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Air intakes


^^ 500
Those willnt be the alone air intakes of the Harrier; as it can vertical Launch that means it must have additional air intakes; plz do research for those one too..
I thought Pak-Fa has serpentine air intake :what:
the missile bay doesn't seem to allow for a deep S duct. the Pak-Fa does have a flap infront of the intake that can be lower to hide the engine from frontal view. that seem to be a cheap and effective solution if less elegance... but of course the intake can be widen to make more room, I expect some changes in the Indian 2 seater design.
In the TU-144 each engine was provided with its own air intake, even after the installation of double separated nacelles in the pre-production aircraft. Originally the four engines NK-144 were mounted side by side but, due to problems with vibrations and high cabin temperature, the next models of TU-144 were two separate nacelles holding two engines each, both positioned near the centre of the aircraft in order to guarantee the longest possible air intakes.

These long air intakes holds inside the necessary ramp system for to reduce the speed of the airflow at all speeds up to Mach 2.0 down to a level suitable for the engines. A more sophisticated ramp system would have allowed a reduction in the length of the air intakes.

Inside the air intakes an internal horizontal ramp varies from an up position at speeds below Mach 1.25 to full down at Mach 2.0. Three shocks are produced in the inlet during supersonic flight in order to slow the inlet flow to subsonic speeds. Each air intake was operated by automatic control system which could change ramp position and by-pass flap depending on engine setting.
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