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Air Soft Guns

I don't know in Pakistan but online there are many companies.
Kheylona gun. Airsoft guns are replica firearms that propel plastic pellets by way of compressed gas or a spring-driven piston.

Khilona guns are spring driven, although they still do pack a punch at close range.

At the thread starter, there are Airsoft guns at X-Park Lahore, might wanna contact them and find out. They have real life replicas of P-90, G-36 and a pistol whose name I forgot.
Point and shoot to the face/head.

I've got experience matey!!!

When I was small, we used to celebrate Eid at the village. A mela came into the village. We bought guns from our 'Eidi' and then played with them, I got one right between the eyebrows...missed my eye by a couple of cm!!!
I did not know that there was airsoft in Pakistan or any other middle-eastern country... its a very popular game or hobby in Finland, i myself have owned many "guns", and right now hunting for a decent-price G3 Rifle for my Iran/Fictional army kit :P
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