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Air Force Question Thread

Oh you think he meant "faggot"???

In that case, may I humbly suggest to poster "AliFarooq" who hopes to be an officer in the Pakistan Air Force that the first time he encounters a difficulty, calling the other guy a homosexual, is perhaps not appropriate....

Perhaps AliFarooq may consider a different approach to successfully engage and pass the ISSB process......one that shows persistence, determination, patience, and above all consideration for the other guy's position. In fact, this could be a selling point for him, since he can make the case that "despite all the hurdles put in his way, here he is trying to make a successful entrance into the AF, through the ISSB - i.e. I took my lumps, but here I am still determined to join"

What do you think?:cheers:

"Faggot" was the name of the aircraft, just like F-16 "fighting falcon",
F-6 "farmer". JF-17 "Thunder", A-5 "Fantan", F-104 "StarFighter" Please check this out
"Faggot" was the name of the aircraft, just like F-16 "fighting falcon",
F-6 "farmer". JF-17 "Thunder", A-5 "Fantan", F-104 "StarFighter" Please check this out

Correct: it is the NATO designation for the MiG-15.

But poster AliFarooq was not referring to a plane - he called the person who he was dealing with a "fagget".......
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Please note Sir MuradK is sick and hospitalized may not be able to attend the forum for few days..
Oh you think he meant "faggot"???

In that case, may I humbly suggest to poster "AliFarooq" who hopes to be an officer in the Pakistan Air Force that the first time he encounters a difficulty, calling the other guy a homosexual, is perhaps not appropriate....

Perhaps AliFarooq may consider a different approach to successfully engage and pass the ISSB process......one that shows persistence, determination, patience, and above all consideration for the other guy's position. In fact, this could be a selling point for him, since he can make the case that "despite all the hurdles put in his way, here he is trying to make a successful entrance into the AF, through the ISSB - i.e. I took my lumps, but here I am still determined to join"

What do you think?:cheers:

its not about being patience, i wouldn't mind going back to pakistan next year and giving the test again. Theres only one problem with that, there might not be seats for GDP ppilots next year or the following year. I might not even get a chance before i reach the age limit.

Secondly when ever they give the advertisment in the papers, its always on a short notice.

The guy was a pathan :p
its not about being patience, i wouldn't mind going back to pakistan next year and giving the test again. Theres only one problem with that, there might not be seats for GDP ppilots next year or the following year. I might not even get a chance before i reach the age limit.

Secondly when ever they give the advertisment in the papers, its always on a short notice.

The guy was a pathan :p

I am sorry to hear that: welcome to the uncertain nature of things in Pakistan!!!

AliFarooq, may I suggest that, while good for a laugh, a stereotype is just that: a stereotype. Funny, nonetheless, but still a stereotype.

You end up judging an individual by the actions of a few (now where else have we heard that?.....hmmm...."all muslim are terrorists" comes to mind) is not healthy...:cheers:
un ka koi religion nhi hota islam is a religion of peace they are mindless people woh hum mayse nhi hai
Naah. You're just 25, with an additional 25 years of experience.

Though I must say, I thought you would be younger. It's just that, in old age, people tend to become negative ("is mulk ka kuch nahi ho sakta" rants etc.), and you seem to be quite positive. I guess that's what makes military retirees different from civilian retirees.

The fatman17 says " I am 17 with 33 years of experience":lol:
ABDUL MAJEED KHAN Lodhi. Great friend of Air Marshal Jamal Ahmad Khan. Died in January of 2000 (if I recall correctly, maybe 2001) and is buried in Cranbury, NJ.

Do You know any further details of AMK Lodhi Sb?? Please throw some light, I am searching the forum but could not find any detail, in what contest his name was used...
this question is realated to army-portion,but this is an aviation forum so i wana ask a question about PAK-ARMY PUMA helis.

first see these pix of puma helicopter flying at the GHQ.



it looks like this puma,

rather then PAK-ARMY's regular puma.

if u watch it closly.the puma at GHQ has a different jet intake as compare to regular pak army puma.
so my question is.
1-is that a newer version?
2-is it done by Pak-avation?
3-when pakistan get those helis?

im not regular at defence.pk now a days,if any body hav any strong information about it plz also write my answers at my profile wall,or msge me.cuz its hard to search a page after many days.
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this question is realated to army-portion,but this is an aviation forum so i wana ask a question about PAK-ARMY PUMA helis.

first see these pix of puma helicopter flying at the GHQ.


it looks like this puma,

rather then PAK-ARMY's regular puma.

if u watch it closly.the puma at GHQ has a different jet intake as compare to regular pak army puma.
so my question is.
1-is that a newer version?
2-is it done by Pak-avation?
3-when pakistan get those helis?

That may be the ex-UAE puma which were rumored to have been bought by Pakistan & refurbished by the French.
That may be the ex-UAE puma which were rumored to have been bought by Pakistan & refurbished by the French.

ohhh god,silly me:hitwall:
i opened my own old thread to find the answer that pakistan geting tiger helis or not.but the last post of that thread was posted by sir.FATMAN.he told there somthing about puma upgrade.
i think thats the answer of my question.:agree:

FATMAN said:
"the PAA has the capability to overhaul every helo in its inventory - but when it comes to upgrades like the recent upgrades of the PUMA, the helo's have to be sent to the supplier / manufacturer.

in this regard Kamra is ahead of the PAA central workshop's
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Bad Luck for???...

Obviously for Pakistani Girls

I think u still have the chance to join PAF before the age of 28 in IT deptt. I sincerely advice go for it...

Thanks dear for the suggestion. Currently I'm heading a software house and in IT Industry this a very good post. Alhamdolillah I am sucessfull in running that portion of a company for which people think it will not work and has to be close. This gives me the feeling of honor and pride. For IT I'll not leave this company.

Allah Almighty always give me success Alhamdolillah, except GDP. But I'm trying and will keep on trying untill get my goal (GDP) or become inelligible for it, Inshaw Allah.
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