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Aik Din Geo K Saath with Maulvi Burka and his goons (Must watch).

either he support TTP or not he is one of them , same Islamist , Radical mullah .. must be executed in Lal Masjid Operation along with his brother ..

Then you're at War with Islam?

Agree ? lol your version of Islam says we all are kafir and must be beheaded ... and i have all the right to advocate those kids cause they were my kids too , they were innocent , whoever kills a kid going for studies is no less than a animal ..
now dont compare them with these madarsa kids cause they are not there for studies but they are their cause their parents can not afford to feed them ..and they from the beginning are under the lash of the head aka mullah Burqa ..
This ideology can only be deal with fire , you kill them , they will come again , you kill more .. and more this the only way to cure this cancer ..
you have to remove this from the roots ..

''My'' version of Islam??? Who are you and what version do you follow? I'm a Sunni-Brelvis, and you are? Can you prove this point from any Brelvis Ulema Ikram that any Muslim or Kafir is to be kiiled?

Quran is a Guide , not for just Muslims but for Entire Humankind .. as i mentioned before , there are many sects in islam today , which version of Shariah you will implement ? and what does the so called Khalifa will do to minorities ? behead them like Abu bakr did in Iraq ?
now dont tell me this is not Shariah and blah blah ...this mullah burqa endource ISIS and OBL , in other words a Dog is loyal to another dog ...

Denying Shariah does not make your Kafir , if you have any proof let me see ?
and who are you or anyone to give certificate of Muslim or not ?? this is Allah's work and let him be the only judge , in my grave ,mullah burqa will not be called to answer , its my and only my accountability only ...
let people live , educated them but not force them ...

Quran is the guide for the Universe, then why don't you implement it? I'm not going through every points of Sharia, it's too much. Minorities have rights under sharia. I suggest you go to a Mufti in Karachi. Even better come to Mirpur, A.K and I'll take you to a Mufti and also I'll show you the beauty of Kashmir.

Here is some proof for denying Sharia and this is from the Quran and, I've not even mentioned hadith of as'salaathu was'salaam.

Then Allah has made it clear that having faith does not conform with seeking judgment in other than what Allah revealed. Allah, the Exalted, says: “Do you not see those who allege to believe in what is revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They desire to seek judgment from the Taghat, although they are commanded to disbelieve in it, and Satan desires to lead them far astray.” (4:60)

“But nay, by your Rabb, they will never become believers until they set you a judge in their disputes and then find no straits in themselves concerning what your verdict, and submit with full submission.” (4:65)

And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn (5:44)

So your knowledge of Islam is like those in Christendom from the Media? ISIS are Khawrij. 120 Sunni Scholars have given fatwa against them.

Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi

if you never been to Karachi than i guess you will not understand .. i dont know why only uneducated , jahil , villagers are after Shairah , i never see Educated and well civilized Cultures fighting for Shairah anywhere in today's world .. look at tribals , they are uneducated , jahil and this whole mess start from there , and when they call for jihad and all , where do they get replies ? same small and Villages and places where education is not reached ...

so basically what concludes than only uneducated and Jahil people who are looser in the society , rejected and ignored wants Shairah so they can satisfy their soul that they mean something in society ..
and dude , never think yourself above other , in terms of Deen , you know nothing what other person knows , you can not judge Karachi people or Karachi girls , just because they dont wear burqa does not make them bad character ..
but i guess this is what they teach you :)

we are all murtad for you and must be beheaded ? right ? no wonder why Army is welcoming these folks with F-16's and heavy Artillery :D

Obeying Allah and his Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam is not being Jahil. It is being rightly guided.

Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But proclaim (to them) this (truth): that every soul delivers itself to ruin by its own acts: it will find for itself no protector or intercessor except Allah: if it offered every ransom, (or reparation), none will be accepted: such is (the end of) those who deliver themselves to ruin by their own acts: they will have for drink (only) boiling water, and for punishment, one most grievous: for they persisted in rejecting Allah. (Surah Al-Anam v70)

Why don't you use the same F-16s to liberate Kashmir, Saichen Glacier? Is fighting Muslims easier than fighting Mushrikoon?
Then you're at War with Islam?

whatever man , if you talk about the Islam Prophet Muhammad Pbuh bring than my answer is no , i am not war with it , but if you say the Islam which you and your beloved mullah burqa has invented , than yeah i am , and not just me but entire Pakistan is at war with this and we are actually killing their supporters :D

''My'' version of Islam??? Who are you and what version do you follow? I'm a Sunni-Brelvis, and you are? Can you prove this point from any Brelvis Ulema Ikram that any Muslim or Kafir is to be kiiled?

haha you just confirm my point , your version is sunni brelvis , and i am just a Muslim i do not follow any sect .. sorry to bust your bubble ..I am just a Muslim ..
to be honest , i dont give a sh!t about any Mufti and fatwa givers , all are corrupt and use religion as " Dhanda " , it what they use to feed their monster bellies ...

Quran is the guide for the Universe, then why don't you implement it? I'm not going through every points of Sharia, it's too much. Minorities have rights under sharia. I suggest you go to a Mufti in Karachi. Even better come to Mirpur, A.K and I'll take you to a Mufti and also I'll show you the beauty of Kashmir.

haha i am better here :) i dont want to meet any mufti , cause either he will kill me or i will :D cause my discussion with these kinds never goes peaceful :D
yeah i do want to Visit Kashmir to visit the beauty of my Country ...
so far we see minorities been butchered under the Shariah of your's , you want shairah ? Bring me the Khalifa like Hazart Omar RA and i am ready to accept the Shariah , but until than sorry i dont want Shariah ...

and where does it says " Shariah " ?
God Law's are many , but those mullah reject other , every human has its right , Allah did not give rights to muslim but to humanity , dont close the Islam into a box... go and learn something ..

Why don't you use the same F-16s to liberate Kashmir, Saichen Glacier? Is fighting Muslims easier than fighting Mushrikoon?

hahah you are talking about that ? lol we would have done it if we dont have the Filth of Mullah burqa and Taliban in our Country , but just wait when the time comes Kashmir will be liberated and also Siachen will be taken back but first we need to remove these extremist and Radicalized Mullah from their roots along with their supporters and their students , than our attention will be at things which were put on aside , probably your Shariah warriors are working with Hindu Indians to divert our attention from the real duties :) but dont worry their time is near :)
whatever man , if you talk about the Islam Prophet Muhammad Pbuh bring than my answer is no , i am not war with it , but if you say the Islam which you and your beloved mullah burqa has invented , than yeah i am , and not just me but entire Pakistan is at war with this and we are actually killing their supporters :D

To set the record straight, he's not ''my'' beloved Mulla. I only heard of him yesterday. I will repeat what I said yesterday, what the OP footage revealed; the Mullana said was praise worthy Islamically. I go by what he said, not here to check his intentions.

haha you just confirm my point , your version is sunni brelvis , and i am just a Muslim i do not follow any sect .. sorry to bust your bubble ..I am just a Muslim ..
to be honest , i dont give a sh!t about any Mufti and fatwa givers , all are corrupt and use religion as " Dhanda " , it what they use to feed their monster bellies ...

You have such a low opinion of the Ulema Ikram. You should be mindful of what you utter.

Allah Most High, “Then We gave the Scripture as inheritance unto those whom We elected of Our servants.” [Qur’an, 35.32]

Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam said “Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” [Related byTirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibn Maja, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and others]

so far we see minorities been butchered under the Shariah of your's , you want shairah ? Bring me the Khalifa like Hazart Omar RA and i am ready to accept the Shariah , but until than sorry i dont want Shariah ...

I've already told you ISIS are not an Islamic State. !20 Scholars have given a fatwa against them. They do NOT fulfill the conditions of the Sharia.

If you listen to music, then stay away from it, it pollutes the heart.

Khiliafathal Umar ibn Khathab radia'Allah hu is coming soon, insha'Allah.

and where does it says " Shariah " ?
God Law's are many , but those mullah reject other , every human has its right , Allah did not give rights to muslim but to humanity , dont close the Islam into a box... go and learn something ..

