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Air defence boost: Indian Air Force gets first Indo-Israeli missile


May 4, 2019
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Air defence boost: Indian Air Force gets first Indo-Israeli missile
IAI has designed and developed 70-80 per cent of the MRSAM, including the Elta MF-STAR radar, which forms the heart of the system

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In a significant boost to India’s air defence capabilities, the Indian Air Force (IAF) was handed over its first Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) system on Thursday, in the presence of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, at Jaisalmer.
The MRSAM provides protection against incoming enemy aircraft and tactical missiles. It is called a “network centric combat air defence system” and has been designed and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in partnership with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

Such is the military’s and DRDO’s confidence in this missile that it was operationally deployed in secret, even before it completed development. This was in September 2016, when the army was planning “cross border strikes” against Pakistan to avenge the killing of 19 Indian soldiers near Uri.
Pakistani retaliation was expected against a key IAF base, which was protected only by aging Soviet-era missiles. To fill this gap, the IAF’s first MR-SAM unit, which was still being built in Hyderabad by Bharat Dynamics Ltd, was quietly airlifted to the vulnerable base — a vote of confidence based on recent firing trials. And when Indian commandos crossed the LoC on the night of September 28, 2016, the MRSAM was poised for operational use.
About 20-30 per cent of the MRSAM has been developed by the DRDO, including the missile’s propulsion system that is based on a sophisticated dual-pulse rocket motor, its thrust vector controls, and electrical harness (wiring).
IAI has designed and developed 70-80 per cent of the MRSAM, including the Elta MF-STAR radar, which forms the heart of the system.
This is the only missile that all three services have enthusiastically acquired. The naval version of the MRSAM, which is called the LRSAM (Long-Range Surface to Air Missile), is stored in, and fired from, sealed canisters below warship decks, in order to protect the missile from the corrosive marine environment. The LRSAM primarily protects Indian warships from sea-skimming, anti-ship missiles.
So far, the LRSAM has been operationally deployed only on three Indian Navy destroyers — INS Kolkata, Chennai and Kochi. Each carries 32 missiles in “vertical launch unit” canisters. Now the LRSAM is being fitted on four more destroyers being built under Project 15B and seven frigates being constructed under Project 17A.

The IAF version of the MRSAM is mounted on trailers, and is fired from the open at enemy fighters coming in to attack air bases and other high-priority targets. The army version of the MRSAM protects ground troops from enemy ground attack aircraft. Army MRSAMs are mounted on high-mobility vehicles that keep up with tank columns moving cross-country. All three versions of the missile are identical, except for the software that controls their “self-destruct” function.
Great news.... This system is a great addition to AKASH.... Now can't wait to see operational AKASH NG....
so much happening indian military circles,hard to keep up

Not really.

No new planes after the last Rafale, no new conrtact signed.
Not a single LCA delivered so far this year
No new AWACS
No new Refullers.

The longer the current situation goes on, the older the average fleet age of the IAF gets.

Let me put it another way, right now for the next 2 years, it seems no IAF fighter squadron will be requipped (as LCA deliveries so far will only make up for the massivley under strength second squadron and that is generoulsy assuming HAL delivers any this year).

In a word, with every passing month and now new planes coming in (apart from a handful of Rafales) the IAF moves torwards block obsolesence, especially considering no SU-30 upgrade has been signed for and these planes are approaching 30 years old.
Not really.

No new planes after the last Rafale, no new conrtact signed.
Not a single LCA delivered so far this year
No new AWACS
No new Refullers.

The longer the current situation goes on, the older the average fleet age of the IAF gets.

Let me put it another way, right now for the next 2 years, it seems no IAF fighter squadron will be requipped (as LCA deliveries so far will only make up for the massivley under strength second squadron and that is generoulsy assuming HAL delivers any this year).

In a word, with every passing month and now new planes coming in (apart from a handful of Rafales) the IAF moves torwards block obsolesence, especially considering no SU-30 upgrade has been signed for and these planes are approaching 30 years old.

I think your comment needs dissecting

India had confirmed orders
156 new fighters.with 50 delivered so far ie 26 Rafale and 24. Tejas.
Pakistan confirmed orders 30 block 3 not one delivered yet and 14 block b delivered ie,44 fighters
India,has s400 delivery starting November
pakistan nil.sam confirmed orders,
India has cleared finance for awacs and c295 transports,
pakistan no such clearance or funds evident
I.think India is doing ok
I think your comment needs dissecting

India had confirmed orders
156 new fighters.with 50 delivered so far ie 26 Rafale and 24. Tejas.
Pakistan confirmed orders 30 block 3 not one delivered yet and 14 block b delivered ie,44 fighters
India,has s400 delivery starting November
pakistan nil.sam confirmed orders,
India has cleared finance for awacs and c295 transports,
pakistan no such clearance or funds evident
I.think India is doing ok
Cute. Keep thinking like that
I think your comment needs dissecting

India had confirmed orders
156 new fighters.with 50 delivered so far ie 26 Rafale and 24. Tejas.
Pakistan confirmed orders 30 block 3 not one delivered yet and 14 block b delivered ie,44 fighters
India,has s400 delivery starting November
pakistan nil.sam confirmed orders,
India has cleared finance for awacs and c295 transports,
pakistan no such clearance or funds evident
I.think India is doing ok

I don't understand why such comparisons are made and even debated. For the size and purpose of Pakistan, it's doing what it needs to. For the size and purpose of India, it's also doing what it's suppose to. The only difference is, why do we compare a 4 times larger nation with a 4 times smaller nation, with 900 million population difference and about $ 40billion difference within the defense budget? Is there a more appropriate analysis perhaps that's 1:1 or 1:2 and realistic?
I don't understand why such comparisons are made and even debated. For the size and purpose of Pakistan, it's doing what it needs to. For the size and purpose of India, it's also doing what it's suppose to. The only difference is, why do we compare a 4 times larger nation with a 4 times smaller nation, with 900 million population difference and about $ 40billion difference within the defense budget? Is there a more appropriate analysis perhaps that's 1:1 or 1:2 and realistic?

The disparity is actually more like

2.8 trillion GDP v 280 billion GDP
650 billion forex versis $17 billion forex
$2000 per capita versis $1300 per capita
$49 billion versis $9 bllion defense budget or (65billion versis $12 billion if you include pensions etc)

" The ability to maintain, constantly upgrade, train and fight and sustain a war of any duration is entirely based on resources "

The topic is about the induction of a jointly developed Indo israeli MRSAM missle system entering indian service soon.
Some people decided to tell us india is falling or struggling to modernise
I mean seriously
Do i need to list the 10 or 12 major systems just in last 24 months worth billions $$$
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