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Air Commodore (R) Sayed Sajad Haider: How the US Evaded Air Defence System

can somebody give the mota mota overview of what he said...my internet does not permit me to watch a video this long!!!
He said Nur Khan, Asghar Khan and Rahim Khan COAS'S of PAF setted parameters for PAF, within 2 minutes in 1958 on Eid day after violation of indian Air force on indian border, 2 PAF fighters were scrambled within 2 minutes. He said americans performed radar jamming sikll in friendly excercise in 1970 in Karachi and pakistan radars were like white plates and now 40 years are over, now, how much advance their technology would be? He also said Pakistan air space is nearly completely under radar coverage even on iran side also. He also pointed out that india and USA can attack Pakistan but question is that whether they can also completely destroy presetted target, his answer was no. He also qouted PAF is very skillful and in one week we can damage indian's by air strike so much that indians go back 10 years back.
I have a question, If Americans can jam our radars then can't we ask China to assist us in monitoring our borders via satellites?
I have a question, If Americans can jam our radars then can't we ask China to assist us in monitoring our borders via satellites?

Sats are not stationary..
not the ones that provide imagery..
They can make passes along their orbit at regular intervals.... and provide overwatch for say.. 15 minutes.. or 30.. but that is the maximum.
Not to mention being very expensive and ill suited for such a long standing need.

The US can and will jam our radars.. and even those much touted "jam-proof" radios.
we cannot challenge the US militarily unless or until we reform ourselves..
Once that is done.. I assure you..knowing the talent.. knowing the people.. we can accomplish in 5 years.. what takes them 15 to do.
All that is needed.. is national focus.
Syed Sajjad Hyder also exposed Ayub Khan role during 1965 War?
he is saying PAF should acquire modern techology and aircrafts to counter future threats...
He said Nur Khan, Asghar Khan and Rahim Khan COAS'S of PAF setted parameters for PAF, within 2 minutes in 1958 on Eid day after violation of indian Air force on indian border, 2 PAF fighters were scrambled within 2 minutes. He said americans performed radar jamming sikll in friendly excercise in 1970 in Karachi and pakistan radars were like white plates and now 40 years are over, now, how much advance their technology would be? He also said Pakistan air space is nearly completely under radar coverage even on iran side also. He also pointed out that india and USA can attack Pakistan but question is that whether they can also completely destroy presetted target, his answer was no. He also qouted PAF is very skillful and in one week we can damage indian's by air strike so much that indians go back 10 years back.

Very childish statement. If this is really what he said
Very childish statement. If this is really what he said

remember MiG-21 arse whopping at Pathankot when Sajad Haider and his boys annihilated the MiG-21 force on the ground. It can happen again our leadership might be asleep but our nation has just awaken after 2 May incident and we will get stronger every passing day. And you Indians mind your own business and don't try for any misadventure if you so you will be responsible for the consequences don't think of yourself a superpower.:pakistan:

There is no such a thing as 100% coverage - there just isn't -- and flying low map of the earth, it is very very difficult to paint any object because it's just flying below the coverage - Airborne may offer advantages, but again, I really don't know of any such thing as 100% coverage -- but do be reminded, there are two things going on here, one is entry into and the exit -- on the other hand some say if there is a WILL, there is a way.
Very childish statement. If this is really what he said

How is this childish?He is right about scramble part and that was First PAF Kill.He was talking about Canberra of IAF which strayed into Pakistan Air Space for spying on Eid Day and was shot down thus PAF's first kill.
Syed Sajjad Hyder also exposed Ayub Khan role during 1965 War?

our political and military leadership lied to us in the past and they are doing it again and again. But this is a fact that our common soldiers fought with bravery and honor and gave their lives for our country and they will not disappoint us again when there will be a call for their sacrifice. We have criticized our forces alot in past few days but its time that we should unite and support them and stand with them as the test of dignity and pride of entire nation is coming against our enemy.
remember MiG-21 arse whopping at Pathankot when Sajad Haider and his boys annihilated the MiG-21 force on the ground. It can happen again our leadership might be asleep but our nation has just awaken after 2 May incident and we will get stronger every passing day. And you Indians mind your own business and don't try for any misadventure if you so you will be responsible for the consequences don't think of yourself a superpower.:pakistan:

Yes the strike at Pathankot was the best as far as PAF was concerned,the figures are anyway not correct,not all the 21s were destroyed.By the by,it was good to hear from Nosey Haider after a long time,in the interview he said many important things including the capability of IAF and especially the MKIs which as per Air Cmdre's statement can attack Pakistani targets flying over the Arabian sea and ingressing from the Iranian side for which the PAF does not have complete RADAR coverage,they have some but not complete coverage.Another point is that if IAF makes precision strikes at Muzaffarabad,India will get Intnl community's support as the strikes would be seen as a preemptive strike against the Al Qaida.Overall a nice assesment from him,a great pilot and a Pakistani,my respect & hatred for him is very high.
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