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Air Force Question Thread

And one thing more I love to do impossible things. At least try them bcoz impossible itself says "I M Possible" :)
Obviously for Pakistani Girls

Thanks dear for the suggestion. Currently I'm heading a software house and in IT Industry this a very good post. Alhamdolillah I am sucessfull in running that portion of a company for which people think it will not work and has to be close. This gives me the feeling of honor and pride. For IT I'll not leave this company.

Allah Almighty always give me success Alhamdolillah, except GDP. But I'm trying and will keep on trying untill get my goal (GDP) or become inelligible for it, Inshaw Allah.

For GD(P) in PAF i said earlier the last age to apply is 22 years, I wish you have not crossed that!!! Check website Welcome to Thunder City if you have at least 1 million and above you can have joy rides in mach 2.0 fighters...
Really I dont know bcoz have no interest in indian movies. Impossible is a thing which is not tryed.

Can you tell me the name of your father?? and in which branch he used to work in PAF? PM me
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Do You know any further details of AMK Lodhi Sb?? Please throw some light, I am searching the forum but could not find any detail, in what contest his name was used...

Notice the photo I use as my avatar? This is the famous Sabre formation. Mr. Lodhi was one of the pilots in the formation. I believe someone listed the names of the participants and in fact YOU may have asked who was AMK Lodhi.

MuradK replied that it was Arshad Mohammad Kamran Lodhi, when in fact it was Abdul Majeed Khan Lodhie. I hope this answers your question.
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Notice the photo I use as my avatar? This is the famous Sabre formation. Mr. Lodhi was one of the pilots in the formation. I believe someone listed the names of the participants and in fact YOU may have asked who was AMK Lodhi.

MuradK replied that it was Arshad Mohammad Khan Lodhi, when in fact it was Abdul Majeed Khan Lodhie. I hope this answers your question.

Formation Led by

Wing Commander M Z Masud with

Squadron Leaders Sadruddin, Aftab Ahmed, S M Ahmed, S U Khan, Nazir Latif, Ghulam Haider

FLT LTs, Middle coat, A M K Lodhi, H Anwar, A U Ahmed, S S Haider, Munir, Waqar Azim, Jamal A Khan, M Arshad
Notice the photo I use as my avatar? This is the famous Sabre formation. Mr. Lodhi was one of the pilots in the formation. I believe someone listed the names of the participants and in fact YOU may have asked who was AMK Lodhi.

MuradK replied that it was Arshad Mohammad Khan Lodhi, when in fact it was Abdul Majeed Khan Lodhie. I hope this answers your question.

Dear I said earlier I did not find details, I thought u will submit some details but you simply came up in just quoting the name only, anyways I gathered some info wanted to share with you as well;)
Dear I said earlier I did not find details, I thought u will submit some details but you simply came up in just quoting the name only, anyways I gathered some info wanted to share with you as well;)

Capt. Lodhie (from his PIA days) was a " PAF original": flew F86s - one of the ferry pilots, flew B57s - commanded 8 Squadron twice ('62, '64 - I believe) Please refer to "The Story of PAF: a saga of courage and honour) for exact details. He flew some B57 bombing missions in '65, returning from PIA for the duration of the war- the details are obscure now.

For PIA he flew everything from Super Connies to the 747 (if I recall correctly). He was grounded due to heart ailment and had ground assignments with PIA. He migrated to the US and lived a retired life, when in January 2001 his heart gave in.

He was personal friend of AM Jamal (they used to visit regularly when Jamal Sahib would be in the US) as well as AC Khaqan Abbasi, and AM Asghar Khan.

Hamid Anwar, by the way, is also here and living in Chicago, last I recall.

I hope this helps.

I have other details but they are of personal nature.
Capt. Lodhie (from his PIA days) was a " PAF original": flew F86s - one of the ferry pilots, flew B57s - commanded 8 Squadron twice ('62, '64 - I believe) Please refer to "The Story of PAF: a saga of courage and honour) for exact details. He flew some B57 bombing missions in '65, returning from PIA for the duration of the war- the details are obscure now.

For PIA he flew everything from Super Connies to the 747 (if I recall correctly). He was grounded due to heart ailment and had ground assignments with PIA. He migrated to the US and lived a retired life, when in January 2001 his heart gave in.

He was personal friend of AM Jamal (they used to visit regularly when Jamal Sahib would be in the US) as well as AC Khaqan Abbasi, and AM Asghar Khan.

Hamid Anwar, by the way, is also here and living in Chicago, last I recall.

I hope this helps.

I have other details but they are of personal nature.

Thanks, for the details. It was really interesting. I feel sorry for A M K Lodhi Sb.

He commanded 7 SQN. as Sqn. Ldr in (a) Aug 1960 (b) Jan 1964

Note: You can share personal stuff at my email ID:azn:
Thanks, for the details. It was really interesting. I feel sorry for A M K Lodhi Sb.

He commanded 7 SQN. as Sqn. Ldr in (a) Aug 1960 (b) Jan 1964

Note: You can share personal stuff at my email ID:azn:

I suppose you meant "sad" instead of "sorry" - he had lead a full life and now is with God.

The personal information I have is about his family (who they are, where they are, etc) - nothing that will help you.

Whenever I get a chance I will see if the PAF will release the mission information about his war experience - perhaps somewhere in 7 Squadron records, are his activities.

He belonged to the generation that did not think it was a big deal that they risked his life - that is just what they did for their country. Very selfless generation. He would not share the mission details at all, just "I did my job".

While I appreciate the attitude, I do think that the generation that fought the wars need to be recognized and their deeds need to be recorded just as the deeds of other warriors across the centuries and nations and races, have been.
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