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Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

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Assalam alaikum

these ppl i guess have a different agenda they tell us to leave these qadianies fool the ppl and if they know islam they they will refute their believes , do they think we r stupid ?

these ppl goto ppl who dont know anything about religion their names r like our names the bring quran with them the read from our hadeeth book , they have bear likes us their ladies doing hijaab and still when they goto them they don't openly say we r qadianies. they use "their peace for all hate for nono" motto.

i don't know about u guys or u don't know about islam , when i see my brother can be fooled by these ppl i must openly warn him and others and this was the reason to name them in our constitution.

u don't care about muslims it is fine for us but dont try to pose ur pov on us while u also agreed they r liers non muslims and they should abide by the law of pakistan to call themselves muslims

In taaza khudaaon mein bara sb sey watan hai
jo pairhan iska hai, woh mazhab ka kafan hai

as long as they are loyal to Pakistan and its interests, that is all that matters

religion is personal thing

sorry, currently there are no such Nations

i fundamentally disagree with you....the borders are drawn and are recognized, though the faith does transcend borders. Doesn't mean we shouldn't put our country and our society's interest first
i fundamentally disagree with you....the borders are drawn and are recognized, though the faith does transcend borders. Doesn't mean we shouldn't put our country and our society's interest first

Then this is why Pakistan is so disunited............... Loyalty is to Allah and not to a Nation...........

I will always side with Pakistan if Pakistan holds the commandment of the Lord supreme, if not, then to hell with it.......... Allah will do to it as it has done to nations in the past and replace them with other people
Then this is why Pakistan is so disunited............... Loyalty is to Allah and not to a Nation...........

it was pro-india Deobandi fanatics who opposed the creation of Pakistan...... ;)
it was pro-india Deobandi fanatics who opposed the creation of Pakistan...... ;)


The very fact that they call themselves Deobandi shows that they do not follow rasoolallah...........Islam has no divisions, no sunni, wahabi, deobandi etc etc etc........... any differences are academical and sorted as such, not by dividing it into smaller smaller groups........ Unity comes in dialogue and the best source of beginning such a dialogue, is the word of the Lord himself, the Glorious Quran
But people are hence the support against Ahmadiyyat throughout Pakistan and beyond........... fools like you may wish to turn away but the reality on the ground will not change..........

I meant your bogus persona they're not buying.

Bring to mind
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. [Surat Ul-Baqarah]

And Ahmadis

There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life May dazzle thee, and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart; yet is he the most contentious of enemies.

When he turns his back, His aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah loveth not mischief. [Surat Ul-Baqarah]

The mischief that they create will not be ignored and instead of smart comments to attract a thanks from members, answer the posts......... its more productive

Explain then, genius, why Ahmadis are unable to convert anyone outside of Pakistan to their Ahmadiy religion?

Even in Pakistan noone converts to Ahmadiy. People convert to Sunni Islam like that cricketer.
Explain then, genius, why Ahmadis are unable to convert anyone outside of Pakistan to their Ahmadiy religion?

Why the personal attack............. not adult enough for a debate without sarcasm or insult.........


Anyway, back to the Al Kazzab Mirza Ghulam Ahmad........... lets see what he has to say about himself and how he becomes Jesus

"God named me Maryam in the third part of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. Then as evident by Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, for two years I grew as Maryam; then like Maryam the soul of Jesus was breathed into me and I was made pregnant, metaphorically, and after many months, which were not more than 10 months, through inspiration, I was converted into Jesus. Thus, like this I bacame Eisa ibne Maryam." (Kishtee-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.50)

Assalam alaikum

Thor bhai my request to u don't enter a debat with our brothers just leave them plz
thak haar ker khud hi chalay jain gay hhhhhh. it is so strange these ppl r dieing to defend the qadianies while the qadianies as usual have gone hiding hhhhhh

it seems the like burq too much

Then this is why Pakistan is so disunited............... Loyalty is to Allah and not to a Nation...........

I will always side with Pakistan if Pakistan holds the commandment of the Lord supreme, if not, then to hell with it.......... Allah will do to it as it has done to nations in the past and replace them with other people

So you'd join an invasion of Pakistan if it were to replace secularity with your version of Islam?
Why the personal attack............. not adult enough for a debate without sarcasm or insult.........


Anyway, back to the Al Kazzab Mirza Ghulam Ahmad........... lets see what he has to say about himself and how he becomes Jesus

"God named me Maryam in the third part of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. Then as evident by Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, for two years I grew as Maryam; then like Maryam the soul of Jesus was breathed into me and I was made pregnant, metaphorically, and after many months, which were not more than 10 months, through inspiration, I was converted into Jesus. Thus, like this I bacame Eisa ibne Maryam." (Kishtee-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.50)


Assalam alaikum

yaar yeh to bohot bara kazzab hay he became mareyam and then jesus born form him and they consider him messiah

Allah hi hidayat dain humain or un ko aameen

So you'd join an invasion of Pakistan if it were to replace secularity with your version of Islam?

Not my version........... but to come to common terms as between us and other Muslims who have broken into smaller so called sects where very little difference is between all........ and to answer your question............. YES

---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 AM ----------

Assalam alaikum

yaar yeh to bohot bara kazzab hay he became mareyam and then jesus born form him and they consider him messiah

Allah hi hidayat dain humain or un ko aameen


You have t read his books to believe his mentality, he became a women, became poregnant, gave birth to himself and thus.. he became Jesus

Although I strongly disagree with their beliefs but writing on passports and official documents to say they are non-Muslims is discrimination.

There is no doubt about that!!

Just writing them off as non-Muslims does not constitute a harmless response.

Because if they go to schools and shops with their papers they will be kicked out from there.

Then why don they put agha khan gang on the list?? Or is he too rich and grand some to be ignored???

Silly Pakistanis complain of being discriminated against in the west when they themselves discriminate their fellow countrymen.

Allah tallah will be the judge of those people as the pak parvardigar is the judge of the world.

Why the personal attack............. not adult enough for a debate without sarcasm or insult.........

Sarcasm is not a personal attack. A personal attack would be calling someone a fool, as you did in your post 300. You really are particularly intelligent, i see.

---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

Not my version........... but to come to common terms as between us and other Muslims who have broken into smaller so called sects where very little difference is between all........ and to answer your question............. YES

It wouldn't matter if thousands of people died of course? You'd jump at the chance to invade Pakistan and replace it with your type of government. Citizen deaths are just collateral, I assume?
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