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Aid To China Criticised After Beijing Lands Space Probe On The Moon

The reason they still peddle this "aid" is because they believe it's a conduit for political influence. But China is not, say, Uganda, and certainly can't be coerced into amending its policies by the threat of withdrawing aid. This money would be put to far better use domestically - dumps like Hull and Luton and Blackpool could do with a serious makeover.
Take it and say thank you, may be we should ask US :" Why you went to Mar even you've borrowed 1 trillion from us?" as british.
The reason they still peddle this "aid" is because they believe it's a conduit for political influence. But China is not, say, Uganda, and certainly can't be coerced into amending its policies by the threat of withdrawing aid. This money would be put to far better use domestically - dumps like Hull and Luton and Blackpool could do with a serious makeover.
Lol...what can they achieve domestically...
They can only achieve something through wars...
All the money they took from india would have completed by now...
They should find a way to survive...
infact they dont have anything good about their space technology.....

While I think the guys who cry about their aid money being used for space programs are ignorant and need to STFU, in the same vein I think such misguided barbs against the UK should also be avoided.

The recently launched ESA GAIA program to map the stars in the galaxy has quiet a bit of contribution from the UK.
ESA’s Billion Star Surveyor: UCL’s contribution

The UK isn't exactly a light weight when it comes to space. There are a lot of areas where the UK/Europe and India can cooperate in space related areas.

As for people who complain about aid money... well haters gonna hate.
While I think the guys who cry about their aid money being used for space programs are ignorant and need to STFU, in the same vein I think such misguided barbs against the UK should also be avoided.

The recently launched ESA GAIA program to map the stars in the galaxy has quiet a bit of contribution from the UK.
ESA’s Billion Star Surveyor: UCL’s contribution

The UK isn't exactly a light weight when it comes to space. There are a lot of areas where the UK/Europe and India can cooperate in space related areas.

As for people who complain about aid money... well haters gonna hate.
Britain and EU are different entities...
Could you provide some areas where you want india to cooperate with britain...
Fact is they are lilliputs when it come to space...
Britain and EU are different entities...
Could you provide some areas where you want india to cooperate with britain...
Fact is they are lilliputs when it come to space...

There is a whole wikipedia article for that.
British space programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UK is a partner in the ESA and has the third largest contribution to the ESA budget. It also has a growing private sector satellite business which had a turnover of 7.5 billion GBP last year.

What you need to understand is that there have been large number of cuts which are affecting people severely and the papers here need to sell more copies. To sell more copies, the papers here are not above embellishing truth. They feed the bigots both right and left wing here with such stories. They all know that India government has told the UK government that it doesn't need its aid but the UK government is still insisting on giving it with the hope to get some influence. They all love a good moan though and will moan at every opportunity. Most of them moan at the British government for giving aid and not the Indians for receiving it.
There is a whole wikipedia article for that.
British space programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UK is a partner in the ESA and has the third largest contribution to the ESA budget. It also has a growing private sector satellite business which had a turnover of 7.5 billion GBP last year.

What you need to understand is that there have been large number of cuts which are affecting people severely and the papers here need to sell more copies. To sell more copies, the papers here are not above embellishing truth. They feed the bigots both right and left wing here with such stories. They all know that India government has told the UK government that it doesn't need its aid but the UK government is still insisting on giving it with the hope to get some influence. They all love a good moan though and will moan at every opportunity. Most of them moan at the British government for giving aid and not the Indians for receiving it.
Is there something tey did on their own without ESA, NASA, JAXA, etc
As per wiki, their budget is $414million.
We dont have to consider them as a space agency at all...
Please stop publicizing british space programme...
Agree that china and india are way more advanced ...

ts the whole point of this aid...
And some converted A$$holes defend that...

Not entirely true. Yes there are some NGOs like those promoting democracy, Friends of FLG, Freedom house, NED and literacy that are funded by US congress and are fronts for the CIA.

However there are many that have good intentions. Government are large organisations and their development programs usually cover areas that benefits the maximum of people. However there will be some people that will fall through these cracks like people that live in very remote areas where it become ineffective for Government aids. This is where the NGO aids can help.
Not entirely true. Yes there are some NGOs like those promoting democracy, Friends of FLG, Freedom house, NED and literacy that are funded by US congress and are fronts for the CIA.

However there are many that have good intentions. Government are large organisations and their development programs usually cover areas that benefits the maximum of people. However there will be some people that will fall through these cracks like people that live in very remote areas where it become ineffective for Government aids. This is where the NGO aids can help.
Whatever ir may be, they can stop that aid to india and china and use it for their space agency...
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