I already gave you an explanation of what is Sharia (LAW) = Quran
Sharia (Quranic) Law = Islamic Law

What is Pakistan? It has different states and provinces. Those provinces make-up the states and the states make-up Pakistan.

Allah's law is one! Sharia is ONE! Quran came for the whole of mankind and jinn. In Karachi I've learned on PDF, there are kuffar there, has someone told them about Islam?
To set the record straight, he's not ''my'' beloved Mulla. I only heard of him yesterday. I will repeat what I said yesterday, what the OP footage revealed; the Mullana said was praise worthy Islamically. I go by what he said, not here to check his intentions.

If his intentions are wrong than how he claim to be mullah ? hahaha and he making people mufti ? lol i just laugh at those cheap mufti and mullah ... they are actually mentally retarded , they all need some medical help ..

You have such a low opinion of the Ulema Ikram. You should be mindful of what you utter.

Allah Most High, “Then We gave the Scripture as inheritance unto those whom We elected of Our servants.” [Qur’an, 35.32]

Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam said “Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” [Related byTirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibn Maja, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and others]

Ullma Karam , are involved in Target killing , provocation of Sectarian violence , land grabbing , stupid fatwas that suites their desire , have 4 wives 3 to follow , have more than 10 kids , have expensive car's , any criticism on them is criticism on islam hahah , big bellies , corrupt , should i continue ??

Allah's Servants are Prophets , he give them message , and they deliver it to us , it was your ullma karam who created the crack in islam ...
and as for Hadith , it says scholars , today mostly mufti and Ullema are metric fail hahahaha , you expect me to believe in what a school drop out say ? :D hahaha

Allah's law is one! Sharia is ONE! Quran came for the whole of mankind and jinn. In Karachi I've learned on PDF, there are kuffar there, has someone told them about Islam?

yes Karachi is land of Evil, we are hiding Dajjal in 90 :D , please dont come here, dont make your madarsas here , get lost from this city , and take all your jihadi students from here as well :) we are all evil we will make you evil :D
go to Turkham border , ask Pakistan army to open gates for you , go and Attack Americans there , you all are warriors of Allah , he will send few thousands angels to help you ... i swear :D
You are a LIAR. My posts are still there. Show me 1 post I said killing killing of Hindus or ANY civilian is allowed? You are the ONE who has hatred for Muslims.
No you are a Liar. You remained silent when your birader posters are saying that Kashmiri Pundits are traitors. So they were Kicked out. You liar, you selective Liar, you never opposed them and remained silent and now you are vocal about muslim cause ? You are Liar of Highest order.
No you are a Liar. You remained silent when your birader posters are saying that Kashmiri Pundits are traitors. So they were Kicked out. You liar, you selective Liar, you never opposed them and remained silent and now you are vocal about muslim cause ? You are Liar of Highest order.

Azad-Kashmiri said:
You are a LIAR. My posts are still there. Show me 1 post I said killing killing of Hindus or ANY civilian is allowed? You are the ONE who has hatred for Muslims.

LIAR has been exposed! :nana: You can't find 1 post where i said killing Hindus is allowed! :chilli:LIAR, LIAR, your B***S :flame:on fire!

Nice try LIAR! I'm not an administrator, or a moderator for this site, people are free to say what they want.


Your hatred for Muslims has been exposed! :yahoo:
Then you're at War with Islam?

''My'' version of Islam??? Who are you and what version do you follow? I'm a Sunni-Brelvis, and you are? Can you prove this point from any Brelvis Ulema Ikram that any Muslim or Kafir is to be kiiled?

Quran is the guide for the Universe, then why don't you implement it? I'm not going through every points of Sharia, it's too much. Minorities have rights under sharia. I suggest you go to a Mufti in Karachi. Even better come to Mirpur, A.K and I'll take you to a Mufti and also I'll show you the beauty of Kashmir.

Here is some proof for denying Sharia and this is from the Quran and, I've not even mentioned hadith of as'salaathu was'salaam.

