence why we see the later killing Muslims everywhere in Syria for 3 years.

Maybe on the internet, on the ground it’s like this

Most moderates just join the group the nearest to them, that is also why these moderates switch sides often and go to the other side to talk with the opposition, probably most of SAA and FSA soldiers share no difference with each other, the ones that will never get along are the extremist jihadists and the extremists of the other side, Hezbollah and the similar groups.
Eh, no sane Muslim loves him. People of a Muslim background (hardcore Ba'athis) might do so. But they are not a part of the Muslims anymore. Once you start supporting a tyrant engaged in killing Muslims and aiding him and fighting for him you are not part of the household of Muslims anymore. It is very simple. From there on it is up to Allah (swt) to forgive you.

I don't approve every action of the Syrian opposition or like every group but I sure hell don't like Al-Asshead like certain tiny sect members on this forum do and cheer for him killing Muslims for the 3 year in a row.

I suggest watching this. Gold material exposing the tiny sects.

No tolerance for people supporting the genocide of Muslims.
Najdi,wahabi,Zionist,Khariji is going to tell a sunni a majoosi :omghaha:.
Tiny population is not alone majority support them and have realised what these kharijite did in libya,iraq and syria they just kill innocent muslim who don't follow their doctrine of wahabism .they cannot debut so they send their suicide brigate to kill the scholars.

Khariji najdi saud time is up and weapon you guys are buying is not going to help you bcoz All power belongs to Allah swt and he will make your ruler a laughing stock.:nana:

Go to sleep Majoosi Indian (using your language). Time for you to join the Nusayris inside Syria. You or they do not belong to the 90% of all Muslims.

No Muslim supports the Child-Murderer (Al-Asshead) and love him as you do. Only a certain tiny sect and their lackeys. Hence why we see the later killing Muslims everywhere in Syria for 3 years.

But don't you worry Al-Asshead and his regime and all his supporters will get removed just like all the others before him.

Will take a little time but ultimately the goal will be reached one way or another.
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