Then Allah has made it clear that having faith does not conform with seeking judgment in other than what Allah revealed. Allah, the Exalted, says: “Do you not see those who allege to believe in what is revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They desire to seek judgment from the Taghat, although they are commanded to disbelieve in it, and Satan desires to lead them far astray.” (4:60)

“But nay, by your Rabb, they will never become believers until they set you a judge in their disputes and then find no straits in themselves concerning what your verdict, and submit with full submission.” (4:65)

And whosoever does not judge by what Allâh has revealed, such are the Kâfirûn (5:44)

So your knowledge of Islam is like those in Christendom from the Media? ISIS are Khawrij. 120 Sunni Scholars have given fatwa against them.

Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi

Obeying Allah and his Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam is not being Jahil. It is being rightly guided.

Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But proclaim (to them) this (truth): that every soul delivers itself to ruin by its own acts: it will find for itself no protector or intercessor except Allah: if it offered every ransom, (or reparation), none will be accepted: such is (the end of) those who deliver themselves to ruin by their own acts: they will have for drink (only) boiling water, and for punishment, one most grievous: for they persisted in rejecting Allah. (Surah Al-Anam v70)

Why don't you use the same F-16s to liberate Kashmir, Saichen Glacier? Is fighting Muslims easier than fighting Mushrikoon?

Your last lines...if some one is muslim is he allowed to rape and kill as he pleases?? If not who's duty is to stop him? That is what those f 16s are doing.fullfilling this duty.. dispatching scums of toilet to hell

What ulema are u talking about...
Suicide is haram but ulema dont know this..
Killing civilians of any religion. ... haram...but ulema dont know this...

Killing ambassadors haram..be it israeli or american...ulema dont know it..

Desicrating places of worship haram...ulema dont know this..

These are not ulema....juhla of worst kind... cancer that needs to be dealt with...

Who are they to allow suicide after prophet(saw) forbade it...who are they to attack civilians ambassadors desicrate churches???do they know more islam than prophet (saw) ; hazrat umar and abubakr and usman and ali...

Who are they to stop women from education ...did prophet (saw) not marry khadija (pbuh) a leading buissnesswoman of tha time??

Jahalat at extreme...

Every drop of blood muslim or non muslim spilled by these khwarij needs to be avenged...
Azad-Kashmiri said:
You are a LIAR. My posts are still there. Show me 1 post I said killing killing of Hindus or ANY civilian is allowed? You are the ONE who has hatred for Muslims.

LIAR has been exposed! :nana: You can't find 1 post where i said killing Hindus is allowed! :chilli:LIAR, LIAR, your B***S :flame:on fire!

Nice try LIAR! I'm not an administrator, or a moderator for this site, people are free to say what they want.


Your hatred for Muslims has been exposed! :yahoo:
Again. I said you are a Liar. You supported exodus of Kashmiri pundits and remained silent when I exposed. You always remained silent on that. you are a Liar. Now show me one post where I have hatred for any muslim or civilian. You liar . :-):taz::chilli::victory::bounce::partay::lol::D:flame::laugh::shout::yay::omghaha::nana::sarcastic::yay::laughcry:
Again. I said you are a Liar. You supported exodus of Kashmiri pundits and remained silent when I exposed. You always remained silent on that. you are a Liar. Now show me one post where I have hatred for any muslim or civilian. You liar . :-):taz::chilli::victory::bounce::partay::lol::D:flame::laugh::shout::yay::omghaha::nana::sarcastic::yay::laughcry:

LIAR! :police: You've been exposed as a LIAR! :yahoo: Your lying antics has exposed your hatred for Muslims:taz: LIAAAAAR! LIAAAAR! AJJJJJIT is a LIAAAR! :bunny:
Brother, I've already said this in my previous posts and threads about Islamic prohibitions. However, there is no harm in reminding fellow Muslims :-)

Couple of things you have brought-up:

''Suicide'' = is haram. However, amalaythal istashahdiyya with strict conditions, there is a difference of opinion.

Every drop of blood muslim or non muslim spilled by these khwarij needs to be avenged...

I would suggest you check this statement out with a Mufti before you make it.
Brother, I've already said this in my previous posts and threads about Islamic prohibitions. However, there is no harm in reminding fellow Muslims :-)

Couple of things you have brought-up:

''Suicide'' = is haram. However, amalaythal istashahdiyya with strict conditions, there is a difference of opinion.

I would suggest you check this statement out with a Mufti before you make it.

Brother these muftis have violated basics of islam...
Suicide is haram...there is no ... i repeat absolutely nil example from life of prophet where suicide was used in war....
Suicide is haram and only juhla have a different opinion...
i would say these muftis have destroyed spirit of islam...

Islam is not about fighting and winning ....its fighting on principals of prophet (saw) even if it means defeat...
Killing civillians ...haram
Attacking ambassadors ...haram..
killing prisinors ....haram apart from war criminals...
Essential to respect other religions and there places of worship...

If you kill an unarmed person or surrendered soldier...you have done qatal not jehad...

Than you are a murderer and qisas applies...unless you did it by mistake...than diyyat will apply...

Any murderer who happens to be muslim; its prime duty of muslims to deal with them eg taliban and isis shud be dealt with by muslims them selves
Brother these muftis have violated basics of islam.

Bhai, Mufti is another word for a Professor. They've studied Islam for 20-30 years and hence are able to give rulings. I understand your frustration and others on here; unfortunately there are ''charlatans'' like bhai @rockstar08 was pointing out in his post.

I'm sorry you've lost respect for the Ulema Ikram who are, as nabi as'salaathu was'salaam said “Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” (Related byTirmidhi).
These ulemas are munafiqs and fissadis...
These are not the one mentioned in this hadees...

Having studied islam for 40 years and dont know basic principles of islam in war...hence jahils...

Do u know diyyat was paid on behalf of hazrat khalid ibne waleed on instruction of prophet (saw) caz hazrat khalid has ordered killing of 3 prisoners of war (actual surrendered soldiers)and prophet (saw) was not satisfied they have done any crime except fighting against islam in ghuzwa e hunnain. Hence he ordered to pay diyyat....

These were soldiers who surrendered; may even have killed muslim soldiers in war...but still their killing was deemed un lawfull as they had not done any crime (killed civilians)

Yahan bamb bandh k peshawar meena bazar main phat jaatay hain or saray mufti naach rahay hotay hain....
India is irrelevant for us. Your comment is indicative of your nations unhealthy obsession with the land of the pure. Don't you have anything else to do, like kill Kashmiris, rape our Muslim sisters?

If that's what Indians did everyday, there wouldn't be 12 million Kashmiris and 180 million muslims living in India in more peace and tranquility than your "pure land." How many muslims has your country killed? How many muslims has the actions and beliefs of the burqa aunty you are cheering for, killed?

It is clear that you have a lot of hatred in your heart. So you may vent and screech at India all you want. But don't presume to speak for Indian muslims or women, and don't make either group your convenient tool for that purpose. Neither muslims nor women are looking to you for sympathy. If anything, we are looking at you with pity.

Another thing - if you have a problem with me commenting here, take it up with the admins. You have no authority to tell me where I should comment. Take that advice and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

He was put in jail by Musharaf, but our ATG Judiciary released him ..

I don't understand that. Pakistan is not a monarchy, that people are imprisoned on the authority of any one person. If he has broken the laws of the land, he should be in jail. So if the courts let him go, I'm guessing the police or prosecutors did not make a good case, did a shoddy job, and did not show sufficient evidence? Or the judges themselves were either sympathetic or scared of him? How else could somebody who waged war against the state be free? Either the judiciary or the executive or both have effed up.

He was arrested from Lal Masjid during a military operation, and his people were warring with the army and police forces. That has to be a capital offence in Pakistan, or any other country.

India is irrelevant for us. Your comment is indicative of your nations unhealthy obsession with the land of the pure. Don't you have anything else to do, like kill Kashmiris, rape our Muslim sisters?

India is also irrelevant for this thread. So take your anti India screeds elsewhere. Funny you should boast how India is irrelevant to you, and yet talk about India on a thread that is not about India, or Indian muslims, or Indian women. You have just demonstrated who is obsessed with what.
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